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Sync queue problem at solo ranked of TOFN


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In fact, we did sync on imp side yesterday & the day before yesterday. The reason that my rating is crap is because I ruined my chance at getting a good start, and since I already have a good rating on two characters, I can't be bothered pulling a character out of ELO hell.


Tanvir , you are just usual average player , even in current state of the game

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ToFN yolo in its current state is basicly russian roulette, you roll the dice, hoping you won't get to many scrubs on your team. Ok, lets say you lose because a fotm reroller dosen't know how to use phasewalk or pop sorc bubble or just plain rushes and gets globaled. By this point its a 3v4 situation most Good players would feel frustrated by the teams underpreformance and the loss feels pointless, a loss produced by playing with absolute ***** gives a Good player a headace there is nothing gained. These games are a cancer that slowly takes away the desire to pvp. However, if you lose simply because the enemy outskills you, there will still be enjoyment in that game, the loss can be dealth with because the team did all they could.


Lets get the facts straight Sync que is a non ToS violation where you A. Minimize Risk and B. Enhance the chance of acually enjoying ranked. I dont get why ppl complain, its not something that is exclusive, just join the que of the syncers and u will prolly have a better ranked experiece. its not restricted to a select few in any way aditionaly the use of TS is mostly for social purposes and pretty much useless unless you play healer + tank games there is no real need to use it. Besides at the moment assuming the player is good, you can always achive Teir 1 on impside. He/she just needs to either have extreme Luck OR play enough games ranging from 100-500. Repside is a wreckage, during the day/evening = only scrubs, unless you're willing to play at 2am-8am CET (where ppls also que sync) there is a extremely low chance to get it. Only solution is the sync, intentional or not.


If you want to stop it, you need to make a thread then tell the developers to create cross-faction ques, or by some miracle make 1/2 the population play repside.


For the players that think you're "better" because you grind your way up to the top the proper way. <3


Swtor does not use a proper ranking system to mesure player skill, its soley based on the concept of skill times luck where skill is 1-10 and luck is 1-1000.


There is a way to reduce risk and not waste your life on factors like luck and you dont want to hear about it.




Good player = Uses cc properly (most ppl dosent know u can take a player out of play for 8 seconds by baiting the breaker, pls all scrubs do this in the future), Uses Peals for TEAM MATES!, knows the class, rotates cooldowns, cordinates burst.




"Grabs Popcorn" Anticipating the Rage <3

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well...it was only like 1800...


then again having 3 imp toons at T1 means nothing because I was always with Qo'kaar


Oh wait...they must Sync Q!!!!!!!!111


As I tell earlier - good people leave from this server or from this game, because you broke this game more than it is. You playing sync q, playing as OP **** classes, using skank when you have premade or using wintraders, when you have premade. So fun to play when you know that take 100% win? Сontinue, please!

Edited by Anton_RUS
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ToFN yolo in its current state is basicly russian roulette, you roll the dice, hoping you won't get to many scrubs on your team. Ok, lets say you lose because a fotm reroller dosen't know how to use phasewalk or pop sorc bubble or just plain rushes and gets globaled. By this point its a 3v4 situation most Good players would feel frustrated by the teams underpreformance and the loss feels pointless, a loss produced by playing with absolute ***** gives a Good player a headace there is nothing gained. These games are a cancer that slowly takes away the desire to pvp. However, if you lose simply because the enemy outskills you, there will still be enjoyment in that game, the loss can be dealth with because the team did all they could.


Lets get the facts straight Sync que is a non ToS violation where you A. Minimize Risk and B. Enhance the chance of acually enjoying ranked. I dont get why ppl complain, its not something that is exclusive, just join the que of the syncers and u will prolly have a better ranked experiece. its not restricted to a select few in any way aditionaly the use of TS is mostly for social purposes and pretty much useless unless you play healer + tank games there is no real need to use it. Besides at the moment assuming the player is good, you can always achive Teir 1 on impside. He/she just needs to either have extreme Luck OR play enough games ranging from 100-500. Repside is a wreckage, during the day/evening = only scrubs, unless you're willing to play at 2am-8am CET (where ppls also que sync) there is a extremely low chance to get it. Only solution is the sync, intentional or not.


If you want to stop it, you need to make a thread then tell the developers to create cross-faction ques, or by some miracle make 1/2 the population play repside.


For the players that think you're "better" because you grind your way up to the top the proper way. <3


Swtor does not use a proper ranking system to mesure player skill, its soley based on the concept of skill times luck where skill is 1-10 and luck is 1-1000.


There is a way to reduce risk and not waste your life on factors like luck and you dont want to hear about it.




Good player = Uses cc properly (most ppl dosent know u can take a player out of play for 8 seconds by baiting the breaker, pls all scrubs do this in the future), Uses Peals for TEAM MATES!, knows the class, rotates cooldowns, cordinates burst.




