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awesome mount!


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Your life must be very,very boring....


Yes, yes. So because I like the style of a mount that appeals to me in an online video game and I buy it, shows that my life must be very boring.


Brilliant observation! Oh well. I like it. :)


I don't know why people have to post and attack the other person in a way if they don't like it or agree. Just simply don't respond.

Edited by Sarfux
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I don't know why people have to post and attack the other person in a way if they don't like it or agree. Just simply don't respond.


It's a manifestation of Fan Hating. The Internet teaches (some) people that disliking something shows their intelligence. Having someone make an otherwise intelligent (or at least, not-unintelligent) comment in support of something undermines this world view and the more intellectually immature people will lash out in response. They demand that you conform to the in-group (at least, their in-group) so that they don't have to deal with a world where people have different opinions. They want things to be simple and easily understandable. A world where intelligent people have different ideas, different tastes, and come to different conclusions is very hard for them to wrap their minds around.

Edited by Malastare
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It's a manifestation of Fan Hating. The Internet teaches (some) people that disliking something shows their intelligence. Having someone make an otherwise intelligent (or at least, not-unintelligent) comment in support of something undermines this world view and the more intellectually immature people will lash out in response. They demand that you conform to the in-group (at least, their in-group) so that they don't have to deal with a world where people have different opinions. They want things to be simple and easily understandable. A world where intelligent people have different ideas, different tastes, and come to different conclusions is very hard for them to wrap their minds around.


Indeed, The irony of online flaming is often nobody is actually arguing with anybody. It is more often than not them arguing with themselves that their opinion is better without actually reading or responding to the information given to them.

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haters gonna hate.

I personally think its a waste of cc. But hey what ever floats ur boat. I wish they would make a mount where im on a throne being pulled by a bunch of massassi or slave tweliks. I might pay for that........maybe.


Now that is such an amazing idea for a mount. <Hands Ghenghis a Bioware employee card.>

Don't worry it's laminated, so it's real.

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I think the issue here is not that the mount is cool or not, it's that its CM. Instead of getting items for playing the game the majority of decorations, outfits, weapons, companion customizations, mounts, pets, regen, emotes, etc are all from CM.


Why not put half of them in the game as incentives to actually play the game. I understand that the CM is the only reason this game is alive (this is a fact), but why do you think that is...you only need a Cash shop (technically) if you cant provide enough content or reasons for people to stay subscribed and play the game. Of course this has more to do with the initial design of the game, but that's a whole other issue.


Anyway, I'm not saying you can't have a cash shop, i'm saying it should supplement the games income, not be the income. People will subscribe if they feel the subscription is worth it, make it worth it. note: I do not believe that KotFE "story" expansion is the right direction, the only way story driven content would work is if they could release a Ziost sized patch every week all year, once a month wont cut it, not with no "other"/"mmo" content to go with it.


On a side note I am one of the people who spend $100 a month on the game, to support it, but based on the KotFE info we have so far I have dropped that to $50, and will probably be just my sub after if they don't get their heads out of their *** and make mmo content.

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