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2 year + Fanboy of Swtor sadly cancels his account.


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*shrug* This isn't a big deal for me, just thought I would add my voice to the list of 'detractors'. You people shouldn't be threatened by those leaving.


We're not. But we do get a people like OP who are... Ch'yeah. I can't even say it because I'll get a warning for the most mundane words.

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Too bad you didnt enjoy it.


I on the other hand love the game. It seems they tailored this game to my personal liking. If i had 150mil dollars and wanted to make a mmo just for my self, this would have been the results.


Yesterday i think i just watched alderan scenery for 10-15min enjoying its beauty.


I am only 33 yet, just finished the act 1. Everything is awesome so far.


I feel the same way.....when people ask "who is this game for" my first thought is ....me!....so many of the things people complain about are things I like....no mods or add ons...yay....1.5second cool down ...yay! Crafting more for personal than profesional use....yay....no LCD tool...yay!.....the whole experience and vision really work fo r me.

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I guess it's just not to your taste. As an MMO player I always want more story and playing SW:TOR has inspired me to not only learn about the lore of the game but before and after as well (through books and such), that's why I will continue to play.
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Quick question: Why come on the forums to announce your departure? There is obviously some sort of rhetorical point you are trying to make.


1) To bad mouth the game

2) Troll

3) See points 1 + 2


/nobody cares


To give his personal experience of the game. Giving this feedback will help the developers to create a bigger picture of what players are looking for.


Simply looking at all the shiney parts, and ignoring the dull parts will lead to a very bland game. A balanced picture for future development will ultimately lead to a much more polished game than we currently see.


I agree with the OP. I've been waiting for TOR for years. I was a hardcore WoW player before. I don't like how restricted TOR is. It gives the feel of go anywhere, do anything, but when you actually try it, you find you're actually fenced in. You are pretty much stuck on a path that many single player RPG's offer you.


For instance, painted backgrounds! Why isn't Kaas city fully explorable? Why are mountain ranges not reachable? For a game described as 'sandbox' or 'free roam', there seems to be alot of walls and pathings put in place.


Experimentation is frowned upon. So here's another issue, Advanced Classes. A novice player decides to roll a Sith Inquisitor and tries out the Assassin AC. It doesn't suit their playstyle, so rather than give them a one time option to retrain Scorcerer, they must instead completely reroll their character. Now some will say, but it only takes a few hours to get back to lvl10. And yes, I agree, it does. But do you know that this is the path for you as soon as you trained it? I doubt it. Instead you will more than likely level up to lvl15-20-25 maybe, then think, nope....I really can't get on with this.


This is a stalling tactic by Bioware/EA.


It's completely unfair to compare TOR to WoW. With so much more developement time, WoW will obviously have more to do than TOR does at launch. That said, I did expect there to be more to do on TOR than there currently is, worlds to be bigger, gameplay to be more engaging.

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The only reason's for posts like this are, you are intentionally trying to sabotage the game or you are trying to rationlize your decision, convince other people that you are right, and find support. You will find much more support for your decision in a WoW Forum, or even a RIFT Forum. You might try there and see. I bet you will be flamed less as well.
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There are millions of players, some are bound to leave.

Do we really need a /quit post every time someone no ones ever head of decides they are quitting.


"this isn't the game you were looking for" now go away and leave the forums alone.

Some people want to love this game.

Yet they can't.

Thus they want to share their feelings with others who feel the same.

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I understand its a lot to ask of MMOs to move forward in this respect, but Bioware didn't even do the status quo. Instead they took a bunch of steps backwards.


they really did take a big step backwards, Ive been playing mmos for 14 years since the first of meridian 59, then UO then EQ, I have seen the progression of mmos, the last really successful one has been wow. None since have been successful. Tor will be no exception. A handful of fanboys on these forums wont change the fact that the game is bland and boring. I wish it were different but its not. 2 years i supported this game like crazy. Now I have had to face facts. So today I post my opinions. In a few months I will see I was right, but it wont matter, I will be on to better games and books etc to spend my non work time. The cut scenes would have been good if just for the main story line, but they over did it with every damn quest out there. So even that is a step back. Nothing in this game improved on the mmo gener. Infact this game is not an mmo. its all instanced and split up. Its a bad single player game. Mass Effect 2 was SO much better. when I got into their mobs areas in that game at least the had AI and attacked. TOR nothing happens until i engage a mob, if I don't want to I walk right by their line of sight and they just stand there and look at me. I mean really? so bad.

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U are so self centered,just **** like we care. Ppl who are leaving and make a post about it 0o i really cant understand.its so selfish to come on a forum and say damn the game isnt what i was waiting for and ut sucks so i quit.just put in ur mind that the devs didnt make the game for u and only but the way they wanted it,now if u like good,if u can adjust to it its ok if u cant stand it just g t f o Edited by Uzume
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I'm a tad bored with Hoth but the game itself feels like Guild Wars sort of thing but improved haha


It looks liek WOW aswell, cant deny it but still star wars


game also seems easy-ish and doing stuff on some planets like multiplayer quests is pointless nobody about or in other instances.


in all the game is good, its what KOTOR 3 should of been like, ive played it non-stop and will stop when i hit 50 and wait for expansions.


i know the game has already just came out but the next one they make has to be a sandbox world MMO.

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Wait, you hate the boring combat mechanics of this game so instead you want to Skyrim? The game where you either backpedal for melee combat or point and click for spellcasting is more exciting combat for you?


What do you mean static? That random neutral NPCs aren't wondering the roads or that stores ain't closed down at night doesn't feel realistic to you?


The environments seem very immense, standing next to the black temple or a republic battlecruiser, I was like wow~


Also, how can you not like space combat? It is like a Star Fox 64 mini game, hater.

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normal response from someone who can't face the facts that the game is bad and posts in anger. I feel for you.


Other people are enjoying the game. You are entitled to your opinion as are they. Please, don't "feel" for those of us who are enjoying playing. If it's not for you then move on. Why on earth are you even still here?


I'm sure a lot of us had respect for you after your initial post (although I wonder why you feel it necessary, people will make their own minds up) but your replies have let you down.

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People expected way to much, they thought the worlds would be totally open and explorable and you'd have guild star destroyers and meaningful crafting.... It's kinda strange the game for all it's development some of the time doesn't even seem as advanced as say 'Star Trek' online.
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I'm in the same boat as you I'm afraid. I rolled a juggernaut.


Cancelled my sub last night, a shame really because I love the star wars universe and hate throwing 60 dollars in the trash.


Too much CC in PvP makes it an absolute joke, I spent 95% of my time (literally) CCd or slowed and can't do anything. And there's a strange lag with everything.


Thinking about it some more, I'd have to agree with you on the world, it really does feel bland. Doesn't feel like an MMO at all, too many instance shards I guess.


Here's to hoping BW will fix a lot of the dislikes for me, but I won't hold my breath.

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