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Returning player, a few questions


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I played the game at release and am just getting back into it. I subbed and am getting the 12x xp boost and really enjoy it.


Is it worth it to even bother with side quests? I made a new sith warrior 2 nights ago and was level 8 in about 10 minutes. I don't think it's a big deal but am I missing out on anything that effects my character and story? Also am I missing out on a lot of commendations, I know I'll be using those to put mods in my gear when I get to the fleet.


As far as flashpoints go, again is it even worth messing with them at this time since when the next expansion is release they will be redone anyway? I really enjoy doing them, but by the time I get done with 1 I could have went up another 5 levels or so just from doing the story quests.


Right now I'm making a bunch of characters trying to figure out what I want to play, so I haven't gotten even to my ship yet on any one character. The only one that has it is a level 31 bounty hunter I had back in the day.

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You do not get X12 experience for side quests so only do them if you want to do them. The planetary main story can be fun to do for example.


Flashpoints add to the story aswell but they will not give X12 experience so everything else except class story is optional.


You can if you want get a White Acute Module from the Gree vendor at Fleet (or the starter planets) use that item if you want normal experience gain, then you can do the planet quests aswell alongside some flashpoints without being overleveled.


All quests and flashpoints except the main class story becomes optional with this X12 experience boost, you can level a character by only doing the class story. The X12 ends when you hit level 55.


They have talked about some change with a "enhanced experience" when leveling in the expansion, but we do not know at the moment what that actually means.

Edited by Icestar
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There is one side quest that I can think of that gives you an additional dialogue option much later in the game and that's the Revan Cult side quest on DK. Aside from that, there are many side quests and planet quest lines that are great and get into a lot of the lore, though have no direct effect on the main story. One example off the top of my head is What Czerka Found on Tatooine (Think there is a version of this for both factions). And there's another one on Nar Shadaah... damn the name escapes me atm, and another I remember specifically on Belsalvis. My memory is terrible, but I would recommend taking the time to take one character through all the side and planetary missions (bonus series as well) if you enjoy the lore and don't want to miss anything.
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Just having leveled a new character to 59.5 or so, doing very few side quests, including the Revanite story on Dromund Kaas, a few FPs here and there, and some pvp, I can say that you get enough commendations to get the gear you need more often than you need to. At least if you pick the commendation rewards when you get them. I can't say if that is possible with only the starter world under your belt though. But if you wait until you need to update, there won't be a problem.
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Since you have a lot of characters, you can try different quests with each of them so it doesn't get so repetitive. You only get one commendation for a lot of the side quests so if you're picking up, say, one per area on a new planet you'll still get enough for a couple of extra mods by the end of the run. Then with another character you can do your class quests and different side quests so it's like a whole new story line!
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