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The current player base has had access to all those OP's and Flash points they have done them millions of times before and it's not like they are adding anything new to those 2 things just raising the level so it is still the same old tired content that is just scaled to be harder and in the end people will just find the easiest OP's and flash point to farm gear from and stick to that.


My opinion is Bioware's metrics show the majority of the player base HASN'T done much of the end game content hence these changes to try encourage more people to do it.


You cna say they have, I can say they haven't, who is right, who is wrong - we both can't prove it without their metrics except I express my opinion you try express things as fact which is plain foolish.

In then end what I do know is Bioware are making changes that cater to my opinion on the matter so one could conclude from that that their metrics dictate what I'm saying but again ... can't prove it so why bother debating it with a guy who has his head so buried in his own opinion that he believes it all to be fact without offering up 1 shred of evidence to back any of it up.

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1. You assume too much about the current player base, you have no facts to back up that OPINION of yours and the direction BW are taking speaks the opposite is indeed true.


2. Now you're really just being silly and grasping at straws.


3. Cool, maybe they will put some in the new content too. I haven't seen them expressly say they won't just that the story itself can't be done by 2 people to progress both of their personal stories at the same time.


4. Right now where does it say we can't kill ANY that breaks that point? That was after all your initial point, they he is going back on what you quoted there. I'm just making you do the leg work to back up a point you should have done in the first place. ;)


5. *sigh* you're really not getting my point. Read it again and try again.

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Sadly while I could prove what I am talking about with the whole companions stuff but that data is something that would get me banned so I can't exactly use it.



Lol if you can prove it but it will get you banned then it's something that isn't proven ( leaked, rumored, mined ). Just saying. Funnily enough I've read what you've read most likely and it entirely backs up what Charles said. No idea what you're on about - you seem to think we could kill anyone we liked? We could any certain character at all? No, he never said that.

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My opinion is Bioware's metrics show the majority of the player base HASN'T done much of the end game content hence these changes to try encourage more people to do it.


You cna say they have, I can say they haven't, who is right, who is wrong - we both can't prove it without their metrics except I express my opinion you try express things as fact which is plain foolish.

In then end what I do know is Bioware are making changes that cater to my opinion on the matter so one could conclude from that that their metrics dictate what I'm saying but again ... can't prove it so why bother debating it with a guy who has his head so buried in his own opinion that he believes it all to be fact without offering up 1 shred of evidence to back any of it up.


You talk about me providing no evidence in a statement that says you have no evidence either pot calling the kettle black much?

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Lol if you can prove it but it will get you banned then it's something that isn't proven ( leaked, rumored, mined ). Just saying. Funnily enough I've read what you've read most likely and it entirely backs up what Charles said. No idea what you're on about - you seem to think we could kill anyone we liked? We could any certain character at all? No, he never said that.


Data mined info comes from official BW data so it isn't something made up it's legit and the way I know is from the data one can read every outcome for every companion in the story and from that you can know for certain what you are limited to doing with each companion and that is as much as I can say without crossing the line.

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you're totally right.

every business makes perfect decisions and succeeds on merit.

case closed then.


Perfect decision no, people are not perfect so perfect decisions are a high bar. Succeeds on merits, yup that is what I said. I get you don't like it, That is fine. But they have a business case. Good bet the push back they have rec'd was considered in that case.


Seems pointless to argue specifics on metrics you nor I will ever see.

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hehe, confirmed for no 1st-hand knowledge of how bidness works.


The amount of gut feelings, hitting it hard and hoping for the best, and sloppy consensus is constantly astounding. Not limited to any particular sectors either.


Just don't tell me boss please.

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Data mined info comes from official BW data so it isn't something made up it's legit and the way I know is from the data one can read every outcome for every companion in the story and from that you can know for certain what you are limited to doing with each companion and that is as much as I can say without crossing the line.


But they never promised you anything. They said you would have to wait and see, that they weren't going to answer the question of whether you could kill any comp or not, you would have to play and see. So in the end it doesn't matter if you can kill all of them, or if you can kill none of them. They never promised you either.

