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Remove Mandatory Ilum...


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Most of us hate it and never do it but it's stuck in our quest trackers. Ilum should no longer be a mandatory quest. Makeb will get us to level 55, then we are SOR and flashpoints to 60. I hate seeing it in my tracker on all of my characters when I don't step foot on the planet.
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Maybe allow it to be removed from your quests link either before talking to the droid or just after, but I do agree with at least starting the quest being mandatory, there have been a few post recently that I have see such as "what do I do post chapter 3..." etc.


Now considering the amount of quests that are opened up to you after chapter 3 newer players may get "overwhelmed" so I think it's pretty good idea to at least point players in the right direction I know I needed it.

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Considering the general feeling is that once you've launched into the new expansion anything and everything incomplete will no longer be accessible to you - then there is a good chance the Ilum items will disappear from your quest log.
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Why not just take a couple of minutes to start the mission and then abandon it?


Because the game won't let you abandon "core" missions like that. Of course you can abandon most of the main planet questlines, but the Ilum questline specifically is treated more like your untouchable class questline.

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Because the game won't let you abandon "core" missions like that. Of course you can abandon most of the main planet questlines, but the Ilum questline specifically is treated more like your untouchable class questline.


Wait til October, its been stated starting the new expansion will cut you off from unfinished 'core' missions left undone.

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