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No Top 10 rewards for last conquest event.


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Well, I got a reply to my ticket today, a customer service rep game the the titles, (Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine) and the missing rewards.


I feel goood :) but I'm worried about my guildies who don't have it yet.


If you submit a ticket, don't do it as a bug, since those are not forwarded to customer service.

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Well, I got a reply to my ticket today, a customer service rep game the the titles, (Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine) and the missing rewards.


I feel goood :) but I'm worried about my guildies who don't have it yet.


If you submit a ticket, don't do it as a bug, since those are not forwarded to customer service.


I have tomorrow off; if I don't see a dev update on this by midday I might have to create a ticket for last week's conquest rewards and immediately call the customer service phone number to get that ticket dealt with.


In my experience response times to ingame tickets have been really spotty, but the phone line is always really helpful. :)

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Well, I got a reply to my ticket today, a customer service rep game the the titles, (Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine) and the missing rewards.


I feel goood :) but I'm worried about my guildies who don't have it yet.


If you submit a ticket, don't do it as a bug, since those are not forwarded to customer service.


Funny, they told us NOT to submit a ticket on it.... I suspect that this is the reason why. Now that you said they fixed it, everyone on every server that reads the forums is going to do it;....

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Usually I'm not one to complain. At the start of the week I was not worried, they aknowledged the situation and said would handle it. We really couldn't expect (resonably) anything else on tuesday or wednesday. Considering the time it takes the Devs to adress issues I honestly didn't expect to hear more from them before saturday or even today (monday).


But this got me worried:

Well, I got a reply to my ticket today, a customer service rep game the the titles, (Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine) and the missing rewards.


I feel goood :) but I'm worried about my guildies who don't have it yet.


If you submit a ticket, don't do it as a bug, since those are not forwarded to customer service.

Don't take me wrong, I'm glad Frank got what he earned, but this makes me fear the devs would rather deal with this in a toon by toon basis than do what they said they would (the script and give everyone the rewards).


My final hope for this to be solved lays tomorrow. They might be able to rig the game to give the rewards for last week along with the ones from this week, but I don't think that is very likely. It is just a fools hope really.


I'm sure everyone who's kept tabs on this thread will be submiting their ticket (if they haven't already) in the expectation of lucking out like Frank. The tickets will just flood in. Mine among them.

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Funny, they told us NOT to submit a ticket on it.... I suspect that this is the reason why. Now that you said they fixed it, everyone on every server that reads the forums is going to do it;....


Then they should have kept us updated, especially with an estimate of when they'd be able to "run the script," and etc. They gave us no timeframe whatsoever, even several business days after they acknowledged the problem.


Even a quick "We're still working on this; we hope to have the script ready next week but no guarantees" on Friday would have been preferable to silence, as it would have offered at least some reassurance that the issue had not fallen to the back burner and that they did not intend to let the issue slip to the point where it could compound over multiple conquest weeks.


When they leave us in the dark like this, and don't follow up, it's only a matter of time before someone attempts a CSR style resolution and the floodgates open. Impatience in an information vacuum is part of human nature, as is the instinct to seek out such resolution/information when presented with yellow silence.


Silence may be justifiable with expansion details (spoilers, don't want to reveal something that doesn't make it into the expansion, etc.) but it is inexcusable when it comes to something that people earned and spent their resources (ingame though they be) to get, yet did not receive due to a bug such as this. "We're working on it" is OK for an initial response I suppose but without follow-up, a reasonable person should expect it to have an expiration date before seeking other solutions through the support system.


The close of the next conquest event is as good as any. I feel bad for the CSRs who are about to get inundated, but here we have yet another case when the community manager failed to manage the community.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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I cant believe they are asking what was the date when you did not receive your rewards or what rewards you're missing, when, they can nail you down quick as a slap on the back of the head if someone cheats in the game, they know who is missing the rewards, just pay up, Bio, geeze !!!

You'd think when you send in a mission report that you never received reward, they return with a question, when did you not get it??? its like when I didn't get it, everyone else probably didn't at the same time.... It ain't real money Bioware just game ****, just give it to us FFS!

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How is the scripting going? It was the first time I did conquest and my guild got second place so I was really excited, but now it's just annoying.

Come on, it's been a week. It may not look like such a big deal, but for me it was. Just give us an update, please.

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


Quick update on this issue. The plan right now that the team is working on is to deliver personal rewards, guild rewards, and achievements to the appropriate people in Game Update 3.3.2. I will let you know if anything changes, but that is the plan as of right now! Thank you all for your patience.



