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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Clarifying Stats


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After looking through Hotwired and Dulfy's guides about gearing my merc I've hit a wall. As it stands I'm around 93% accuracy with ~21% crit, ~68% surge, and roughly ~260 power on my gear all 172 item rating blue augments. My ear and implants are still 124's, belt and bracers 124/156. The three articles I've read have said completely different things and I am curious to see how the community is gearing.
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Assuming your playing as a DPS and talking about doing PvE content the first thing to get sorted is that Accuracy, you want it up to 100% for Ranged / 110% Tech which requires around 750 accuracy + the 1% from max affection from any melee Tank Companion, in the trooper case that would be Tanno Vik.
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The guides are mostly focused on gear balance with maximum gear. There can be different balances of stats that achieve nearly the same result. You just need to keep upgrading your gear. As you select upgrades, just choose accuracy over alacrity or surge, and power over crit.


If you want, you can use the simulator linked below. It will help you choose which stat to focus on as you acquire better gear.

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