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there hasnt been a yellow post for 6 days


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Yeah they should be more super involved like the teams for Star Trek Online [...]


Oh wait, lack of communication is pretty standard across the whole genre and not just specific to SWTOR. Go figure.


To be fair, there was ONE Dev on STO that was very active with the players (granted, mainly chatting for hours in sub-channels in game specific to his area of work, but still very active) before he left to go to another company.


But, yes, communication between Developers and players in MMOs seems to be the exception rather than the rule.

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To be fair, there was ONE Dev on STO that was very active with the players (granted, mainly chatting for hours in sub-channels in game specific to his area of work, but still very active) before he left to go to another company.


But, yes, communication between Developers and players in MMOs seems to be the exception rather than the rule.



problem is that we as players also make communication difficult as well. using the STO dev as an example, (which would be less possiable for us due to faction and server splitting) imagine what'd happen if a SWTOR dev tried that. let's say a Dev logs into a server with a healthy GSF population, visits it's GSF channel and starts discussing GSF whats being done, what needs to be done etc. how soon before the GSF channel becomes swamped with people joining the channel and screaming that the dev needs to address their specific problems?

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Didn't they just spend the last 3-4 days in Germany doing just that? Communicating and being on the floor with the players? I mean, yeah... I want some dev blogs on the info they mentioned there, but to say they aren't communicating because they were actually interacting with the players in-person seems a tad unjustified. Not to say there haven't and aren't some communication details, particularly leading up to KotFE, but impatience and unjustified bitterness do nothing to actually improve things...


They spent the last 3 or 4 days communicating to the German players that they couldn't tell them anything either, so that they don't feel left out.

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He should have said "In b4 actual yellow text." :p

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