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KoTFE Gameplay livestream Coverage


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So all the companions have tank/dps/heal mode now?


How are they accomplishing this? My Treek is wearing Damage/Healing gear. How on earth can she just become a Tank? The Damage/Healing gear has no Absorption/Defense stats. If I put Augments on her gear, and those happen to be power, she will need different Augments in order for her to be a tank. Just don't see how this will work.

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How are they accomplishing this? My Treek is wearing Damage/Healing gear. How on earth can she just become a Tank? The Damage/Healing gear has no Absorption/Defense stats. If I put Augments on her gear, and those happen to be power, she will need different Augments in order for her to be a tank. Just don't see how this will work.


Probably when you switch their "role" the stats automatically update. They won't be wearing gear anymore.

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How are they accomplishing this? My Treek is wearing Damage/Healing gear. How on earth can she just become a Tank? The Damage/Healing gear has no Absorption/Defense stats. If I put Augments on her gear, and those happen to be power, she will need different Augments in order for her to be a tank. Just don't see how this will work.


They are changing companion gear so it has no stats. It'll all be based on the comp's stats.

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So companions will be available in the story, but once you finish, their involvement will be non-canon? What does that even mean? This was incredibly unhelpful. Why not simply explain exactly what companions will be back and precisely how the new system will work. Slap a damn spoiler warning on it and just be informative for once.
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So companions will be available in the story, but once you finish, their involvement will be non-canon? What does that even mean? This was incredibly unhelpful. Why not simply explain exactly what companions will be back and precisely how the new system will work. Slap a damn spoiler warning on it and just be informative for once.


I still don't get how this is hard to understand for anyone.


Companions are considered non-canon when they, at this point in the overall story of KotFE, have not yet returned to your character in the story. That means:


You can still use a non-canon companion like you did before. However, he will not be heavily involved in the story of KotFE until the point comes when he or she is actually needed for story purposes. See it kind of like this:


You can keep your companion to run FP's, do dailies and all the stuff you are used to. Him or her running next to you, that's basically it. However, do not expect a non-canon companion to be heavily involved into your overall story in KotFE until the time comes. As long as they are labeled non-canon they are merely a gameplay asset, without any involvement in story whatsoever.


Example: You send your ship off as a SW. Vette goes to tell the Empire about what actually happened. You can then summon Vette after the cutscene like you always used to. However, she will return to the story (with unique dialog and reactions based on your choices) in Chapter thirteen during a rebellion on Dromund Kaas. And before anyone asks: No. This is not actual PBE stuff. This is made up.

Edited by Alssaran
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I still don't get how this is hard to understand for anyone.


Companions are considered non-canon when they, at this point in the overall story of KotFE, have not yet returned to your character in the story. That means:


You can still use a non-canon companion like you did before. However, he will not be heavily involved in the story of KotFE until the point comes when he or she is actually needed for story purposes. See it kind of like this:


You can keep your companion to run FP's, do dailies and all the stuff you are used to. Him or her running next to you, that's basically it. However, do not expect a non-canon companion to be heavily involved into your overall story in KotFE until the time comes. As long as they are labeled non-canon they are merely a gameplay asset, without any involvement in story whatsoever.


Honestly, I agree with this guy. Pretty simple concept, hopefully we can move on.

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So companions will be available in the story, but once you finish, their involvement will be non-canon? What does that even mean? This was incredibly unhelpful. Why not simply explain exactly what companions will be back and precisely how the new system will work. Slap a damn spoiler warning on it and just be informative for once.


Because the VAST majority of us don't want to know these spoilers and the second they are released some troll will spill them all over the place.


The fact is YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW THIS NOW. It's part of the story. So play the story. They told you companions won't need mods any more and can be set to any role. WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW ANY MORE THAN THAT!?!?

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So the much heralded "first reveal of a familiar face who will be returning to SWTOR in Knights of the Fallen Empire" was just T7 and Kira? Or are they considering Lana's new face that they've already plastered everywhere to be the big reveal?


I think it is the voice we heard over coms after Kira and T7 left.


All The Best

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Because the VAST majority of us don't want to know these spoilers and the second they are released some troll will spill them all over the place.


The fact is YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW THIS NOW. It's part of the story. So play the story. They told you companions won't need mods any more and can be set to any role. WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW ANY MORE THAN THAT!?!?


Some people want to know every waking detail about everything. It's how they work.

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The fact is YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW THIS NOW. It's part of the story. So play the story. They told you companions won't need mods any more and can be set to any role. WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW ANY MORE THAN THAT!?!?


Actually yes, I'd like Jaesa and Kira back ASAP, whether they're story based companions or not. I don't care if they'll have nothing to say during the cutscenes, I just want to fight with them. So showing how and when non-story companions can be reacquired would be nice. They're not part of the story so telling us when we can have them back isn't a spoiler.

Edited by SirUrza
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Some people would like to actually learn something new when promised "all the big questions will be answered" about companions. Nothing was answered. They need to just explain in detail how this will work.

What are you talking about? "Am I going to lose my companions" was one of the most-asked questions I've seen. We now have info about all the current companions still being available, that they will all be able to use any combat role, that their stats will no longer depend on gear - but you can still use gear to customize their appearance. Those were all questions I've either had myself or seen asked around the forums.

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Some people would like to actually learn something new when promised "all the big questions will be answered" about companions. Nothing was answered. They need to just explain in detail how this will work.


We learned something new about companions. That all of them will still be a gameplay thing, that you can still summon them. How companion roles and companion gear will work in the expansion.


It wasn't what you wanted to know, but it certainly answered some of my questions. So, please refrain from saying nothing was answered. That's not objective, it's just your way of looking at things.

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Actually yes, I'd like Jaesa and Kira back ASAP, whether they're story based companions or not. I don't care if they'll have nothing to say during the cutscenes, I just want to fight with them. So showing how and when non-story companions can be reacquired would be nice. They're not part of the story so telling us when we can have them back isn't a spoiler.


It's gonna be great when your Knight talks about needing to reunite with his old crew while Kira is silently standing right there, isn't it?

Edited by Millardkillmoore
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Hmm, not a bad bit of info; thank you, Dulfy. ^^ I am very happy to know that companions will be able to perform any role! :D


I am not sure I like that they are removing stats from gear for companions, though. Yes, it has its positive points, but I like to gear my favorite companion(s) to the teeth for a stronger feeling while solo'ing, which is the vast majority of my game play. So I worry that companion stats will default to "mediocre" aka "just good enough".


So the much heralded "first reveal of a familiar face who will be returning to SWTOR in Knights of the Fallen Empire" was just T7 and Kira? Or are they considering Lana's new face that they've already plastered everywhere to be the big reveal?


I'm a bit puzzled by this too. If they were referring to the voice we heard over the com, I think that is Darth Marr, and I believe we have already seen an official KotFE promo image with him in it. If it is Kira, well, I personally find that several varieties of lame as I don't play a Knight. And I don't like Kira. Apparently, I am not part of their target audience. :p

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