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Old achievement chasing - Makeb, well connected


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Great - and you received the achievements as you would expect.

However doesn't fix the issue that BW add a mechanic to the game (Heroic 2, 2+ and 4 - designed for 2, 2 or more or 4) people to participate yet fail to give the achievement if you decide to actually use this mechanic.


Many, many more people have failed to solo this FP than the "yer - I dun it" people.

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I also didn't get the achievement.

I did two Stage 1 Quests, then False History in a Group of two people and then Stage 2 Landing Party.

Next time, I will try it with someone who doesn't have the quest. I hope it will work then for the achievement, because it is the last achievement for that I need.

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I can assure you OP that it is not true. I did false History in group as well (because is is next to impossible to solo the first "trap"), and got the credit just fine, even when in group.


In fact, I just completed the entire achievement exactly according to the old guide from Dulfy.net, without any issues.

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I can assure you OP that it is not true. I did false History in group as well (because is is next to impossible to solo the first "trap"), and got the credit just fine, even when in group.


In fact, I just completed the entire achievement exactly according to the old guide from Dulfy.net, without any issues.


Just because it didn't bug for you doesn't mean that it is "not true" that there's a bug. CS acknowledged there is one in their response to my ticket about it.

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Just to reconfirm it, - it works if you do it with someone who does not have the quest.


After missing it for 2 weeks, I finally managed to get it.


There were two of us, but only I had the quest.

False History was my 3rd quest in Stage 1 and Landing Party was 1st in Stage 2.

Also I completed bonus objectives in both quests just in case.


The achievement ticked right after finishing Landing Party.


So if you have the bug, like I had, this workaround does help.


PS: If you need a "questless assistant" on The Red Eclipse, I can help - Avionius or Tholn in game.

Edited by Avionius
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Just because it didn't bug for you doesn't mean that it is "not true" that there's a bug. CS acknowledged there is one in their response to my ticket about it.


Seriously, what an idiotic post that was. "My sample size of one says that it works, therefore there aren't any bugs!"


I have been doing these achievement runs with a friend meticulously according to the dulfy and tor community guides. We are in the same guild and I can see when my friend gets the achievements. We started with the exact same list of achievements and ran all the missions together. She got this achievement after we had completed the run according to the guide and I didn't - even after doing the entire lot together from scratch. We repeated it the next week trying to change who clicked what to see if it would help, but to no avail. There is a bug here, a very annoying one considering the amount of work that goes into completing this.


I'm going to try one more time with the suggestion here of bringing her along without her having the mission. Thankfully she is a good sport about it, better than I am at this point with my patience with Bioware running very thin these days. :mad:

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Finally got it done :)

Would like to say I soloed it but alas my coordination and timing didn't allow that :/

It was with the aid of a stranger who gave up 5mins of their time to run through the puzzle rooms, the essential part being they were not on the [stage1] False History mission.


You know it's worked when you start [stage2] Landing Party and you get a slightly different vocal (something about the Jedi being called away) and the gold Cathar Jedi have been replaced.



The only difference I could see is that when running with someone who has the mission you BOTH have to click on the terminal in the gas trap room. When you have a helper who doesn't have the mission they don't.


On a side note, these sort of button pressing puzzles always amuse me in a game where you have companions. The companions just look at you bemusedly 'Press a button for you... I'd rather choke to death, and you with me :p ' .

Similar issue with the end of Fallout 3....




You have the choice to enter a radioactive reactor to shut it down and die or send a Brotherhood of Steel member in to do it for you and they die... despite having a Super Mutant companion by your side who is immune to radiation! Doh!



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  • 2 weeks later...



I think the mail above from Vhaegrant holds the key to what is going wrong here.


Today I did the H2 False History in stage 1, and Landing party in stage 2 according to dulfy's guide, and got the cathar jedi in Landing party and no achievement. Subachievement "planted false data in the Tarlam hall of records" didn't fire after Landing Party, or at handin at the orbital station.


