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So why no playable Voss again?


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Togruta and Cathar are special in that regard because they have absolutely no variation from the standard alien greeting.


Are they? Are there cases where a Twi'lek is called out as a Twi'lek? Or Zabraks? Or Mirashakalakians? Rattataki?

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Talked about this to Charles Boyd at GamesCom, and he said that it is one of the reasons, as they would need to make a whole new story that would follow why did that particular Voss decide to leave their world...


So basically, playable Voss would mean a "Voss class", not just slapping a recolored human with phobia inducing eyes into existing stories...


So essentially there is a line that can't be crossed in the silliness department that isn't crossed by cathar, togruta, sith-purblood republic side, such as cathar companion recognition, or outright lines by NPCs telling your sith pureblood that they aren't sith pureblood so you don't matter to them. I concede that voss would be even a step further, but as I've said, whats really the difference? A slightly longer story plot that is silly, rather than some snipets of the story where you would think some dialogue would be different or its outright contradicting to your race. Oh well. That certainly officially answers the question though, thanks.

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Are they? Are there cases where a Twi'lek is called out as a Twi'lek? Or Zabraks? Or Mirashakalakians? Rattataki?


Are there not? Like I said, idk off the top of my head. I know Chiss and others do because I played them and remember the recognition. I played twilek and rattataki, but don't recall if there were any. Maybe not. Anyways, the point being that Voss being silly at points in the story is not exclusive to Voss, but includes all non-vanilla races.

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So essentially there is a line that can't be crossed in the silliness department that isn't crossed by cathar, togruta, sith-purblood republic side, such as cathar companion recognition, or outright lines by NPCs telling your sith pureblood that they aren't sith pureblood so you don't matter to them. I concede that voss would be even a step further, but as I've said, whats really the difference? A slightly longer story plot that is silly, rather than some snipets of the story where you would think some dialogue would be different or its outright contradicting to your race. Oh well. That certainly officially answers the question though, thanks.


Because one or two lines in the entire game are way less than a whole pack of lore inconsistencies that Voss would cause. For example, there were no Voss Jedi or Sith before the story on the planet happened during Act 3, so you would basically be breaking up the entire story of the planet just for a sake of having a different skin.


Voss would simply not work with how the stories exist now. Could they work as a "prestige" class that would be only able to play KotFE? Probably.

Edited by Aries_cz
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Voss would simply not work with how the stories exist now. Could they work as a "prestige" class that would be only able to play KotFE? Probably.


I was thinking the same thing. KotFE's start-at-level-60 option would be the best opportunity to add Voss without having any baggage from the Classic story.


Slap on a few lines to explain that your Voss joined the Imps or Pubbies some time after the Classic Voss arc (as we know some Voss tried), and you'd be good to go.

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Because one or two lines in the entire game are way less than a whole pack of lore inconsistencies that Voss would cause. For example, there were no Voss Jedi or Sith before the story on the planet happened during Act 3, so you would basically be breaking up the entire story of the planet just for a sake of having a different skin.


Voss would simply not work with how the stories exist now. Could they work as a "prestige" class that would be only able to play KotFE? Probably.


Oddly enough im just at a point in the smuggler story on voss where...



I am about to have to deliver supplies to voss colonies on various other planets, which seems to fly in the face of there being no knowledge of voss. Depending on just how long those other colonies have been established on these other planets. And its easy to imagine a Voss running away here or there to explain how a voss ended up joining either faction.



Also the discovery in other class stories, cant remember offhand, where you...



Discover that the Jedi already visited Voss and created the gormak in the distant past. If I'm recalling that correctly.



But yeah, that doesn't get around the fact that the story of Voss is essentially a previously unknown planet and species. I get the point.

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Oddly enough im just at a point in the smuggler story on voss where...



I am about to have to deliver supplies to voss colonies on various other planets, which seems to fly in the face of there being no knowledge of voss. Depending on just how long those other colonies have been established on these other planets. And its easy to imagine a Voss running away here or there to explain how a voss ended up joining either faction.


Those are apparently very new colonies that started happening shortly after Voss was rediscovered (several years before you arrive there). Not enough time for any Voss to go through whatever training they go through prior to Prologue.


Also the discovery in other class stories, cant remember offhand, where you...



Discover that the Jedi already visited Voss and created the gormak in the distant past. If I'm recalling that correctly.



But yeah, that doesn't get around the fact that the story of Voss is essentially a previously unknown planet and species. I get the point.

That discovery is in planetary story, however that happened a long time before anyone can remember, and neither faction took any of planet's inhabitants with them when their war was over...

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Those are apparently very new colonies that started happening shortly after Voss was rediscovered (several years before you arrive there). Not enough time for any Voss to go through whatever training they go through prior to Prologue.



That discovery is in planetary story, however that happened a long time before anyone can remember, and neither faction took any of planet's inhabitants with them when their war was over...


Apparently, yes. In any case, they drew a line with voss, that's the answer. But I still contend its not that big of a deal to have a voss playable race. Easy enough to work it out, but Im personally not too bothered with the breaks in "lore" and story. And apparently they aren't either until it rises to the level that the Voss does. And that's fine by me. I play the game for enjoyment, but at some point the silliness would probably cross a line for me and it ruins the immersion. My point was that a playable voss race would fall in line with previous post-vanilla races in that they are not recognized in game except as an alien even when its obvious their race should be a factor.



Depending on the class, its not really determined just how long you have been trained. For example, the Inquisitor class just discovered to have force powers before being shipped away to korriban from slavery. The trooper, on the other hand, and knight/warrior, have had more lengthy backstories involved with the factions. The BH and Smuggler of course would be easier to envision a voss taking up that role, coming from either one of the colonies established for years prior to you getting there, if that is even set in stone, or otherwise previously leaving voss.


