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Help with new Mara- PvP guidance needed.


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So i am new to the Mara class and was wondering if some more experienced players could shed some light in it for me (My focus would be ranked pvp):


1) What spec to use (Anihi, Carnage,Fury);

2) What stats to go for as min/maxing the gear (%Alac, %Crit. %Surge etc);

3) What pvp set, augments, earpiece and implants to go for;

4) What utilities should i pick;


Thank in advance for your attention and time :)

Edited by roxxrafa
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I've also started a fury Mara. - and would like some tips for around level 25 or so - combinations to use, which skills proc buffs and so on at around this level.


But maybe a polite request in the PvP forum might get more responses OP, only ask nicely, they can be a but rude at times.


- Good luck with your Mara, BTW - if it plays anything like watchman it'll be fun powering through the levels to cap.

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So i am new to the Mara class and was wondering if some more experienced players could shed some light in it for me (My focus would be ranked pvp):


1) What spec to use (Anihi, Carnage,Fury);

2) What stats to go for as min/maxing the gear (%Alac, %Crit. %Surge etc);

3) What pvp set, augments, earpiece and implants to go for;

4) What utilities should i pick;


Thank in advance for your attention and time :)


1) Only you can choose your spec. Which one do you enjoy the most? You can make it work. Some of the top MArauders in Season 5 were Carnage.


2) Largely based on Spec. If you go Carnage, focus on Surge to 75%, No crit, Alac to 6-8%. Acc is something you may or may not be able to avoid. Its really up to you. Most people dont see a difference in the State gain/loss with it in terms of DPS.


3) I do all Power Augments since Strength would give us extra of the other stats we may not use.


4)For Utilities:



  1. Cloak of Rage
  2. Brazen
  3. Overwhelm or Maiming Reach


The last one is largely dependent on if you use Ravage alot, or plan on it.



  1. Relentless
  2. Defensive Roll


Some may argue that the Force Camo utility is better, but the Predation Utility is amazing with the Heroic Utility.



  1. Unbound
  2. Blood Ward


Unbound allows you to cleanse roots and snares every 30 seconds on yourself and your team, if you get the expunging Camo, you can do it every 45 sec, and it only effects you.


Blood Ward helps us mitigate more damage. I only wish Saber ward was on a 2min CD instead of 3.


All abilties will reset there CD once a round ends so no need for the inexplorable Utility in Ranked.

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i really like the fact that anni is a viable pvp spec again and have just recently started running my mara again, so..


2. this info is all over so won't repeat it.

3. the nice thing about implants and earpieces is that they come in almost all possible combinations. this means that you can get the rest of your gear and then pick the implant/ear that you want to complete your min/max. for augs i prefer to go all mainstat, but other ppl prefer all power. honestly, i don't believe it makes a difference.

4.that's a very personal question their bro. mostly i use the ones AcaciaDragon listed above, but i am still experimenting with other possible combos.


good luck

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So i am new to the Mara class and was wondering if some more experienced players could shed some light in it for me (My focus would be ranked pvp):


1) What spec to use (Anihi, Carnage,Fury);

2) What stats to go for as min/maxing the gear (%Alac, %Crit. %Surge etc);

3) What pvp set, augments, earpiece and implants to go for;

4) What utilities should i pick;


Thank in advance for your attention and time :)


I use Annihilation, so everything I list will be for that:

2) ~3% Alacrity is enough, Crit zero to minimal, Surge and Power can be boosted (Surge not much over 70%)

3) Challenger pvp set, Might or Overkill augments, your preference (might boost crit rating a little, overkill increases base dmg a little), choose earpiece and implants from Challenger, Vindicator and Weaponmaster sets to reach the stat goals

4) This is a rootless, high-mobility build with a lot of survivability, MI-break and more than enough Rage - since they will CC you a lot ;) (I believe with this build, Anni sent has highest survivability):

I dont have any roots in my build but i dont have problems staying on target. I rely on speed:

Skillful: Cloak of Carnage/Jedi Enforcer, Inexorable/Adamant, Brazen/Stoic

Masterful: Defensive Roll, Phantom/Force Fade

Heroic: Unbound/Fleetfooted, Blood Ward/Zealous Ward

This gives me a lot of mobilty, shorter CC breaker and quite good survivability (ofc no Berserk/Zen, but currently not worth it as Ann/Watchman in pvp)


As stated, you dont use Berserk in this build at all, but you can spam Predation way more often (Relentless means only every 30s, using Fury system is much faster, also Berserk's group heal and 6 dotcrit simply not worth it in pvp environment)

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Do you wish to focus on team or solo ranked?


