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Changing daily/weekly tokens so they are no longer BoP


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There have been discussions on this forum quite frequently about redesigning the requisition system to allow for pilots to have an easier time of gaining more requisition for themselves quickly. Likewise, there has been a lot of chatter about increasing the rewards for playing GSF. I know myself and many others out there play the game because they love it, but it can be difficult to get new players into a competitive state when they have to fight such an uphill battle.


What if the requisition tokens were no longer BoP? This could be an easy tweak which would allow for req to be bought and sold, traded and gifted, and create new opportunities for players to gain req or make credits for themselves. It could also create a bit of an economy around GSF, giving it a more solid tie to the rest of the game, and providing opportunities to veterans (who have no need for more tokens) and newer players (who want some fast req and have the credits for it).


I do not necessarily advocate for this idea as it may bring up more problems than opportunities. However, I am curious to hear the community take on this.

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It'd potentially help. However, I'd rather see solutions to the following:


  • Something to useful to do with requisition earned on mastered ships (and I don't mean spending 10s of thousands of cartel coins to convert to fleet req)
  • Something to ease progression on a new server (a req token economy doesn't quite help unless it involves donations to the new players, as players new to the server have no money to purchase tokens)

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I wish there was an option for mastered ships to put a fixed amount of req into a crate and that crate should be tradeable.


Another cool tihing would be trading req for another kind of currency, for example ship req with a 2000:1 and fleet req with a 1000:1 rate, so spending CC still makes sense, and then being able to buy interesting rewards with it aka style rewards for our character (armor, mounts), decorations for our strongholds or to trade them and equipment for max level characters to add another way of gearing up with entry level armor.

Edited by Danalon
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My guess is that gsf income is as follows:

subscribers who primarily play gsf (almost always in queue)

ship req converted to fleet req on a new character to fill the bar with 5 choice ships

ocula/sting purchase (hence, never a sale)

cosmetics/other ships (lumped together probably greater than ocula/sting, but not individually)

a few wealthy people using cc fleet req to level a single ship faster


Allowing sale of requisition on the GTN or even legacy transfer will reduce the first two sources (especially the second one). I am not sure if they are interested in doing that.


I would suggest doubling all ship requisition rewards, including dailies/weeklies. This would allow new players to level faster, which could help retention without really threatening the income stream (trickle?).


In my opinion, surplus ship requisition on a ship that has all components mastered should be available for some type of title or mount or something. Perhaps once all the ships on a character are completed there should be some super-special mount or title to buy with fleet requisition.

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