Edited by Bobs_YourUncle
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Apparently, yes. In any case, they drew a line with voss, that's the answer. But I still contend its not that big of a deal to have a voss playable race. Easy enough to work it out, but Im personally not too bothered with the breaks in "lore" and story. And apparently they aren't either until it rises to the level that the Voss does. And that's fine by me.


Don't despair: having Voss as a KotFE level 60 only race would solve a ton of lore/dev work issues, if not all.

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Wont happen because while most dont realize it, Voss are -really- tall. Dont believe me? Go stand next to a voss npc and pan the camera out. They are taller then the pc characters by enough it will bork the fixed camera angles in the cut scenes.


Now i know some of you are just all "LOLSPACEBAR1111111!!!!!!!" And couldnt care less if the cut scenes had most if not all of your head missing, but others do.


And if you think for even one second they would go back and redo every single cut scene in the game to fix this issue, i own a whole bunch of bridges all over the planet id like to sell you real cheap. :p

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Don't despair: having Voss as a KotFE level 60 only race would solve a ton of lore/dev work issues, if not all.


Yeah maybe. But really, im not too worried with it. I could live without Cathar and Togruta for that matter. Unless it changes some dialogue within the story, it makes no difference to me what race I'm playing.

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I had always found the voss fascinating and ripe for use. however, coming to the realization that all males are the same and all females being the same kinda knocked the wind out of the bag for me.


to each their own, though, and hope you get your wish.

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I was thinking the same thing. KotFE's start-at-level-60 option would be the best opportunity to add Voss without having any baggage from the Classic story.


Slap on a few lines to explain that your Voss joined the Imps or Pubbies some time after the Classic Voss arc (as we know some Voss tried), and you'd be good to go.


This is about the only way I could see Voss working as a playable race and even that would still have its downsides (due to the story history of each class that will be brought up even for straight-to-60s). As it stands, though, bringing them in as a traditional playable race introduces way too many story/lore inconsistencies to really be workable.

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So no Voss would ever strike out on their own it the wide open galaxy I guess. All Voss are restricted by societal/cultural norms and mores to never deviate from the Voss cultural expectation. How many Voss are there? thousands? Hundreds of thousands? There is no way any handful of them would be unsatisfied with life on Voss and want to carve their destiny in a world other than Voss? Because reasons and canon? Seriously?!


I would absolutely LOVE to play a Voss. Don't give me any of that "canon and you cant do that cuz just well because" stuff. They are a living sentient race and I am sure there are some that don't "tow the line" and would like to strike out on their own. For the greater glory of Voss, greed, adventure what have you.


Give us Voss!

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Going to repost this since you all seem to be sticking your fingers in your ears and going "Lalalalala I wont hear what your trying to tell me!" :p


Wont happen because while most dont realize it, Voss are -really- tall. Dont believe me? Go stand next to a voss npc and pan the camera out. They are taller then the pc characters by enough it will bork the fixed camera angles in the cut scenes.


Now i know some of you are just all "LOLSPACEBAR1111111!!!!!!!" And couldnt care less if the cut scenes had most if not all of your head missing, but others do.


And if you think for even one second they would go back and redo every single cut scene in the game to fix this issue, i own a whole bunch of bridges all over the planet id like to sell you real cheap. :p

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Don't care much for Voss, which as others have said is just another human with a different colour skin.


I'd love things like Weequay and Gran as playable races.


With all the races seen in the various media for Star Wars I was severely disappointed with the range of (non) choices given at game launch, and to be honest the two added since are not much better. But then I think the whole character creation process is one of the most lacklustre aspects of the game - poor range of hair options, even worse range of beard options, don't get me started on the horrid cybernetics options, height and mass should have been independent sliders etc.


Ok some, very few, further options have been added via the CM, but the base offering remains IMO one of the major weak points of the game.


All The Best

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This even a serious question? Do you know how many races are in SW? even if you take just the humanoid ones.


You may as well ask why no playable :


















and that's just the first 3 letters.

on top of that whenever I see a question such as which races to you want to see next , the Voss are not in the top 3, so even if and yes its an if we get another races in the near future I doubt very mush it will be Voss.


And no it does not matter if all the ones listed in my post are near human, its a list just to make a point there are well over 100 humanoid races that are considered common and that's not counting the rest that are humanoid but are not common such as Falleen. Which are not unheard of or not seen but are still not a common race seen off there home world.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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This even a serious question? Do you know how many races are in SW? even if you take just the humanoid ones.


You may as well ask why no playable :


















and that's just the first 3 letters.

on top of that whenever I see a question such as which races to you want to see next , t the Voss are not in the top 3, so even if and yes its an if we get another races in the near future I doubt very mush it will be Voss.


And every race should be playable. Don't care how long your list is. Or the order of popularity. Put them in, all of them.

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Going to repost this since you all seem to be sticking your fingers in your ears and going "Lalalalala I wont hear what your trying to tell me!" :p


<< snip... Voss are taller than PC's... snip >>


Next time I'm on Voss (probably never) I'll check them out, but I'm surprised that they're so much taller than PC's that normal body types wouldn't be just fine.

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That's just an unrealistic request or expectation.


Why? Do you expect this game to last for years to come? I do therefor I don't see it as unrealistic. The only restriction is development time for each race. Not "canon" or "it doesn't jive with me" or "reasons". I expect this game to last for many many more years. That said I expect races to be added regularly. Its not unreasonable or unrealistic.

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