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So I reached 55, now what with class quests? (Sith warrior spoilers inside)


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So I

defeated Baras my traitor ex-Master and now what

? The only thing I see as class quests is to do dailies? The X zone etc etc Is this the end of the road for a Sith warrior? Do I need to buy Revan expansion to get more class quests?

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Once you finish Chapter 3, you can then go to Illum. This should carry you at least through at least half a level. Then you can do Makeb. Followed by Oricon.


Or you can just get the Shadow or Revan expansion and bypass all this content you have far outleveled anyway. This will give you Forged Alliance (I believe it is part of it) and then get you access to Rishi and Yavin 4.


But either approach will get you to 60 by themselves. The only difference is by doing option 1, you end up with subpar gear that will do nothing for you. You will be better off just going to the level 55 vendor and buying the 172 gear mods for you and your companion.


Go option 2, and you will have 178 gear going into Ziost where you will come out with 190 gear.

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You need to buy SoR if you want your level cap raised to level 60 (and crafting cap to 500), without you will be stuck at level 55 (crafting cap 450).


Or you can wait until Knights of the fallen empire goes live, subscribers will get Rise of the Hutt cartel and Shadow of Revan for free the moment the expansion is released.

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