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KotFE, Companion confusion and WTH are they thinking...


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Just to put the "difficulty" of fully modding out a companion into perspective:


To fully "mod" any character, PC or NPC up through level 53, with standard "blue" mods from the supply section on the fleet stations, takes 75 Basic Commendations. 25 slots, 2 Comms for each mod.


Doing just a full run of Oricon, with the Weekly, gives about 70 Basic Comms.


You only really need to change out item mods every 4 or 6 levels, unless you're completely over-rushing through the 1-50 content. Your mods don't need to be at YOUR level, they need to be at or above the level of the missions you're doing. If you're on a planet with missions at level 21, and you have level 21+ mods, you don't need to upgrade just because you hit level 23 or level 25. Save up, and upgrade when you hit 25 or 27 and you're headed to a new planet.


Its actually even easier for those with alts. You can just mail the mods from max level characters to the character you are leveling up and save all the commendations you earn as you level, and the at 55 you have more than eough to outfit you and your 5-6 companions (including Treek, excluding HK) in blue 172's

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Its actually even easier for those with alts. You can just mail the mods from max level characters to the character you are leveling up and save all the commendations you earn as you level, and the at 55 you have more than eough to outfit you and your 5-6 companions (including Treek, excluding HK) in blue 172's


That's more or less what I've been doing. It's either that, or buy random stuff and then sell it for credits. Once you get through SoR you should be swimming in Basic comms, and mod-gearing alts and their companions should be cake.




I just had a thought -- Bioware could have started offering "fully automatic companion adaptive" gear that scales with level and adapts to whatever role the player assigns to the companion.


That way, those who wanted to gear their companions still could, and those who wanted to skip it and play Skadge as a Healer comp could do so.

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That's more or less what I've been doing. It's either that, or buy random stuff and then sell it for credits. Once you get through SoR you should be swimming in Basic comms, and mod-gearing alts and their companions should be cake.




I just had a thought -- Bioware could have started offering "fully automatic companion adaptive" gear that scales with level and adapts to whatever role the player assigns to the companion.


That way, those who wanted to gear their companions still could, and those who wanted to skip it and play Skadge as a Healer comp could do so.


I agree, it doesn't have to be an either or issue. In fact that'd be wonderful should you want to use a certain companion but don't have the comms to update their gear.

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I get the criticism about the new system and I think Bioware should add the possibility of somehow influencing a companions PvP effectiveness by also taking into account your expertise level and overall gear level. Which means to get the best possible PvP companion is actually to farm the best possible PvP gear. Both the 2018 expertise in combination with the 174 average gearscore (current example) will result in a good PvP companion.



I hope this is how it works for equipped player pvp gear.

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Just to put the "difficulty" of fully modding out a companion into perspective:


To fully "mod" any character, PC or NPC up through level 53, with standard "blue" mods from the supply section on the fleet stations, takes 75 Basic Commendations. 25 slots, 2 Comms for each mod.


Doing just a full run of Oricon, with the Weekly, gives about 70 Basic Comms.


You only really need to change out item mods every 4 or 6 levels, unless you're completely over-rushing through the 1-50 content. Your mods don't need to be at YOUR level, they need to be at or above the level of the missions you're doing. If you're on a planet with missions at level 21, and you have level 21+ mods, you don't need to upgrade just because you hit level 23 or level 25. Save up, and upgrade when you hit 25 or 27 and you're headed to a new planet.


True. Same with running the Yavin 4 dailies as well. I think that each run through nets 30+ commendations with drops.


LOL, I find gearing out my companions is the only way to keep from the 1,000 max and having the commendations go to waste since I do not need credits and would likely not try to sell the mods, etc. on the GTN.

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For end game I see that it is easy to do so, however while leveling I like this change as it just lets me focus on my main character leveling up and I can use who ever I like regardless of who they are, sadly it gets rid of part of their character identity, sadly we cannot have a full group of companions with us the whole time like other bioware games but that is for other reasons completely, and no I am not advocating for a people to have a full group of companions. Edited by Draocnkang
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If the companion(s) are you favorite and you love them and hug them and call them 'George', then you will know what decisions/gifts you make/give that makes them happy or pisses them off. Now, you probably can't just give them a trinket and be the most evil guy/gal out there, or the fluffiest guy/gal out there. Any decisions you make from KotFE chapter 1 to chapter one billion will need to be thought out well. If you love and adore Vette, then you know you can't be a lazy and evil bastard and let the sun thingie explode killing millions. Now, you'll have to go 'what decision would Vette like/not like'.


It's called consequences for every action you make/made from Chapter 1 on. Just remember that next time you want to lulz and kill the orphans with little Orphan Annie singing and skipping her way across the galaxy with Daddy Warbucks.


haha, I love this and I really hope they do it, it always felt immersion breaking (to me at least) that a darkside warrior could romance vette, he would just as soon kill, enslave her and it makes no sense for her to even like the Warrior in that circumstance, or like how Elara can romance a dark side trooper

Hey I just left 300 people to die on Belsavis to save my booty call, will you marry me, OH YES DEAR!


