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Not really as she had contacts with BW as she had been part of a previous program for Dragon Age otherwise she would have never even got her foot in the door I should know I have been going to E3 since 99 for work and they don't let just anyone into closed door events while it might be correct that the devs didn't know who she was the PR team very much did otherwise she wouldn't have been cleared at all.


OK so she's lying too. Nice to know.

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OK so she's lying too. Nice to know.


Not necessarily. The person you quoted might be correct in that the PR team had to know who she was or she wouldn't have been invited to the press conference. However, it's not out of the realm of possibility that they decided a prominent (in the ME/DA communities) Youtube personality would make for an excellent news disseminator for KOTFE as well and got into talks with her prior to E3.

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Not necessarily. The person you quoted might be correct in that the PR team had to know who she was or she wouldn't have been invited to the press conference. However, it's not out of the realm of possibility that they decided a prominent (in the ME/DA communities) Youtube personality would make for an excellent news disseminator for KOTFE as well and got into talks with her prior to E3.


She claims she got no more access than anyone else in the press corp.


Maybe she is lying. I dunno.

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Excuse me? YOU called him a liar, you asked for "proof" - I stepped forward to offer that "proof" you demanded. Who's causing drama exactly?


Quite clearly you are. To use your own term - you come across as one of the biggest "drama queens" on these forums.

As demonstrated by the comment you make on not wanting to cause drama and preferring to have debates yet you blatantly make a "possibly drama causing" post saying you privately message someone your support? You could have defended him at any stage by defending his position in the DEBATE but no, you choose not and instead try to cause drama with your little side comments.


Another example ..

Very good points Pagy....your other post as well.
how is that you furthering any debate? That come across more as trying to incite things more than put across a reasoned point in your supposed debating skills. You're entitled to support him of course but don't try and come across as some guy who tries to avoid drama and prefers debate when you make comments like that.




Recently? That was close to a year ago...


They talked about it at the August 7 Gamescon cantina event"



Where are your debating skills there or did I miss your response? Seems to me you just made yet another unsubstantiated response (furthering the drama you supposedly don't like ) and got called on it then pretended like it never happened.


Or how about this one:


Seriously, who cares about Sim City? Shouldn't this debate be taken to another forum?


Which you then went on to further and participate in the Sim City debate yourself against just one poster ... take your own advice perhaps?


That's all from one thread, imagine what could be found everywhere else you post. So don't try pretend you just enjoy, good constructive debating and hate drama when drama seems to be your forte.

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Just ignore him TUXs he doesn't like being proven wrong.


Kind of like that other topic where you failed to prove anything right? ;) You could have taken your own advice and replied to me privately to further that discussion ... nope no private message, guess you must have seen the flaw in your argument. ;)

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She is a member of the Ronku program if you don't already know what that program is here is a link.



Proof that she is part of the Ronku program? According to the law she would have to clearly and conspicuously disclose that information. (Page 12 example 7). Instead she has publicly denied that she had any official relationship with EA/BW or that she was recruited to review/endorse KOTFE.


So are you saying she is committing felonious behavior as well as lying?

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Proof that she is part of the Ronku program? According to the law she would have to clearly and conspicuously disclose that information. (Page 12 example 7). Instead she has publicly denied that she had any official relationship with EA/BW or that she was recruited to review/endorse KOTFE.


So are you saying she is committing felonious behavior as well as lying?


She isn't using the Ronku program for the SWTOR videos but she used them for the Dragon Age ones and other ones she made as you can pick and choose which videos are part of the program you know as you have to submit them to EA before hand and the program is what got her into the closed door deal the PR department knew her channel because she had done videos are part of the program previously.



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She isn't using the Ronku program for the SWTOR videos but she used them for the Dragon Age ones and other ones she made as you can pick and choose which videos are part of the program you know as you have to submit them to EA before hand and the program is what got her into the closed door deal the PR department knew her channel because she had done videos are part of the program previously.




First thank you.


Second, it doesn't matter whether or not she is using the Ronku program for the SWTOR vids, that she has received monetary incentive from BW/EA in the past and may expect to do so again if they like her content makes her commentary a lot less reliable. I never trust paid bloggers, because their natural instinct is to keep their corporate paymasters happy, not necessarily give an honest answer.


Clearly that someone(my guess would be you) had to ask her in open forum twice before she would admit to being a part of their rewarded endorser program shows a general lack of honesty. Also clearly she either doesn't understand or doesn't wish to comply with the FTC rules, as it is neither clear nor conspicuous from anything that she has posted that she was incentivized in that manner.


