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Just made a Commando and LOVE IT.


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Not sure what to believe anymore, I have half people telling me in game that commandos are amazing, then the other half saying vangaurd is the way to go. I hate my life righ tnow. I dont know which to believe.

I've played Commando 99% of my online time...I've been here since beta, Valor 100, full 174 PvP gear (had it before the comm change)...trust me, they can be utterly terrible and frustrating in PvP. If I'm focused, I'm dead...there's no escape, nothing I can do, and 7 other healers couldn't keep me alive. The Commando defensive cooldowns are the absolute worst in-game. These will hopefully improve come FE, but based on speculation, everyone else gets more as well...so it's a net gain of nothing again.


I play it only because I'm stubborn...if you enjoy the Trooper class (which I do too), I urge you to go Vanguard...you'll be 100x's happier long term. If you keep doing Commando, I wish you luck...feel free to PM me any questions you may have and I'll try to help the best I can...but I had to warn you...it's the least viable PvP class atm.


edit: You don't need to take my word for it either...the proof is right here on these forums.


3 Commandos in the top 200 ranks (solo)

4 Commando/Mercs in the top 200 (group)

Edited by TUXs
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Not sure what to believe anymore, I have half people telling me in game that commandos are amazing, then the other half saying vangaurd is the way to go. I hate my life righ tnow. I dont know which to believe.


Why not try both?


Commandos are only as amazing as the red team lets them be. Unless you have great support from teammates and your opponents aren't able to negate that. In a reg or yolo arena you're going to get focused often like you've got "FREE BEER AND SEXUAL FAVORS TO WHOEVER KILLS ME" printed on your gear. Even in obj maps people will often tunnel you because they think you're an easy target.


Tactics VGs have the glass cannon thing going on too but can blow people up and exercise control easier under pressure. Or you can be a VG tank and still do pretty good damage even with tank stuff in all slots.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I rolled a mercenary a long while ago but I always felt that it never really fit the class story, probably powertech is a better fit. At the same time I've taken my vanguard all the way to yavin and I've always felt that commando dps were always a better for for the story.
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