However, while doing the H2 False History, I noticed on the second console that my partner, while channeling the console, had a green lit checkmark over his head. The same one you get in flashpoints when the whole party has to click a door or quest item. So I joined him quickly in the channel, which was possible, and also on the third. I had missed the first tho.


This would indicate that the channel of the consoles, after the trap is disarmed, is in fact a group channel.

Everyone who needs the achievement should join in the channel before the channel of the person who starts is done. So, all click at the same time, and do so on all of the 3 consoles.


This would also explain why people soloing, or people running it with a questless helper report success. In these scenario's you are automatically the only one who channels.


Alas, I missed my channel on the first console, so try again next week :(

I'll try to confirm if my assumption above is correct.

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The achievements will be removed in 4.0 so this issue is not going to be fixed.

It comes as no surprise that there was at least one post informing me that I am incorrect etc.]

However the wider community have confirmed that there is an issue here.

Thankfully as a lot of people are hoping to complete this - people are helping others out.


I managed to solo it (eventually) thanks to the legacy "Unity" ability and perfectly times force speed etc.

After the reset this week I helped two people get this - I didn't have the mission in my log and I simply followed them into their mission and clicked some consoles for them, this allowed them to get the credit and move on to the Stage 2.


To those that have recently managed to get this done. You know the hassle it causes, you know the frustration of failing to solo it time and time.

So please, give up 10-15 minutes of your time and help those calling for help in general chat. These people only need help in the first room, the other rooms can be solo just fine.

BW will not fix their errors and bugs (plenty of them about) so as a community - help thy neighbour!

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I'm almost through it now - why is there no Republic side thread about it ? - but die to mismanagement I'm 2 or 3 weeks away from getting everything - I once missed "Into the fire" in the stage 1 run, and later did the 2 required heroics with a friend with missing to do "Overwatch" or how it is called before them. So I need to do at least 2 more weekly runs.


I'm still kind of suspicious whether the Republic guide is actually working ... Of the listed achievements I have all except 2, but the Legacy shows "25 of 36", if I remember correctly.


The imperial side guide at Dulfy is SO MUCH BETTER documented ! It has a far cleaner physical layout, it lists everything, and one doesn't need to browse through the comments ... *sigh*


And the achievement titles themselves !


"Making the connection" = work in progress, therefore unstable, result not foreseeable

"Well connected" = finished, imperial side = profiteer, result determined


Both Achievement names are to me typical signs of faction favouritism again, albeit in a very subtle way.

They coulkd have given the Rpublic side a title like "Connection established ! which would place the Republic side as profiteers of the whole thing, and giving the Republic side an definitive, stable outcome feeling ... But no- Instead they made the Republic look like "look, he's still working on it while we are already finished, ha ha !"


I hate that.

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I'm still kind of suspicious whether the Republic guide is actually working ... Of the listed achievements I have all except 2, but the Legacy shows "25 of 36", if I remember correctly.

If by "the guide" you mean dulfy's guide, it worked for me. And if you mean something else, I suggest using dulfy's guide.

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I also hit this bug, very frustrating, I did False History grouped several times and could never get the achievement to pop. I was finally able to solo it on my Marauder, I popped Cloak of Pain for some damage protection and Predation for speed and managed to barely do the gas room before dying. The Youtube video helps give you ideas on how to minimize movement (i.e. rotate your camera while the gas trap is processing). I did the mission sequence that Uberlord described in this thread, with all bonus missions just to be safe.


Thanks everyone in this thread for the tips.

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Both Achievement names are to me typical signs of faction favouritism again, albeit in a very subtle way.

I hate that.


Yeah, they are so biased towards Imperial players. How dare they leave the Imperial side bugged and for some people very difficult to get. Republic players deserve that kind of fun feature too. We demand they bug the Republic side! Damn them favouring the Imperials like that!

Edited by PLynkes
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