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Wild Space Explorer's packs are here!


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Everyone is probably gonna hate me for this, but here goes. I had some spare CCs from a referral click I got, I almost never get referral clicks so this was kinda special. I was able to afford 3 packs, so I bought 3 Wild Space Explorer's Packs. I ended up getting mostly junk, except for the new skiff, and the new jetpack.
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Everyone is probably gonna hate me for this, but here goes. I had some spare CCs from a referral click I got, I almost never get referral clicks so this was kinda special. I was able to afford 3 packs, so I bought 3 Wild Space Explorer's Packs. I ended up getting mostly junk, except for the new skiff, and the new jetpack.


Well, depending on how much you want that jetpack, you could easily turn it around on the GTN for just about anything else you wanted. Of course, if you were really after the jetpack, then congrats!

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Well, depending on how much you want that jetpack, you could easily turn it around on the GTN for just about anything else you wanted. Of course, if you were really after the jetpack, then congrats!


Unfortunately, I already used the jetpack out of pure excitement lol. Hopefully I don't regret it later on :p

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Dang...two hypercrates and managed to get a decent chunk of the Sith decor items (most of which I already used, the rest of which will be on the GTN in a day and a half).


The mounts were kinda dismal this time..mostly Tion's, a couple of Desler's and two of the Dasta's (which I actually wanted). after looking at the newer Jetpack, I don't mind not having gotten it so much. The flourish is cool and all, but that pack is ugly.


Armor-wise...I did get two Havoc Squad chests and two of the Ravager upper armor sets, as well as one Supplementary set, but that was about it other than a few sets of the Interrogator armor, and bits and pieces of a few other sets. I was hoping for more Havoc armor - but I guess I'll just have to buy it off GTN.


I did manage to get several power crystals though, and those plus the decor tend to be high credit GTN items, so I should be able to flip enough to not feel ripped off, especially given all of the decor I got to unlock (I'[m an OCD decor/SH person).

Edited by Bachannal
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Yup. I spend $15 per month and that's it. Anyone who wants CC and pays for them is doing it wrong. :cool:


If you already have so many clicks, then why not remove your link from your sig and allow some lesser fortunate/newer people have a higher chance? Not being funny or anything. And yes I am jealous :D

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If you already have so many clicks, then why not remove your link from your sig and allow some lesser fortunate/newer people have a higher chance? Not being funny or anything. And yes I am jealous :D


Because I LOVE rolling in the coins. On that note. I bought SIX freaking hypercrates, and STILL didn't get the entire Havoc Squad set! I'm missing the greaves and bracers. I got a few extra of the other pieces to sell, but man - that set is RARE.


Or the RNG gods might hate me. I got even less of Draay's set, and I'm hearing that's dropping like candy.

I did get two jetpacks, two skiffs, and a vorantikus. I'm gonna keep the vorantikus and probably one of the skiffs for sure, but the other stuff will probably help me to become rich in credits. =)


You sound poor; really, really poor.


I'm a teacher, so yeah - poor is where I live.

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If you already have so many clicks, then why not remove your link from your sig and allow some lesser fortunate/newer people have a higher chance? Not being funny or anything. And yes I am jealous :D


Don't worry, I'm sitting at 0 :D. I wasn't playing back when the program started though, I imagine people got a surge of referrals back then and that's help pad their numbers.

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Two hypercrates and only the havoc chest and helm. I am a sad panda. Though, I did manage two Cyberclaw Vorantikus, one Hutt Cantina Skiff and one Regal Chemilizard. Plus two full ravager sets, one full orbalisk set(so ugly), at least one of each weapon and all of the crystals except endurance(5 crit ones). So I don't feel too bad, I guess. Just wish I got more Havoc Squad armor.
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Don't worry, I'm sitting at 0 :D. I wasn't playing back when the program started though, I imagine people got a surge of referrals back then and that's help pad their numbers.


Actually no, most seem to come from random clicks from here. Then there is those that post them in game for others to click or pay others credits to click them.

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Don't worry, I'm sitting at 0 :D. I wasn't playing back when the program started though, I imagine people got a surge of referrals back then and that's help pad their numbers.


