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Is Ranked PvP dead?


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* No warzone comms to buy PVP decos with

* Only reward is tokens for items that don't exist yet

* No objective-based play that actually works with the class dynamic of the game

* Tons of participants who are toxic, rude, nasty escapees from the PVP servers they themselves ruined by being the lovely people they are.

* 4v4 deathmatch only

* My main is a gunslinger


So yeah, I'm trying to work out some points in favor but they're just not coming to me... Oh wait.


* It's over really fast.

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* No warzone comms to buy PVP decos with

* Only reward is tokens for items that don't exist yet

* No objective-based play that actually works with the class dynamic of the game

* Tons of participants who are toxic, rude, nasty escapees from the PVP servers they themselves ruined by being the lovely people they are.

* 4v4 deathmatch only

* My main is a gunslinger


So yeah, I'm trying to work out some points in favor but they're just not coming to me... Oh wait.


* It's over really fast.


You forgot impossible to play pub side unless you queue sync so you're forced to play a faction you may not like or are just straight up bored with.

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There is an easy solution to increase ranked poulation, BW should handle ranked dailies and weeklies the same way like unranked. Make losses count for it. The problem, the same people complaining about ranked PVP is dead, will be against it. If you like a game for the elite only, than you have to accept a small population. It was your choice to mob everybody else out of the queue. Edited by DerTaran
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PoT5 is about the only server that is in permanent "light" population status. And yes, there are times when I think this is taking things a little more generous with the term than it should be. There should be a fourth population status, "empty".


But all kidding aside, the population on PoT5 on the Repub side is light at the best of times. For some things this is great. When it comes to resource farming you got the planet to yourself. But this is horrible when it comes to PVP.


In OWPVP, as a Repub, you are a dead man walking. In ranked, you are the low man out. In unranked, you are the guy who fell asleep waiting for it to pop when playing outside of prime time.


When I'm on one of my Imps, I can't even do OWPVP because I know the few Repubs running around have no chance. They have no support and are heavily outnumbered. In warzones, it is more imp vs imp than it is Repub vs Repub. But I must admit here lately even the imp v imp matches sometimes lack full teams in 60 bracket.


Anybody who is still on PoT5 and is a dedicated PVPer, my advice is to bail. Find a new home and wait to bring your goods to a new home. Because at some point even BW has to realize it is time to shut the lights off on this server. But that might be a while yet still.

Edited by ForceWelder
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As a long time unranked PVP player, I finally decided to see what ranked play was all about. I did four of them last night on the Harbinger server and lost all four matches by 10 miles. It was a joke especially when the enemy had an Operative and a Sin who made a bee line right to me in stealth and then perma stunned me until I was dead. I think I got one shot off and did 3000 in damage. The rest of the matches were variations of the same where I would just be stunned and then obliterated. I am a balanced Sage and it takes time for me to get my DPS rolling along but a good Sin/Op combo can wipe me out before I can even get my Force Armor bubble up and even if I do, they seem to burn through it.
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Who the **** really cares about ranked anymore?, it's full of *****s and stun/slow fests, raging children who complain that you didn't do anything while stunlocked and demands that you do better, only to find that they are at the bottom of the scoreboard.

Bioware needs to remove arenas from normal pvp and sort midbies out. Its broken. Its stupid. Full teams of 50+ vs teams of under level 50. No surprises when the 50+s win every time. It should go, 10-29, 30-49, 50-59 and 60. Make pvp cross servers of the same region, ie, all *english* servers share the same pvp pool.

Only then, should people start caring about ranked. Bioware praises it, but it's just stupid working on one thing when something else desperately needs fixing.

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As a long time unranked PVP player, I finally decided to see what ranked play was all about. I did four of them last night on the Harbinger server and lost all four matches by 10 miles. It was a joke especially when the enemy had an Operative and a Sin who made a bee line right to me in stealth and then perma stunned me until I was dead. I think I got one shot off and did 3000 in damage. The rest of the matches were variations of the same where I would just be stunned and then obliterated. I am a balanced Sage and it takes time for me to get my DPS rolling along but a good Sin/Op combo can wipe me out before I can even get my Force Armor bubble up and even if I do, they seem to burn through it.


Then you're really doing something wrong. Sages are squishy, but not as squishy as that.


Ranked is a whole new ballgame when it comes to PvP. You can top charts in regs, get in ranked & be globalled in 4 secs!

The teams you were with were probably some of the noobish teams, also who didn't peel or "protect" you, leaving you to die fast.

I do think TK is faster & better for ranked, but I could be mistaken too. I've not played mine but a few matches.

Are you fully DR, augmented, & min/max? That will help you some.

Yolo is just hard to, because you have to mesh with your team in 30 sec. All too often that doesn't happen. Heck lately a few matches I've been in, very little is said. They barely pick a target before the gate drops. Not sure what's going on with that.


Who the **** really cares about ranked anymore?, it's full of *****s and stun/slow fests, raging children who complain that you didn't do anything while stunlocked and demands that you do better, only to find that they are at the bottom of the scoreboard.

Bioware needs to remove arenas from normal pvp and sort midbies out. Its broken. Its stupid. Full teams of 50+ vs teams of under level 50. No surprises when the 50+s win every time. It should go, 10-29, 30-49, 50-59 and 60. Make pvp cross servers of the same region, ie, all *english* servers share the same pvp pool.

Only then, should people start caring about ranked. Bioware praises it, but it's just stupid working on one thing when something else desperately needs fixing.


Hmm look at the leaderboards & you will see the answer to that question. lol

I won't disagree that there are quite a few that whine & complain, but not all do. I enjoy ranked. The competition & the drive to be better than the next guy is fun.

But I do hate the harassment you get if you're not "good" enough in arenas. How if you get globalled it's your fault, but if they were globalled "they lagged" or "someone's hacking", etc...


I wish BW would allow us to queue for Arenas in regs, that way we could get some practice on 4v4 without messing others ranks up. I find Arenas a lot more fun that the normal WZ we've been playing forever now. Plus they end quicker & are much more fast paced.


I do agree with your Tiers. It has needed revamped for awhile now.

Would love for Cross server to be implemented, but they've already said no on that. Something better is coming Soon™. lol They even reiterated that a month ago. Still waiting for what it is though...

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