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Decent looking Imperial Armour set for non-CE owners.


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Hello there.

I'm pretty sure this is the right area for this thread!

Anyway, there is a type of Imperial armour that you can see Imperial NPCs wearing right... Here!

I'd simply love for that set to become avaliable on the Cartel Market. As will a lot of other people, especially fellow RPers looking to RP in a Imperial Military guild.

Now, before I get told the Makeb Set exists, let me just say: I KNOW. But the Makeb set doesn't dye properly, and the chest isn't bulky enough.

And to dress the concerns of the CE peeps that don't want thier CE bonus taken away from them. The set is different enough from the CE set.

Thanks for reading.

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Please correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the CE set have the bracers and belt missing? I'm just going off of memory here but I think that is the case. So that makes it not even a full set. I want to say that when this game first released, those pieces weren't modifiable. That option came later. But as a result the CE set is still missing those two piece sets as a result.


Hell, I'm not even sure modified bracers and belts drop now in game outside of post level 50 content.

Edited by ForceWelder
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Meanwhile there's still this one:




Looks decent with the Makeb boots and Helmet. The pants don't dye much better than the Makeb ones, but they're a pretty generic model and probably can be replaced with a piece from another set that takes better to dying.


The glowing yellow lights on that simply ruin it. They're just horrendous.

There was a reason I said decent looking armour set. :p

Edited by samkellar
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Pretty darn sure there is the white set of this that you can get via playing the game too.


CE store was never functioning as promised - there are no unique armors there. So, yeah...


I mentioned the White set in my original post. It's the Makeb one. It doesn't dye properly and isn't bulky enough.

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This should probably be in the Suggestion Box or the Cartel Market Suggestions but it's definantly needed, I know most if not all players I'm familiar with on the server I play on that chose to be Imperial Agents prefer equipment that makes them seem to be Imperial Troopers due to the lack of an actual Imperial Trooper class. It's the same reason I chose the Imperial Agent class for lack of a better alternative. Edited by Barean
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