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Solution to hood toggle, headgear modeled like a hood-down


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I posted this on reddit a short while ago, because I could not get it up on the forums. Think it is pretty relevant to spread it here as well.


I have been thinking about a good solution to the hood toggle question for a while and I have come up with this. Not sure whether it has been suggested earlier (probably has).


- Make headgear with the model of a hood down.


Make new headgear which has the apperance of hoods, preferably hoods hanging down over your back. The property of this headgear is ofc to remove hoods which are up. Now this way you can also apply hoods that are down on other armors such as trooper and smuggler armor, which can give your character a ruggedy look (perfect for the upcoming outlander?).


My hope, even though the hour is late, is that BW can drop two hoods which take up the headgear slot, in the CM shop before KOTFE. Seeing that the knight in the trailer has an armor piece which in game usually has the hood up (except for the Kell Dragon piece but that is also full of sparkly lights), and it would be cool to match that look for jedi, sith and all other outlanders.


If BW could release two new headpieces, I would recommend the most common hood down model. One black and one brown. After that BW has the possibility to spread new hood-down models in coming cartel packs. Seeing that hood down models can be made pretty quickly and with different patterns, the possibilities are many. Other headgear can also be added to the hood down headgear model so it can vary even more.


This is not the ideal solution, but seeing that a real hood-toggle might never happen I believe this is the next best thing. Ofc, it means that if you use a hood down headgear, you won't be able to use other headpieces at the same time (unless BW combines models after a while). But that is a small cost compared to finally being able to run around with your hood down.


I really really hope you guys can help me get this suggestion some attention.


EDIT: Made a really horrible paint picture of what I am hoping for. http://i.imgur.com/dnFMIgM.png

Edited by Woodbear
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Yes, and for those players there is currently no solution. I would still urge BW to work on a hood-toggle, but from my understanding it is on the "wall of crazy", and then it might never happen :S So a hood-down as headgear is a good work around in my opinion. Edited by Woodbear
Adding the final line for further explanation.
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Wow, i would buy that from the shop in an instant! it would work great with some of the robes like kreia, so we could finaly get a real jedi robe like Ben Kenobi. Top notch Idea man!

Because "Ben" Kenobi is the only example of a Jedi in the entire SW universe.




"Ben" Kenobi was dressed like a desert hermit, not a Jedi.

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A covert helmet could work also, assuming it follows the same rules as every other helmet in the game and overrides the hood.

i thought about this but then i realized while it wold work except when you have any meaningful conversation with your companions, as normally helmets vanish, even simple ones like consulars headgear (which removes hoods) so you would have it up when talking to close friends but to strangers you wouldn't.

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I'd point out that the technology, and to some extent, the models, for this already exist in the game.


My pub toons can force hood down with some decent-looking visors, such as the Elder Paragon's Headgear.


But if I try to mail that exact item to an Imperial character, the exact same item that was a lithe visor on pubside is suddenly a fugly, full-head-covering helmet, which defeats the purpose of using it to force hood down.


All we need is a cartel market item similar to Elder Paragon's Headgear that does not change depending on which faction's character is wearing it; I'd immediately pay 1500 cc (bear in mind most of the full armor sets that are sold directly are 1440) just so my Imperials could wear the Eliminator's set head down with something like that.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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A covert helmet could work also, assuming it follows the same rules as every other helmet in the game and overrides the hood.


They'd really have to do both I think.


A Covert helmet wouldn't offer a "Hood Down" look, like the OP's solution offers. Only a "No Hood" one, because helmets that "Hide Hoods" don't put the hood down, they eliminate them completely. This can substantially alter the look of some armors (the Voss mystic styled armors loose the entire top layer of the chestpiece, for instance).


This of course still doesn't offer a solution to anyone wanting to lower their hood AND display a helmet that currently isn't tagged with the "Hide Hood" flag, but It's better than what we've got now... which is nothing.

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They'd really have to do both I think.


A Covert helmet wouldn't offer a "Hood Down" look, like the OP's solution offers. Only a "No Hood" one, because helmets that "Hide Hoods" don't put the hood down, they eliminate them completely. This can substantially alter the look of some armors (the Voss mystic styled armors loose the entire top layer of the chestpiece, for instance).


This of course still doesn't offer a solution to anyone wanting to lower their hood AND display a helmet that currently isn't tagged with the "Hide Hood" flag, but It's better than what we've got now... which is nothing.


Yes exactly! The covert headpiece so many suggests would not make the problem go away at all. As a Jedi you can use headbands which remove the hoods, and man just running around in a bathrobe looks way to bad to be a solution.

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This wouldn't work, gear that hides the hood and leaves you with hair is just two headpieces on at the same time, an hood down option would only work for ratataki or bald chars.


As long as people ask for hood down instead of just no hood, the only way that is going to happen is if people accept that there will be some MAJOR clipping issues, and hood toggle would require two models for every hooded set, which doesn't really make any sense since it would be easier to just have hood up and hood down versions of every hooded set.

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It's been suggested numerous times, it's a rather viable solution.


It really isn't. A down hood as a head slot item would poorly match up to many armors, and they many have different sized collars, and also would move around anytime you move your head, clipping into your shoulders if you turn your head. It would look bad, then people would complain about it, and it would just make more work with little benefit.

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Yes exactly! The covert headpiece so many suggests would not make the problem go away at all. As a Jedi you can use headbands which remove the hoods, and man just running around in a bathrobe looks way to bad to be a solution.


The problem is, as a Sith the headband option is not available to us. I tried mailing a headband over from a Jedi character, only to find it was an ugly full-face-covering helmet on the Imperial side.


Sith need access to headbands that remove the hoods too! Would pay cartel coins lol (since that's what it takes to get anything implemented around here).

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It only seems like it would work to people who do not make video games. With how much this is desired, if they could do it, they'd do it, and charge for it.Only reason they have not, is because there is probably a technical issue. i honestly do not think there is anything simple in a video game. The slightest action, whether it be taking your hood off, or sheathing your weapon, is work. they do one thing, they create 5 different issues. fixing those, they created a few more. Soon, they see that doing something small, like taking your hood off, is not worth the trouble...so they don't bother.


Maximus gets what i'm saying.

Edited by cool-dude
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The problem is, as a Sith the headband option is not available to us. I tried mailing a headband over from a Jedi character, only to find it was an ugly full-face-covering helmet on the Imperial side.


Sith need access to headbands that remove the hoods too! Would pay cartel coins lol (since that's what it takes to get anything implemented around here).

'Sfunny, the first hood-hiding headband I had was on my sin. 'Course it was a carppy green drop on DK, but they do exist over there.

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What was it! I must know!


I need to find one lol

I don't remember. It dropped off of something in the Dark Temple. These days she helmet-hides the Dark Andeddu set, or switches to the Ravager set from the Wild Space pack on an outfit slot (and helmet-hides that as well because I'm not a fan of breath masks).


OK, I admit it, I'm a sucker for vanity stuff. In GW1 I ground out the tokens necessary to buy the Vabbian female necromancer armour (see http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Necromancer_Vabbian_armor_f.jpg with the red bits dyed purple), and once Runes of Magic launched its Magic Wardrobe (a *free* feature on a grasping pay to win game, and the SWTOR Outfit Designer is a pale imitation) I raided their costume section in the cash shop every time they had a sale on costumes. (Usually those costume sales were approximately the equivalent of paying 1 CC for an orange armour piece!)

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