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Hey folks,


Quick update on this issue. The plan right now that the team is working on is to deliver personal rewards, guild rewards, and achievements to the appropriate people in Game Update 3.3.2. I will let you know if anything changes, but that is the plan as of right now! Thank you all for your patience.




And Game Update 3.3.2 is slated for when?

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Hey folks,


Quick update on this issue. The plan right now that the team is working on is to deliver personal rewards, guild rewards, and achievements to the appropriate people in Game Update 3.3.2. I will let you know if anything changes, but that is the plan as of right now! Thank you all for your patience.



Will this fix the bugged rewards from both the 3.3 and 3.3.1 patch, or just the 3.3.1 patch? We still haven't received a word on what happened to the rewards from the conquest week ending on July 28th. Here's a thread on it if you forgot about it.

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So what you're saying is.. that if the pattern that's existed since I came back 2 months ago... You're risking the exact same thing happening in the same week as you're taking the servers down before the next death-mark week. (Following the Dread War event... tentatively set for the week of the 15th.


Meaning we wouldn't get the reward until sept. 22. Unless you plan to run a patch before Relics of the Gree set to start on Sept. 8th.


At any rate.. you're intending to run a script to give the rewards for a previous week... when they could be interfering with the rewards that should be there when we come back from yet another patch.


When it's already been going on that it seems people (Though the most recent one seemed to effect almost everyone)... You're risking the exact same thing happening again. And possibly hoping that your script or lack-there-of will be covered up by the rewards owed for the week that had just ended.


That being said, I appreciate the update.. given that we hadn't heard a thing all week. But, I don't have faith in you getting this right. (Not after the season 5 rewards script effort being screwed up.) Especially since you're doing it at the same time as a patch.. which the patch seemed to be what caused the problem in the first place.

Edited by SNOperaghost
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Hey folks,


Quick update on this issue. The plan right now that the team is working on is to deliver personal rewards, guild rewards, and achievements to the appropriate people in Game Update 3.3.2. I will let you know if anything changes, but that is the plan as of right now! Thank you all for your patience.



Thank You for the update:


OK just a couple things, cause I know they'll come up:


What about people who have left a guild. I know some guilds will bring in/kick out alts based on the week. Will your script know this?


What about those of us who conquered planets and did not get to use the benefits of those planets (i.e. play with our walkers, farm for encryption and farmework pieces, etc)?


How are people that have apparently contacted CS and been manually given rewards going to be handled (after you told them not to)?

Edited by Psychopyro
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What about people who have left a guild. I know some guilds will bring in/kick out alts based on the week. Will your script know this?


It won't just like in the PvP mount case.


What about those of us who conquered planets and did not get to use the benefits of those planets (i.e. play with our walkers, farm for encryption and farmework pieces, etc)?


Drink a cold glass of water.



See above.

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This is PATHETIC. They have no problem pumping out Zakuul armors and ugly drop ship mounts to make more money but don't seem to want to to take the time to fix there bugs. Greed, Greed, Greed thats all this company is after. As long as your able to buy stuff from there market, thats all they care about. ta hell with your in-game issues they say. Been 2 weeks and still no Guild Reward or even any update on there forums from you devs!!! I for one am not touching conquest again till i get my reward
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Right now my only problem is I see a bad pattern to this...


Earn PvP mount, screw up script, don't get reward you earned, have to wait till a new one is made for something you EARNED... And have random players handed what you were supposed to earn...


Conquest rewards from crashed server, earned rewards, nothing, have to wait, looks like they get nothing... and these were EARNED...


Conquest worldwide rewards, nothing awarded, these were again EARNED... have to wait for whenever this patch comes out...


Look I understand bugs that affect nothing, w/e... But players EARNED these rewards in game using the system they provide. And they don't get what they EARNED...


So right now the moral of the story is if you earn something, don't expect to get it, especially if you pay for it.

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Hey folks,


Quick update on this issue. The plan right now that the team is working on is to deliver personal rewards, guild rewards, and achievements to the appropriate people in Game Update 3.3.2. I will let you know if anything changes, but that is the plan as of right now! Thank you all for your patience.




Thanks for the update, a little disappointed but its not the end of the world, will look forward to receiving our rewards then :) However .... I see a potential problem in that unless this bug is fixed in order to implement Game Update 3.3.2. that will require a server restart, and that could possibly mean once again we will receive no rewards for that week also .... so we will be back again to square one :(

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