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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Space Station Stronghold


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Ever since strongholds came out, I've been thinking I'd like a stronghold on vaiken spacedock. The thing is huge and only a small part is accessible. The potential and assets are there. A nice big window into the emptiness of space and perhaps a few ships flying around. Do it!
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Ever since strongholds came out, I've been thinking I'd like a stronghold on vaiken spacedock. The thing is huge and only a small part is accessible. The potential and assets are there. A nice big window into the emptiness of space and perhaps a few ships flying around. Do it!


Those strongholds could be accessable from the landing bay where the area is already bound to the player in there.

A small elevator button is all that is needed since BW loves to use loading screens for every step u take.

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It'd be cool to have something similar to Port Nowhere.


Give my smuggler back her space station!


Seriously though, something like Port Nowhere or (a much smaller) Hammer Station like asteroid base would be awesome (Hammer Station is the one on the asteroid, right?).

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Great ideas. Something similar to port nowhere maybe two floors added with some small rooms would be fine. From the hangar you´ll have a wonderfull view on a big sun, same as like in an flashpoint (i´ve forgotten the name of it). And in the main room you can see the solarsystem with some spaceships.
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It'd be cool to have something similar to Port Nowhere.


I wants my preciousss BACK!! :mad: :mad: :mad:


Ever since strongholds came out, I've been thinking I'd like a stronghold on vaiken spacedock. The thing is huge and only a small part is accessible. The potential and assets are there. A nice big window into the emptiness of space and perhaps a few ships flying around. Do it!


Actually only noticed the other day that below the main floor's upper shops there are apartments or offices with windows...

Would be great!


And yeah just one elevator button away.





Home :D

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Personally, I'd prefer one of the Corvette / Destroyer from each faction being available as a "space based platform".


Terminus for the Empire; Thranta for the Republic.

Features that could be done for that:

- Could let you move the ship to different planets in the same fashion as the Guild Flagships, but only drop you off at the Spaceport / Ground Base at each location.

- Could let you summon a group (specifically group, not ops group) for a similar credit fee.

- Could give a small ground support buff.


Would be a huge credit sink for the game IMO and most of the maps & layouts / assets for the ships already exist from Esseles and Black Talon.

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It'd be cool to have something similar to Port Nowhere.


Reward this guy, he made a critical hit with that idea.


I would love to make my own space station, with a couple hangar bays, a main corridor that has a room suitable for a cantina, other maybe for a medbay, a marketplace and maybe a security office or a bounty hunter recruitment post.

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  • 1 year later...

I too would like a Space Station Stronghold. But completely separate from fleet.


Maybe a smaller version of one of those space stations that orbit the dual faction planets.


Hangers, rooms, big windows, multiple levels, the works. Bioware could make a pretty profit off it. Seeing as some strongholds can be expensive, (tatooine and yavin and Nar Shaddaa) Bioware could easily make the Space Station Stronghold cost the most. Players would pay. And like the other Strongholds, you could unlock more rooms with Cartel Coins, which in turn, would require players to pay irl money.


Profit to be made Bioware....

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While my favourite would be a Thranta/Terminus-class battleship, I could settle with a space station.


Instead of creating two faction-specific ship strongholds that're going to be basically just smaller guild ships, how about something faction-neutral, like a luxury Hutt cruise ship. I bet Guss knows a guy! ;D

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Instead of creating two faction-specific ship strongholds that're going to be basically just smaller guild ships, how about something faction-neutral, like a luxury Hutt cruise ship. I bet Guss knows a guy! ;D


Just sucker Nemro out of one...or the Hutt the smugler deals with on Nar Shadaa...


or...lets show the galaxy the Alliance is fully formed and here to stay and have an alliance battle cruiser as a stronghold option.

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