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Bioware doesn't give me a HM revan kill


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I can't even begin to explain how mad this makes me. Spend over a month pulling this boss and then the game kicks me out of the phase while I was trying to target the core. (9:58-10:10) I have been a sub since 4/21/10 and don't want to quit now. If I don't get my loot, title, and achievement, bye bye swtor.


@bioware the achievement was 8/30/2015 at 9:38:42

Edit: bug from a dps PoV

Edited by YatesFloyd
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So you're (threatening) quitting over not being awarded an achievement and loot from a kill?

Then, once you've collected all your good stuff, non-bound bits and pieces can I have them please?

Because I've had experience with CS and attempting to get achievements awarded after the event - failing to get them through no fault of your own, and I can tell you now you'll be upset, disappointed and, if your threat is to be believed, will be quitting.

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When you watch the video, you can clearly see at 10:06 that "something" pressed the "Return to Medcenter" button (The button was glowing out right before the loading screen appeared).


Whatever that "something" was, it was most likely on your end, since the game doesn't press buttons on itself.

Edited by Sindariel
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When you watch the video, you can clearly see at 10:06 that "something" pressed the "Return to Medcenter" button (The button was glowing out right before the loading screen appeared).


Whatever that "something" was, it was most likely on your end, since the game doesn't press buttons on itself.


So you're implying this was on my end when MY CURSOR is way above the return to medcenter button, OBVIOUSLY not clicking medcenter and then it highlights and kicks me out of the phase. If I am capable of clearing all the content in this game, except apparently Revan, then I know how to return to medcenter/revive correctly. Anyone who cannot see my cursor well above medcenter clicking the core is either blind or dumb. I'll let you slide as blind for now.

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It looks like behavior that happens when running g-keyboard macros and some scripts.... I've seen this behavior before with people streaming using those things that are against the TOS.... Especially during burn phases where movement is not really required.


Your mouse cursor disappears/reappears... a lot during the burn phase, yet it is noticeably absent up to the burn phase. But each time it appears, it is exactly where the respawn button would be. This looks like input lag from a macro that did not get shut off fast enough after you died.

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Funny how these guys immediately took out torches and want to burn the OP because he dared to point one of ongoing bugs in the game that hasn't been fixed in months. This is ridiculous that you accuse him of scripts but actually know KRIFF about operations and what's going on in them. If you were doing them reguraly, you would have been aware of these random quits. It's another thread discussing this matter and once again the OP is ridiculed by people who believe the bug doesn't exist because they have never encountered him personally..


Your mouse cursor disappears/reappears... a lot during the burn phase, yet it is noticeably absent up to the burn phase. But each time it appears, it is exactly where the respawn button would be. This looks like input lag from a macro that did not get shut off fast enough after you died.

^This guy is just a ray of sunshine. Newsflash: the OP was alive up to the burn phase so of course his cursor was somewhere hidden while he was actually using the keyboard to play. This is normal for melee classes. But you seem to be a clicker that hasn't stepped out of Kuats, so that is why you seem surprised?


During the burn phase he was dead, his cursor appears and disappears because when you move your camera the cursor disappears. Amazing right? The bug occurs when you move your camera, you are kicked out of instance.


@OP you should write a ticket and link your videos. I hope you get your achievement.

Edited by PavSalco
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Funny how these guys immediately took out torches and want to burn the OP because he dared to point one of ongoing bugs in the game that hasn't been fixed in months. This is ridiculous that you accuse him of scripts but actually know KRIFF about operations and what's going on in them. If you were doing them reguraly, you would have been aware of these random quits. It's another thread discussing this matter and once again the OP is ridiculed by people who believe the bug doesn't exist because they have never encountered him personally..



^This guy is just a ray of sunshine. Newsflash: the OP was alive up to the burn phase so of course his cursor was somewhere hidden while he was actually using the keyboard to play. This is normal for melee classes. But you seem to be a clicker that hasn't stepped out of Kuats, so that is why you seem surprised?


During the burn phase he was dead, his cursor appears and disappears because when you move your camera the cursor disappears. Amazing right? The bug occurs when you move your camera, you are kicked out of instance.


@OP you should write a ticket and link your videos. I hope you get your achievement.


Since when being clicker in playing any class became so "You dare use your mouth in high pvp/pve?! ". With all due respect, i suggest you stop being so elitish snob, just because someone plays with different style. Meh, you don't even know this man to judge him.


On the note:


Getting such bug problems is a real mess, i can say that, i had such problems an year ago. So, i am not sure Bioware answer to this. And surely, quitting game, just because you didn't get stupid achievement.. is... kind of stupid?:rak_02:

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^This guy is just a ray of sunshine. Newsflash: the OP was alive up to the burn phase so of course his cursor was somewhere hidden while he was actually using the keyboard to play. This is normal for melee classes. But you seem to be a clicker that hasn't stepped out of Kuats, so that is why you seem surprised?


During the burn phase he was dead, his cursor appears and disappears because when you move your camera the cursor disappears. Amazing right? The bug occurs when you move your camera, you are kicked out of instance.


Wow attack people much?


All I said was I had seen this before with macros and scripts. I never accused anyone of anything, implied or not. I was just making a statement. As for personal attacks, w/e? While I am not 10/10, nor do I claim to be some 1337 player, I am 5/10 and I do know how to play.


And for the record, just because someone clicks, does not make them "bads". I have to click because of nerve damage to my left hand, so I can't keyboard press everything. I know plenty of people who click who are 10/10. Just because you don't have the reflexes to do it, does not mean other people do not.

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If you actually watched watched you can clearly cursor way above my return to medcenter button and I am targetting the core. If you guys wanna understand my frustartion, why don't you kill hardmode revan. Also, macros? You must be lacking a few chromosomes, because it's called keyboard turning. I am not a clicker-hater as I was one months ago, and one of our dps was a clicker. However with that said, I am obviously binding (1-12) (S+1-12) and (Q, E, R). You really cannot keyboard turn on Revan (it's a once you pull it thing). Anyway to accuse me of macros when I am clicking a stim, grenade, and adrenall, and NOT doing any dps when I am looking at abberations is just outright dumb. If you want my parse I'll show it to you. #babydeeps
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