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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So why no playable Voss again?


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You're making too much sense these people came here for an argument!




Interesting you think so but it seems to work dynamically with the vastly different body types we do have options for and besides that you don't seem to understand what suggestions are you, lemme just quote myself here so you can maybe understand better what a suggestion is and how game forums in general work->


I am pretty certain they do not work dynamically. The fixed angles do account for Body Type 3 and body Type 1 (they are not "that" vastly different), but they will show in upper/lower parts of the screen respectively, with BT2 staying in the middle. I played with various body types, and I can tell you that the camera angle is fixed.


And also, you were not suggesting anything in that particular case I quoted.

You were saying that someone doesn't understand 3D modelling, because in most software, camera can be tied to move automatically, something that the game doesn't do.

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Man, I don't get the whole concern over height as it doesn't seem to be a blocker. As mentioned a bunch of times in this thread, the height difference between a male body type 3 and a Voss is practically nil. Even without that, the normal PC body types would be more than close enough.
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You're making too much sense these people came here for an argument! <snip>


Oh! You wanted an argument? Sorry this is abuse... arguments are 3 forums down the hall. So sorry. (old Monty Python reference)


As for the actual topic, I don't like it from a lore standpoint. Also the voice modulation effects for a Voss would probably need *extensive* work for all the PC lines. You're talking about hours and hours of voice acting that would need adjusted, so from a budget standpoint alone not likely.

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Ok, had to do the class quests on Voss so stopped in the shrine of healing to take some screenshots.


This is my BT 2 character standing next to a female voss. As you can see, the top of her head only comes up to a female voss shoulders.

This is my BT 2 standing next to a male voss. As with the female, again the top of her head comes up to his shoulder, her shoulders are even with his elbows...

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From what I gathered of the Voss during the main stories they are pretty isolationist and all talk in that trippy spiritual monk type way. It just doesnt seem in character to have them act like the class characters core races. Voss are a to stereotyped. They wouldnt work for a rpg as a main character but are perfect companions. Edited by Tellenn
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Unless we get the floating brain race and things like that, every single thing is a humanoid.


You can't say "humans with fur" because then they aren't humans. Because humans don't have fur. As soon as something changes about them they are no longer human. So that's illogical to say "so and so is just human with this and that"


Just stop it already. Everything is a humanoid. End of story.

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