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My opinion is Bioware's metrics show the majority of the player base HASN'T done much of the end game content hence these changes to try encourage more people to do it.


You cna say they have, I can say they haven't, who is right, who is wrong - we both can't prove it without their metrics except I express my opinion you try express things as fact which is plain foolish.

In then end what I do know is Bioware are making changes that cater to my opinion on the matter so one could conclude from that that their metrics dictate what I'm saying but again ... can't prove it so why bother debating it with a guy who has his head so buried in his own opinion that he believes it all to be fact without offering up 1 shred of evidence to back any of it up.


But you could rely a bit on this piece from Polygon:


"We have three years of data on how people play the game and what they want. We know what our players want. They've told us. They've told us in person, on the forums. They've also told us through their play behaviors.


"We can look at this stuff and say, 'look, if you want to go and play the standard MMO game — PvP, doing a flashpoint, operation raiding — we have that. We've always had that. We continue to expand on that. But we also heard, loud and clear, this scream for story, for personal custom story.'"

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You talk about me providing no evidence in a statement that says you have no evidence either pot calling the kettle black much?


Except that official statements from Bioware back up his opinion while they undermine your own. See above quoted Polygon article for example.

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But you could rely a bit on this piece from Polygon:


"We have three years of data on how people play the game and what they want. We know what our players want. They've told us. They've told us in person, on the forums. They've also told us through their play behaviors.


"We can look at this stuff and say, 'look, if you want to go and play the standard MMO game — PvP, doing a flashpoint, operation raiding — we have that. We've always had that. We continue to expand on that. But we also heard, loud and clear, this scream for story, for personal custom story.'"


Yea BW can say what they like to push what they want but the fact of the matter is they don't show us the metrics to back up anything they say and that is a fact but the truth of the matter is they are doing the opposite of what other MMO's do when they make a expansion they are focusing on one thing when they could give people a bit of everything they could have easily done story they way they wanted to along with new op's and flash points but they choose not to.

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Except that official statements from Bioware back up his opinion while they undermine your own. See above quoted Polygon article for example.


Not really because all BW is doing is saying stuff to push what they want to nothing more nothing less because if they had all these metrics and everything to back up what they are saying they wouldn't have any issues sharing the metrics with everyone I mean hell if FFXIV is willing to share their metrics with the fans on a yearly basis so should BW.

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Yea BW can say what they like to push what they want but the fact of the matter is they don't show us the metrics to back up anything they say and that is a fact but the truth of the matter is they are doing the opposite of what other MMO's do when they make a expansion they are focusing on one thing when they could give people a bit of everything they could have easily done story they way they wanted to along with new op's and flash points but they choose not to.


Yeah they can't be not adding new ops because the operation/flashpoint development team are busy basically rehashing how operations work, possibly ironing out bugs for when they launch, fixing up mechanics, fixing old bugs - you know all that stuff that everyone complains about every time they bring out a new op.

It can't be because Bioware don't have an unlimited budget, nope that can't be it either.


It MUST be they purposely wanted to piss off people who do PVE, they thought it would be kinda funny to add no ops or flashpoints.


See how ridiculous your point of view sounds?

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If you really believe they have quantifable evidence new raids would earn them more money than what they are doing now (building the scaling tech and KOTFE) and not doing it just cause....Your only kidding yourself.


The scaling tech isn't actually anything new, we already have it in game with Bolster for PvP and also in Kuat Drive Yards / Blood Hunt etc. All they're doing is applying it to older content and adding the GSI droid for solo mode flashpoints, and altering some of the rewards.


Nothing new to see there at all. Equally they haven't stated if they'll include the option to play the older content at the original levels with the original loot drops. A fairly big omission to make considering some players like to just mess around and 2-man older operations or 1-man older flashpoints.


Scaling isn't really a good thing, it's been done before in other MMOs iirc. All it does it make some content accessible for the really casual players (solo-mode) to the detriment of other players.