In any case you need to know that Mara are not the most recommended class for ranled at the moment.


1) For solo you can use any spec, But the best is probably Fury as you have a CC imunity.


For team ranked you need to play the spec that fits the overall strategy of your group. Hardswitch or pressure comp.

My personnal feeling is that mara are much better for bursting than anything else. So I would recommend playing a hardswitch comp you being Carnage or Fury.


2) Min maxing is pretty simple on a mara. Go full power/surge on all spec as a basic. Then you can mess around with some alacrity or accuracy, as long as you do not go below 70% surge.

As an exemple: I plat Fury at the moment. With the spec you sit at 90% surge. So rather than going full surge to be at 92%, I took some accuracy to reduce the chance of miss of concentrated slice and dispatch.

As Carnage I reduced my surge to 71% to have 8% alacrity, which was really sweet in combat.


3) You can mix the weaponmaster and challenger pieces as you see fit. So basically avoid any piece that has crit on it.


4) Utilities depends on the environnement. As team ranked you want to have a lot of controls and discussed of it with your mates. for solo you want max survivability.


as a base line my utilities are:



Inexorable (which does the same thing that cloak of rage only better. I do not understand why people bother with cloak of rage.)

Overwhelm (root on ravage, still usefull no matter what people say)


Masterfull: (this is crap because most of those are PVP oriented so you need to chose)

Relentless (transcendance on 30sec CD, you will not need it more and it allow to use your centering on Zen/berseker only which is great. Even mandatory with Fury)


Next you have to choose between Defensive roll, Interceptor, Phantom or Stangulate.


Depends on playstill. but Strangulate is nice for team ranked or if you know you have buddies to watch you over.

Interceptor is a just a slow but built into your rotation. it works very smoothly on Sorc who had just sprint.

A lot of people say Defensive roll is a godly utility. Well i'm not among them. -30% on AOE is nice but AOE are not that powerfull anymore. And -5% on internal damage is just 5%. Not a big deal.

Phantom is great to break focus, mitigate incoming damage (50% damage reduction on the CD), retreat or waiting for an ennemy CD to end. (Resilience as an exemple)



Unbound is godly, take it nomatter which spec you choose.

Undiying as a base line.

Blood ward for solo queue

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Inexorable (which does the same thing that cloak of rage only better. I do not understand why people bother with cloak of rage.)

Overwhelm (root on ravage, still usefull no matter what people say)


Do you still take Inexplorable during Ranked?


I was curious to know if Cloak of Rage made a huge difference during Warzones/Ranked. I was told to drop Inexplorable for Ranked as the 30 sec CD wasnt needed.


My problem with Overwhelm is with all the stuns/knock backs that can stop it, and cleanses that can remove it. Wouldnt Maiming Reach with a cost reduction and range increase be better theoretically?


Masterfull: (this is crap because most of those are PVP oriented so you need to chose)

Relentless (transcendance on 30sec CD, you will not need it more and it allow to use your centering on Zen/berseker only which is great. Even mandatory with Fury)


Next you have to choose between Defensive roll, Interceptor, Phantom or Stangulate.


I think its complete BS that so many of our Masterful Utilities are PvP. It doesnt help the PvPers as so many of those are good points. And the PvEers have to choose which of the 3 Utilites are the lesser of two evils.

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Do you still take Inexplorable during Ranked?

I was curious to know if Cloak of Rage made a huge difference during Warzones/Ranked. I was told to drop Inexplorable for Ranked as the 30 sec CD wasnt needed.

My problem with Overwhelm is with all the stuns/knock backs that can stop it, and cleanses that can remove it. Wouldnt Maiming Reach with a cost reduction and range increase be better theoretically?


Yes I do. Inexorable gives you 4 focus with each control, and we get controlled a lot. In team ranked having 30 sec reduction on your CC break is usefull. Not with solo but nothing is better at skillfull level.

Cloak of rage gives you 1 focus every 2 second if you get attacked and if your cloak is up. In the end this is not as efficient as inexorable.


Clearly Overwhelm is not game breaking, but it is still usefull as it is built into your attack; and force your opponent to do something about it.