Oh well, another less than honest paid blogger covering a video game, nothing new there.

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First thank you.


Second, it doesn't matter whether or not she is using the Ronku program for the SWTOR vids, that she has received monetary incentive from BW/EA in the past and may expect to do so again if they like her content makes her commentary a lot less reliable. I never trust paid bloggers, because their natural instinct is to keep their corporate paymasters happy, not necessarily give an honest answer.


Clearly that someone(my guess would be you) had to ask her in open forum twice before she would admit to being a part of their rewarded endorser program shows a general lack of honesty. Also clearly she either doesn't understand or doesn't wish to comply with the FTC rules, as it is neither clear nor conspicuous from anything that she has posted that she was incentivized in that manner.


Oh well, another less than honest paid blogger covering a video game, nothing new there.

Very interesting debate you guys had going...surprising outcome too.

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First thank you.


Second, it doesn't matter whether or not she is using the Ronku program for the SWTOR vids, that she has received monetary incentive from BW/EA in the past and may expect to do so again if they like her content makes her commentary a lot less reliable. I never trust paid bloggers, because their natural instinct is to keep their corporate paymasters happy, not necessarily give an honest answer.


Clearly that someone(my guess would be you) had to ask her in open forum twice before she would admit to being a part of their rewarded endorser program shows a general lack of honesty. Also clearly she either doesn't understand or doesn't wish to comply with the FTC rules, as it is neither clear nor conspicuous from anything that she has posted that she was incentivized in that manner.


Oh well, another less than honest paid blogger covering a video game, nothing new there.


I kind of lost the plot of the discussion once it went onto whoever that blogger is - any chance of a summary and conclusion in regards to the topic at hand? :p

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I kind of lost the plot of the discussion once it went onto whoever that blogger is - any chance of a summary and conclusion in regards to the topic at hand? :p


It was a tengential part of the discussion as to whether or not BW/EA were actively marketing to DA customers or if it was just a normal, hey you've played our other games you might like this one too.


He referenced Ladyinsanity and her coverage of KOTFE as proof, being that she is a blogger and vlogger that covers DA and some other EA/BW games, namely that she was given access to the closed door portion of E3.


I responded that Ladyinsanity was only there as part of the general press corp and had no prior connection with EA/BW or their PR department as she initially claimed



He responded that she was part of their program for paid blogger/vlogger reviews, in which the person agrees to write nothing negative about a given product and is paid $10 for every 1000 views, up to a cap of $200k for 2million views.


I responded that, as was also stated in that article about said program, anyone participating has to by law according to the FTC say that they are a paid/incentivized blogger/vlogger in a clear and conspicuous manner. Yet Ladyinsanity does not do that(as it turns out, you have to actually link over to youtube from her blog, and then hit the show more button to find it down at the very botton. Neither clear nor conspicuous.


He posted a link in which someone, directly questioned her about it, and after a couple of side step type denials she admitted that she had been a paid blogger/vlogger by EA/BW on some of their other products, but still tried to lamely claim that somehow the EA/BW PR team would be unaware of who she was or that it had gained her access.


While I'm still not convinced that EA/BW is actually conducting a dedicated marketing campaign aimed at DA customers, I do appreciate seeing that another paid blogger has been unmasked, and see this as an example of the problem with paid bloggers. Namely that most of them do not know about or understand the laws that they are operating under, and so many times are not open about what exactly they are doing, like being paid to write positive things and agreeing to write nothing negative about a given product.


Further I personally believe that it skews their future objectivity, as once having been paid(and some actually making a good salary from said work) that out of fear of jeopardizing future opportunities to make money from said companies, they will not write objectively in the future.


In the case of Ladyinsanity, giving her the benefit of the doubt, she clearly doesn't realize that her access has been bought and paid for by her loyalty to the brand and writing only positive reviews. Further that in doing this her objectivity and journalistic integrity has been compromised. She clearly thinks that she was part of the press, when in fact she was an insurance policy, Polygon and the other actual press could have ignored the play through, written mediocre or negative reviews about it, but given her relationship with EA/BW the company guaranteed that there would be some positive press.

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Right I sort of got all that but how did it relate back to the initial debate that was on going or is it more off topic?


Bloggers are paid to only write positive things, I get that hence I don't trust them either. How though does any of it relate back to what the initial debate was ( at least what we were all debating ) which I believe was along the lines of EA are purposely with holding information because they know if they released it all everyone would quit?


