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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Help with some gearing


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ok, so lately ive been trying to up my bonus damage. I play an Arsenal Merc. Ive mostly been stacking as much power i can get through modifications. with a stim up im at 1954 bonus damage ( which i thought was pretty good). I have 5/6 set bonus and a mix of 192s and 198s.


What im wondering is how are people going about getting 2k+ bonus damage? Ive seen a few with 2100+ and also is it better to use aim/endurance augs or should i stick with power/endurance augs?

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Why are you making a goal of bonus damage?


There is no trick or special method to high bonus damage. You simply get the best possible gear which is 198 from operations and the 204 mh from the monolith. Comms 198 gear has inferior mods and enhancements.


And don't ignore crit just for the sake of a big bonus damage number, a few hundred crit when you have none is worth more than a few hundred power when you have 1500 already.



Edited by Gyronamics
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well i figured the goal was to obtain higher bonus damage? guess im wrong in thinking that...?


anyways, im not lacking in the other attributes, i was just wondering what route everyone went to obtain higher bonus damage. atm im 25.65% crit chance (312 crit rating) 70.34% multiplier (403 surge rating) with 110.45% accuracy.


Just looking for some advice on what to do.

Edited by Retrogression
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The goal is more of everything after the limit of 750+ accuracy.


Crit increases your damage by increasing crit chance not by increasing bonus damage.


Just keep getting better modifications until you have the best ones. And augments. And the best stim. And datacrons. And companion +1% bonuses.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Gyro gave you great advice. But, since you asked:


Ranged Bonus Damage stat is improved with Aim and Power.

Tech Bonus Damage stat is improved with Aim, Power, Cunning, and Tech Power.


Aim and Power are buffed with Mark of Power (Inquisitor/Consular).

Both Bonus Damage stats are buffed with Unnatural Might (Warrior/Knight).


Only stack Cunning from Datacrons, but get them all.

Tech Power comes from your weapon barrels.

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