Edited by Transcendent
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Yea BW can say what they like to push what they want but the fact of the matter is they don't show us the metrics to back up anything they say and that is a fact but the truth of the matter is they are doing the opposite of what other MMO's do when they make a expansion they are focusing on one thing when they could give people a bit of everything they could have easily done story they way they wanted to along with new op's and flash points but they choose not to.


Actually, no, they can't.


BW, and its parent company EA, is a publicly traded company. Investors and stockholders rely on their various press statements to make informed decisions about their investing. Considering that BW has put this in both their official statements to stock holders and in their public press releases, if they are lying they can be in serious legal trouble with the SEC.

If they go this route and their player base evaporates and seriously damages the profitability of EA/BW and thus by relation their stock prices, they will have to prove, at least to their board of directors that they had solid metrics that they were relying upon and acted in good faith. If they can't then well, again, serious legal trouble can follow.

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Actually, no, they can't.


BW, and its parent company EA, is a publicly traded company. Investors and stockholders rely on their various press statements to make informed decisions about their investing. Considering that BW has put this in both their official statements to stock holders and in their public press releases, if they are lying they can be in serious legal trouble with the SEC.

If they go this route and their player base evaporates and seriously damages the profitability of EA/BW and thus by relation their stock prices, they will have to prove, at least to their board of directors that they had solid metrics that they were relying upon and acted in good faith. If they can't then well, again, serious legal trouble can follow.


Haha that is very funny considering EA's rep of being rated one of the worst companies for many years given that fact them misleading people is just a simple matter of manipulating the numbers and it's not like SWTOR going under would really damage the company as a whole because this game makes so little compared to the rest of the games they own.

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Yeah they can't be not adding new ops because the operation/flashpoint development team are busy basically rehashing how operations work, possibly ironing out bugs for when they launch, fixing up mechanics, fixing old bugs - you know all that stuff that everyone complains about every time they bring out a new op.

It can't be because Bioware don't have an unlimited budget, nope that can't be it either.


It MUST be they purposely wanted to piss off people who do PVE, they thought it would be kinda funny to add no ops or flashpoints.


See how ridiculous your point of view sounds?


When have you known BW to release a bug free expansion or update or really even fix old bugs at all really everything is contrary to how BW has handled things in the past?

Edited by Kaizersan
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When have you known BW to release a bug free expansion or update or really even fix old bugs at all really everything is contrary to how BW has handled things in the past?


They fix bugs all the time.. just not always in the urgent gotta-have-fixed-nao emergency that some players feel about some bugs.


As for a bug free release.... no such animal in MMOs.

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They fix bugs all the time.. just not always in the urgent gotta-have-fixed-nao emergency that some players feel about some bugs.


As for a bug free release.... no such animal in MMOs.


Remember that Ravagers bug that they knew about on the PTS and let it go for almost a full month before fixing it?

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Utterly ridiculous. You do realize every planet & server as a whole has not only a population percentage number, but a who list to show who is where, yes? And having access to said list, I can honestly say that seeing people in raid locations is a rare sight compared to just seeing players on the planet or in pvp. Also for your statement to be true regarding the time periods that f2p spend in game, it would have to mean that for the servers to maintain medium to high population rates so consistently that the players in game would have to interchange on a daily basis and that, like I said is utterly ridiculous. Just accept facts that you are the minority.


how many of the people in those nonraid places are there for ERP? should there be more erp content?

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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Haha that is very funny considering EA's rep of being rated one of the worst companies for many years given that fact them misleading people is just a simple matter of manipulating the numbers and it's not like SWTOR going under would really damage the company as a whole because this game makes so little compared to the rest of the games they own.


Sure... Because 165million in revenue is chump change that they can just shrug off...

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When have you known BW to release a bug free expansion or update or really even fix old bugs at all really everything is contrary to how BW has handled things in the past?


They fix bugs all the time.


Anyway stop this strawman crap, you said they could have done KotFE AND given us new ops etc. but chose not to, so back that statement up or basically stop posting because you're really just embarrassing yourself now.

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