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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gatekeeper Stronghold Packs

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So come on here, I came back to this game and found Satele Shan's armor something available, only to then find out that if i wanted it, i would have to fork over about 40 million credits on my server.... are you F'ing serious?


These packs need to be released again, I check the GTN almost every day hoping some miracle changes the prices, but it never does. I've seen pretty much every pack get cycled again and again cept the one i want. Come on guys, please, this has to stop, at least do 1 run for a week to give people a chance to get some of that stuff without spending ludicrous speed amounts of money...


I have thousands of Cartel Coins that i'm not spending, waiting patiently for those packs, make the armor buyable, offer the packs, whatever, i don't care. I'm ready to throw money at the screen for more coins just to buy packs to get what i want. Many times i have decided NOT to spend money on coins because of the possibility that i might miss the gatekeeper stronghold packs, and not have the funds to get them.


Please guys, give us a chance here

Edited by sinisterwaffle
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