Not that I want to go back over everything we already said I just don't see what this lady insanity business goes on to prove in regards to the initial debate ( this is why I called him on his strawman arguing a few times because he kept trying to push things in these odd directions away from his initial claims ).


Is it to say EA are trying to control the media hype about their upcoming release? Of course they are, that's given. It doesn't mean they basically think letting people know how this expansion will work will cause them to quit though so that's where I'm getting confused heh.

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Right I sort of got all that but how did it relate back to the initial debate that was on going or is it more off topic?


Bloggers are paid to only write positive things, I get that hence I don't trust them either. How though does any of it relate back to what the initial debate was ( at least what we were all debating ) which I believe was along the lines of EA are purposely with holding information because they know if they released it all everyone would quit?


Not that I want to go back over everything we already said I just don't see what this lady insanity business goes on to prove in regards to the initial debate ( this is why I called him on his strawman arguing a few times because he kept trying to push things in these odd directions away from his initial claims ).


Is it to say EA are trying to control the media hype about their upcoming release? Of course they are, that's given. It doesn't mean they basically think letting people know how this expansion will work will cause them to quit though so that's where I'm getting confused heh.


Watch today's stream and see the reaction when they talk about the companion info.

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Right I sort of got all that but how did it relate back to the initial debate that was on going or is it more off topic?


Bloggers are paid to only write positive things, I get that hence I don't trust them either. How though does any of it relate back to what the initial debate was ( at least what we were all debating ) which I believe was along the lines of EA are purposely with holding information because they know if they released it all everyone would quit?


Not that I want to go back over everything we already said I just don't see what this lady insanity business goes on to prove in regards to the initial debate ( this is why I called him on his strawman arguing a few times because he kept trying to push things in these odd directions away from his initial claims ).


Is it to say EA are trying to control the media hype about their upcoming release? Of course they are, that's given. It doesn't mean they basically think letting people know how this expansion will work will cause them to quit though so that's where I'm getting confused heh.


His initial claim was that EA/BW "knows" they are going to be losing folks so they are trying to draw the DA ect. Crowd in.


My claim is that EA/BW always tries to capitalize on its already established fanbase. I get constant emails from them suggesting new or existing titles, and have ever since I registered my copy of Neverwinter Nights so many years ago.

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Watch today's stream and see the reaction when they talk about the companion info.


I'll just read the notes thanks - there is too much bias amongst the vocal minority as it is to get any fair showing I would assume.


In saying that it's over so what was the response?

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His initial claim was that EA/BW "knows" they are going to be losing folks so they are trying to draw the DA ect. Crowd in.


My claim is that EA/BW always tries to capitalize on its already established fanbase. I get constant emails from them suggesting new or existing titles, and have ever since I registered my copy of Neverwinter Nights so many years ago.


Right I must have missed all that lol.


Of course they will go back to any fan base they can ( even one's they don't necessarily own rights too ) to bring in players, they want to sell more period - that's no secret and certainly no reason for them to withhold information.


What a strange debate for him to try jsutify as a means of EA knowing they are going to lose players lol. It doesn't actually make any sense.

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Right I must have missed all that lol.


Of course they will go back to any fan base they can ( even one's they don't necessarily own rights too ) to bring in players, they want to sell more period - that's no secret and certainly no reason for them to withhold information.


What a strange debate for him to try jsutify as a means of EA knowing they are going to lose players lol. It doesn't actually make any sense.


I guess you didn't watch that failure of a streaming event and yes because they went out of their way to make sure someone that they knew has a big dragon age fan base was there to cover it and was a sure bet to give them praise then yes it says they are worried and I would also like to the note the fact they just announced that after Oct 27th they are not releasing any new chapters or any new content at all till late December is going to cost them.

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I'll just read the notes thanks - there is too much bias amongst the vocal minority as it is to get any fair showing I would assume.


In saying that it's over so what was the response?


Because then you miss the part where the stream locks up and they can't even get it back up and running for at least like 15-30 mins and they didn't even bother to take questions or interact with the stream at all like they said they would aside from picking random cartel coin winners nearly zero fan interaction at all.

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His initial claim was that EA/BW "knows" they are going to be losing folks so they are trying to draw the DA ect. Crowd in.


My claim is that EA/BW always tries to capitalize on its already established fanbase. I get constant emails from them suggesting new or existing titles, and have ever since I registered my copy of Neverwinter Nights so many years ago.


Just a little heads Ladyinsanity pretty much just used her twitter account to make fun of you just thought you might want to know that.

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