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Whether it is 10 players attacking 1 player or 1 player attacking 100, it is still PvP. Your entire argument revolves around "i will be so lonely and dead without companion guarding me in PvP". Companions should never have been a part of PvP, it was a mistake in EAWare AUstin's part, they need to redo it.


And if you want to insult me saying i am too lazy to min-max my companion, then you did not understand my stance about companion : i only see companions as PvE only item that helps me kill mob, nothing more. there is no reason for me to gear my companion for PvP or even group PvE content like HM FP.


And if you are depending on your npc companion for PvP with lame excuse like "they are also part of faction and PvP in open world is faction vs faction" then you are nothing more than a lame carebear pretending to be a big time PvPer.




The problem is that "YOU" only see companions as PVE only...it is clear that Bioware intended for them to be more involved in all aspects of the game your opinion is appreciated...but very wrong.


The point is that it seems that Bioware and most if not all other MMORPG's are taking away our individuality, creativity and rationalization to make rubber stamp / cookie cutter gaming. Is it because people (adults) are really more stupid, less skillful etc. these days or is it because it's easier/cheaper to program, their paid subscribers are a lot less and a lot younger (not within the rating of the games), their making games to be baby sitters for the parents who don't want to interact with or protect them from something they shouldn't be involved with in the first place.


Although I have pugged with some really stupid ppl...I seriously think it's the later and that it correlates with the whole...lets make it easier and cheaper to do, and charge the same or over charge for. BWE.

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That's more or less what I've been doing. It's either that, or buy random stuff and then sell it for credits. Once you get through SoR you should be swimming in Basic comms, and mod-gearing alts and their companions should be cake.




I just had a thought -- Bioware could have started offering "fully automatic companion adaptive" gear that scales with level and adapts to whatever role the player assigns to the companion.


That way, those who wanted to gear their companions still could, and those who wanted to skip it and play Skadge as a Healer comp could do so.


The issue is...that companions already scale (level) to your lvl and have since the beginning...they wont scale to what or how you are equipped. Which would be a disaster in the first place...can you imagine a fully geared, min/max'd dps player with a tank companion that has the same stats you do. That would be a huge misteke

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I hope this is how it works for equipped player pvp gear.


This would be a huge problem due to your PC and companion not needing the same stat requirements.

i.e., Your PC is a tank and the comp you are using is a healer...your gear stats wouldnt be good for your comp.


just leave it the frigging way it is. This way theres a choice for everyone (well except for that one person that thinks comps shouldn't be able to PVP in the first place...face roll) equip / dont equip, min max / dont min max, PVP equip / dont PVP equip. Leave it to our individual personal choice.


What it seems a lot of you dont realize is that our companions already scale to our lvl and have since the begining and I can prove it. When you lvl and get abilities higher health and other stats... so does "ALL" of your companions, whether you have used them or not. Even your butler droid will be your lvl...so they already scale to our lvl. The gear we equip them with is just in addition to their base stats. Its the same as when you lvl your PC and gear it, you have set base stats, then equip that PC adding to / changing in aaddition to those base stats.


Taking away our ability to equip our comp's the way we want to...they are basically changing those comp's into toy pets "personal mouse droids"


In addition...WTH are we supposed to do with all of those Comms at end game?!?

Edited by dapixelassassin
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I'm not really sure what to think...I like it and I hate it...

I feel that certain classes of mine will suffer while others improve...

For example my Lightning Sorc relies on Asharas stats and gear being the way they are....she does enough damage and keeps enough threat that I can sit back and deep fry everything...I have NO NEED for things to be ANY different...

but chances are she's going to LOSE power,not gain it, once her stats are made generic and so is her gear....


On the other side of that is my Bounty Hunter....I can FINALLY stop taking Mako EVERYWHERE....I can switch to Blizz,make him a healer,and STOP hearing Makos annoying trap saying the wrong thing at the wrong time...(seriously,why does she CONSTANTLY tell dead people they're going to regret it? Regret what? THEY'RE DEAD)...



As for the scaling at/with your level bit....

Yes they scale WITH your level now...they have their own stats though meaning they're not all the same thanks to gear....My Ashara functions differently than yours because I gear her different. When they hit levels they leveled their own way...(that I dictated but nevermind that)

Of course once 4.0 hits all that is gone.....

Now they'll scale AT your level...Gear is worthless and my Ashara and your Blizz are IDENTICAL in EVERY way...every single one of them is just "generic companion 60" with a different skin


Yeah...Like I said...Love it /Hate it. The curse of seeing both sides...

Edited by RavenscarX
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Well waiting to see how it all works first and that means waiting until it out. not before.

However other than story which is good, more solo stuff with Ops, FPs and such also good. I have to admit I have not read anything else that I have liked at all about the new xpac. Nope nothing.


Still its happening so no use in complaining. Its simple really wait to see if its ok, if not leave. Worth waiting to find out though.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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