I'm sure that's true, but you just have to be smart about getting your link out there. Always post as much as you can after an announcement - people come flocking to the site and find a link to click. Always answer any post where your reply will be on the front page. Use shiny colors. Some people say being nice helps. :cool:

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I didn't get a jetback, but I got almost every thing else. I managed to get two havoc helmets, so we see how much I can get for them. I also managed to get a bunch of decos. This time I might keep half for my own SH. I bought two hypercrates and will probably buy a third crate. As a contingent I have 13 million of credits and a primary black dye I can sell to buy the jetback, but I don't think it will cost that much. Probably a few millions, but I highly doubt it the price will go over 6 million at most. The market will probably be flood with them.
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OK so I opened 3 hypercrates, 72 packs and 3 platinum packs...... don't judge me! :p And I'm bored right now so I'm saying all of what I got. (-1) meaning I used it.



Dasta Titan...............5 (-1)

Hutt Cantina Skiff..........3 (-1)

Razalon FC-21.............5 (-1)

Regal Chemilizard............5 (-1)

Tion SY-7...................6 (-1)



Dark and Light Red.......... 5

Medium Green and Deep blue......... 2

Gree Hypergate.......4 (-1)

Emote: shovel...........4 (-1)

Emote: pickaxe.........1 (-1)


Andronikus Revel........1



Wild Space Explorer.......2 (-1)

Galactic Wanderer.......3 (-1)



Stormcloud Flutterplume..........2


Color Crystal

Black-red power...........3

" " expertise.......2

" " endurance..........1

Green Empeth endurance........ 1



Commemorative Statue of Malgus............1 (-1)

Dread Fate Plaque........... 4 (-1)

Sith Bunk Bed.............2 (-1)

Sith Temple Long Table.............4 (-1)

Banner: Sith Empire.............5 (-1)

Sith Temple Chair......... 2 (-1)

Sith Temple Bench........... 2 (-1)

Imperial Security Console...........1

Pureblood Sith Lord (female)............1 (-1)



Saberstaff............... 4



Sniper Rifle.............1

Assault Cannon..............1



Battleworn Engineer Full Set...........1

" " Supplementary............2

" " Upper...........1

Lucien Draay Bracers......... 3 (stupid belt and bracers)

" " Belt............1

Synthetic Bio-Fiber Full Set :D

Armored Interrogator chest...........4

" " legs..........3

" " boots........5 (damn boots)

" " belt.........1

" " bracer............1

Ravager's Full Set

" " Upper........2


Orbalisk head..........3 (almost 1 full set!! :jawa_evil: )

" " chest...........1

" " legs............3

" " boots...........1

" " gloves..........1

" " belt..............2

Havoc chest........1

" " legs...........1

" " belt.............2


......... so then I went on my second account and got 4 more hypercrates. But I stopped after opening up only 8 packs and 1 platinum since I decided to just transfer them to my main account. And this is what I also got. Still got 88 more packs to open after bound timer expires LOL.


Black-red power (1) and expertise (1)

Assault cannon (1) and blaster (1)

Orbalisk chest (1) and boots (1)

Havoc helmet (1) and bracer (1) WOOO baby almost full set, just need hands and boots!!

Dasta Titan (1), Skadge (1), Emote: pickaxe (1), aforementioned green/blue dye (1), Galactic Wanderer (1)

Synthetic Bio-Fiber lower (1), Ravager's lower (1), and Battleworn upper (1) and supplementary (1)

Edited by Fireswraith
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Well, depending on how much you want that jetpack, you could easily turn it around on the GTN for just about anything else you wanted. Of course, if you were really after the jetpack, then congrats!

I didn't get the jetpack (but I have an earlier one), but my SI (BT2 human female with the Dark Andeddu set) got the skiff. Man, that's fun:

* There's a microdroid with a tray of megagrapes(1) that floats beside you.

* Your character will periodically reach up, grab a megagrape, flip it in the air, and catch it in (in my case) her mouth.

* There's a driver-droid that doesn't have the dopey ring round the head.

* There's a holoprojector (of a Twilek dancer, I think) on the back that you can turn on or off with the flourish.

* When the holoprojector's on, it plays music!

* The tail on the Dark Andeddu set does show through the floor, but only just and it's mostly hidden by the engine nacelles.


(1) Looks like a bunch of grapes, but the grapes are the size of medium-small peaches.

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