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A more personal Dialog


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I think it would be great if the dialogs could be improved.


Make them more personal.


Like the npc's can take my species in to account when they speak, have mood changes and their speech changes depending on character gender..


for example:

I'd like when I'm a Twi'lek I'll be treated like a fellow Twi'lek when I speak with the Twi'lek..

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I think it would be great if the dialogs could be improved.


Make them more personal.


Like the npc's can take my species in to account when they speak, have mood changes and their speech changes depending on character gender..


for example:

I'd like when I'm a Twi'lek I'll be treated like a fellow Twi'lek when I speak with the Twi'lek..


the amount of dialouge that would be required to record for every possible combination of species and class is virtually impossible. They talk to you as the class, that is all. How would this work for future species? would they have to go back and record NEW dialogue for every possible quest just because they added a new species?


I don't think you quite thought this through to well. I'm sorry, this is totally impractical.

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You say I didn't think it through.


If you read my post again, it says it would make the dialogs better and I only made suggestions.


You can't make a suggestion to make some things better without giving a few ideas on the matter.


the amount of dialouge that would be required to record for every possible combination of species and class is virtually impossible. They talk to you as the class, that is all. How would this work for future species? would they have to go back and record NEW dialogue for every possible quest just because they added a new species?


I don't think you quite thought this through to well. I'm sorry, this is totally impractical.

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You say I didn't think it through.


If you read my post again, it says it would make the dialogs better and I only made suggestions.


You can't make a suggestion to make some things better without giving a few ideas on the matter.


making a suggestion that will be impractical and if not impossible is just wasting time. Sure can make a suggestion to make it an open world FPS instead on a sandbox MMO RPG, doesn't mean its realistic or practical. Which is why I said I don't think you thought it through. Do you realize how much VA they would need to do for all the possible combinations of classes and species? Or what happens when introduce new species? do they have to go back and update the dialogue again?

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I'm only trying to make a suggestion to make the dialog better.


If you only want to be negative about what I suggests why do you even answer??

I'm a programmer myself so I know how hard somethings can be.

I only wanted to suggests some improvements to the dialogs.


The more personal, interactive dialogs I suggested are only a thought I have, because it could be awesome but I'm well aware of how difficult it would be to make those changes..


making a suggestion that will be impractical and if not impossible is just wasting time. Sure can make a suggestion to make it an open world FPS instead on a sandbox MMO RPG, doesn't mean its realistic or practical. Which is why I said I don't think you thought it through. Do you realize how much VA they would need to do for all the possible combinations of classes and species? Or what happens when introduce new species? do they have to go back and update the dialogue again?
Edited by nickneme
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I'm only trying to make a suggestion to make the dialog better.


If you only want to be negative about what I suggests why do you even answer??

I'm a programmer myself so I know how hard somethings can be.

I only wanted to suggests some improvements to the dialogs.


The more personal, interactive dialogs I suggested are only a thought I have, because it could be awesome but I'm well aware of how difficult it would be to make those changes..


Programming aside, dohboy hit the nail with his response. There is absolutely NO way they would do this. Not to mention this would be a waste of time, money, and resources that should be spent else where. He isn't being negative nor am I. Just being realistic here.

And of course you're free to suggest anything your heart desires, but don't get salty when you get a response not in your favor. :t_biggrin:

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Isn't this kind of thing exactly what 'a return to Bioware storytelling in 4.0' and why everyone is on exactly the same path now would imply? So they can put more little differences like that in, taking note of your class, race, and companions?
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That's exactly what I'm saying, but your words say it better then mine..


Isn't this kind of thing exactly what 'a return to Bioware storytelling in 4.0' and why everyone is on exactly the same path now would imply? So they can put more little differences like that in, taking note of your class, race, and companions?
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Putting realistic aside because you can't improve anything without getting some new ideas.

And it's up to the bioware team to deside what's going to be updated..


Programming aside, dohboy hit the nail with his response. There is absolutely NO way they would do this. Not to mention this would be a waste of time, money, and resources that should be spent else where. He isn't being negative nor am I. Just being realistic here.

And of course you're free to suggest anything your heart desires, but don't get salty when you get a response not in your favor. :t_biggrin:

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