Maining reach is not that great unless you take the heroic to have the root. I guess it is worth trying to see what fits your playstile more.

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Yes I do. Inexorable gives you 4 focus with each control, and we get controlled a lot. In team ranked having 30 sec reduction on your CC break is usefull. Not with solo but nothing is better at skillfull level.

Cloak of rage gives you 1 focus every 2 second if you get attacked and if your cloak is up. In the end this is not as efficient as inexorable.


Clearly Overwhelm is not game breaking, but it is still usefull as it is built into your attack; and force your opponent to do something about it.

Maining reach is not that great unless you take the heroic to have the root. I guess it is worth trying to see what fits your playstile more.


If you get Stunned then knockedback, do you get 8 rage? The utility doesnt specify if it can only occur once every X seconds.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i mean:how many surge' crit or accuraccy or alacrity?


level: yes before 60, specifically 55.


OK, I guess you didnt understand my post: DONT CARE ABOUT SECONDARY STATS BEFORE LEVEL 60. DONT USE 172 GEAR!!! YOUR GEAR SHOULD BE 162, YOUR MAINHAND 148, YOUR OFFHAND 156. This is how you will receive best results. Or dont listen to me and just run around in your 172 gear, cause you know better.

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OK, I guess you didnt understand my post: DONT CARE ABOUT SECONDARY STATS BEFORE LEVEL 60. DONT USE 172 GEAR!!! YOUR GEAR SHOULD BE 162, YOUR MAINHAND 148, YOUR OFFHAND 156. This is how you will receive best results. Or dont listen to me and just run around in your 172 gear, cause you know better.


And here that vyimel in view of, I understood now. but why: DONT CARE ABOUT SECONDARY STATS BEFORE LEVEL 60?Thanks, and that concerning the earpice and implants?

And so concerning all classes it is necessary to do?

Edited by Izmolkov
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Oi, vei... your english is really bad...


You should not care about your stats Pre-60. At 60, you should Augment for Power as a Marauder in PvP.

because most to write laziness to me and I use the translator)))xd

And concerning other classes in PVP to conform to this rule? I mean before 60.

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You get 8 rage.


But I've never be stunned then knockback.


I've had it happen, sorc bubble stun goes on your leap, it immediately breaks as he dotted you prior to leap so he hits his knockback with root immediately after. Not really that rare against a green player. Will also usually get you full resolve, so as long as you spec predation/trans root/snare break or cammo cleanse it leaves you with a full rage/focus bar and immunity to CC. Usually means you just killed that sorc.


because most to write laziness to me and I use the translator)))xd

And concerning other classes in PVP to conform to this rule? I mean before 60.

Right now pretty much every DPS class does better with power augments than anything else (although main stat augments are nearly as good). You can start slotting end game augments at level 56 so it is not bad to start doing it then (just skip augmenting ear piece, implants, and relics) using modable shells you will keep at 60, although unless you are sure you will ding 60 before the expansion launches in October you are better off not bothering, saving your resources, and slotting the new level 65 augments when you get to 62 or so (which is when you will probably be able to use them).

Edited by Vodrin
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What's the thing with Crit = 0 ?

Isn't that illogical ?

Because of the 6-set ?


What's alacrity got to do with Maras ?

I did test with 1 alacrity aug to get another value except 0, made no difference.


Most players go 0 crit because power gives substantially more DPS return and the benefit of crit is too unreliable. The six set (auto crit) bonus only emphasizes this. Alacrity is good because a 1% alacrity boost equates to a 1% damage increase in a linear manner. 2 Alacrity pieces grant around 2.5% alacrity. And the alternative stats to stack (Surge and Accuracy) give limited benefit after a point, so having 1-2 pieces of alacrity gear makes sense.

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What's the thing with Crit = 0 ?

Isn't that illogical ?

Because of the 6-set ?


What's alacrity got to do with Maras ?

I did test with 1 alacrity aug to get another value except 0, made no difference.


No Crit is the ideal for PvP unless you are playing a DoT spec like Madness or Lethality. The 6 Set, plus the Auto Crit's in the Fury and Carnage trees make needing Crit obsolite. You get enough from main stat as is. As for Alacrity, I took about 8% (not including Ataru Form) when I was playing Carnage, but now that I'm playing Fury (because it's 200 times better than Carnage, and has free CC immunity) 0% alacrity is best, so you don't throw off your rotation.

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