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Operative/Scoundrel roll - kinda making huttball pointless


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I am more here to ask if other players are experiencing the hutball troll roll. I kinda feel like hutball is just too easy. I have been rolling past people which is just hilarious and then see a couple of ops just rolling past everyone, it is generally making hutball matches pointless.


PVP is in a bad state as it is. Balance is sort of returning but still got a lot to go. In the mean time i don't see much point in huttball if players just roll past people. I have been in a hutball match with 4 ops on my team and it lasted about 3 mins. Great for getting the daily done but not great for gameplay :/


Just wondering what other people were thinking.

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If you had a half decent jugg or VG tank on your team the same thing would happen. Additionally if you think it's bad now just wait till 4.0.


It's actually worse with a VG tank than an Op IMO because with one decent charge you can HO straight to the goal line with no possible way of being stopped. At least you can stop Ops if anyone on your team is actually trying to win the match.

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So nerf sorc heals, nerf op roll, nerf jugg leap, nerf hydraulic overrides only on PT's, idr what else


Nah, BW should just make it so the huttball gives you the hindered debuff instead of the slow debuff. This would actually force people to pass the ball instead of just leap into the endzone.

Edited by sithBracer
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Or people could use snares and burst and positioning to intercept, learn to recognize when a score is inevitable and position the team at mid to take the field and answer with a score of their own.


Most pug teams don't understand the basics of the game, now you're talking about futuristic strats. :confused:

Edited by Jake_Chambers
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Did a roll style thing on my gunslinger also, made voidstar and huttball easy passing through fire and acid with little damage and no doping the ball


Can also do something even worse on my sorc with bubble stuns and the speed skill, wait for ball to past hit fire and stun anyhow behind me.

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Well I have to say its annoying how fast they can move with the ball. Had a huttball yesterday, 1 scoundrel got the ball, I jumped to him, used slow and what not, DPS'ed him hard but he got to the wind thing that throws you up. He landed just above on our side, I wanted to run after him to jump to him. Problem was before I knew it he was close to the goal line(extremely fast), lucky for us a sentinel was just coming out and killed him. Obviously this is not the only time this happened to me.


The difference between jump and roll. With jump you are exploiting an enemy's mistake (more or less) of giving you a jump position. With "friendly leap" you need 1 of your people there. Nothing like that is needed for the roll, roll also its BROKEN, not because it makes the class OP but because the engine can't keep up with it (or whatever the hell is happening). You could say something similar with force speed but that one can't make a class move THAT fast for that long of a distance.


Anyway what annoying me the most (in that game) was not the scoundrel, it was my team, 5 in mid doing nothing but farming kills, not getting the ball or even focusing the one getting the ball. That scoundrel would have been dead if just 1 more DPS would have helped me so I don't really see a problem with it aside for the engine part that I said above. Yes, its annoying how fast they can move but its more annoying how some classes can pull you directly in fire and kill you with no possibility to counter (aside for another dude helping you).

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I actively play all classes at end-game PvP (if you want to call it that). So I'm by no means being bias, but I wouldn't mind a 'nerf' for roll, atleast if you're carrying ball. Reduce the roll range by half or only allow 1 full roll/CD.


That being said.. been this way for ages, I doubt it'll be changed now.


Right now I'm happier face tanking 4 people with my Sage healer then pulling ball carrier to end. :rak_03:


If you had a half decent jugg or VG tank on your team the same thing would happen. Additionally if you think it's bad now just wait till 4.0.


The enemy team must be really bad if you can carry the ball as a tank to end-line with no Guard/Heals. Operative can do it as a DPS with no Guard/Heal.


It's actually worse with a VG tank than an Op IMO because with one decent charge you can HO straight to the goal line with no possible way of being stopped. At least you can stop Ops if anyone on your team is actually trying to win the match.


That's IF you can get a charge. Operative can roll to end-line pretty much all the time.

Edited by Jayshames
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the enemy team must be really bad or caught pants down if an operative can runn all the way and score. in fact he will never survive if focused, not like the classes i'm going to quote/have been taken into discussion.


classes ''worse'' than an operative opponent carrying the ball:


- shieldtechs: HOTL/HO speedbuffed jumping tank with bugged aoe stun

- assassins: shrouded force speed, immune to control for 12"

- juggs: friendly leap + leap+push+another leap and possibly stun immunity+movement impairing immunity H2F


OP is just a ''why my op assassin/PT/sorc couldn't stop the operative?'' butthurt case

Edited by JouerTue
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