"Grabs Popcorn" Anticipating the Rage <3

There is much more simple solution how get fun playing arenas with your friends and do it fair, no need wall of text to explain it







If you don't have balls for it... well, it's different story

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As I tell earlier - good people leave from this server or from this game, because you broke this game more than it is. You playing sync q, playing as OP **** classes, using skank when you have premade or using wintraders, when you have premade. So fun to play when you know that take 100% win? Сontinue, please!


they are doing it for us, u need to thank them, THANK YOU MVP'S <3

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It's not population problem, it's problem of ******** players, who don't have skill. You can take top-3, but you can't playing for your class, *****.


it's not a population problem per se, but it kind of is. I've played arenas on high pop servers and seasons (s1-2 JC, s5 JC) and low pop server (s3 JM), and the dynamics are the same. one faction is considerably larger than the other faction, and that population difference is reflected in the solo ranked Q. the only time it was remotely close was s1 on JC. by the time s2 rolled around, you had to have mirror classes so that you could break-up pubs Q-ing together.


s3 on JM, it was literally impossible to Q on pub side w/o a premade. if you advertised a "pvp night," then trolls and complete idiots who never PVP'd in their lives took it as their cue to queue-up and get farmed by the players who stayed imp-side.


it IS a numbers game. every server that I'm aware of has a numbers problem wherein one faction is considerably more active than the other. that's directly reflected in the soloQ population. the only way to queue on the lower population faction is to advertise it (which will get the queue trolled) or organize your friends to queue with you (q-sync). the only real fix for this is x-faction matchmaking or some sort of moral integrity.


unfortunately, as the "ranked is toxic" threads have made abundantly clear, ranked players adhere to their own crooked system of ethics: lacking skill, quitting a match or not being geared are viewed as mortal sins, but verbally abusing and harassing people is perfectly fine. my point? the players in ranked aren't capable (as a group) of un-legislated morality. they will skank tank if it means the difference between winning or losing; they will harrass you for playing "the wrong spec," and they will attempt to cause psychological damage if they feel they can "shame" you from Qing because of your skill level. this makes an already small population even smaller and very cliquey. but it's not the reason the population is small in the first place.


every player worth half a sh^t has mirror toons at this point. they simply don't play them. seriously. everyone in LD50 and Vicious and Resurgum and any other pvp guild on any other server is populated by members who have mirror toons. they just tend to shelve one or the other except for rare occasions when they speak with their guildies and hop over for a q-sync. they do it. yes. and it's usually premeditated. but that doesn't account for EVERY OTHER PLAYER IN THE GAME who also has a mirror toon but never plays (e.g.) the pub version.

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unfortunately, as the "ranked is toxic" threads have made abundantly clear, ranked players adhere to their own crooked system of ethics: lacking skill, quitting a match or not being geared are viewed as mortal sins, but verbally abusing and harassing people is perfectly fine. my point? the players in ranked aren't capable (as a group) of un-legislated morality. they will skank tank if it means the difference between winning or losing; they will harrass you for playing "the wrong spec," and they will attempt to cause psychological damage if they feel they can "shame" you from Qing because of your skill level. this makes an already small population even smaller and very cliquey. but it's not the reason the population is small in the first place.


When I started PvP about ... 2 ? years ago here, I came across the impressivly toxic German PvP forum. What you call "trash talk" was called by them "forums PvP". To not be at the top of the damage numbers was to them a deep sin, and they tried to "trash-talk" me out of playing PvP, making it clear that a Gunslinger at level 20 who is NOT in the top damage list of the scoreboard has no place in PvP AT ALL.


The PvP forum there is nearly empty now. All talk has gone, safe for a very few survivors. The locusts have travelled elsewhere. They were successful.

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When I started PvP about ... 2 ? years ago here, I came across the impressivly toxic German PvP forum. What you call "trash talk" was called by them "forums PvP". To not be at the top of the damage numbers was to them a deep sin, and they tried to "trash-talk" me out of playing PvP, making it clear that a Gunslinger at level 20 who is NOT in the top damage list of the scoreboard has no place in PvP AT ALL.


The PvP forum there is nearly empty now. All talk has gone, safe for a very few survivors. The locusts have travelled elsewhere. They were successful.


yeah. but to be fair, even I find you annoying as hell.

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In fact, we did sync on imp side yesterday & the day before yesterday. The reason that my rating is crap is because I ruined my chance at getting a good start, and since I already have a good rating on two characters, I can't be bothered pulling a character out of ELO hell.


You ruined your chance because you couldnt start with sync ques on the imperial side, like you did on the rep side !! (which is lot more easier) Tanvir you are not even average player without syncs ! Go get rekt on the imp side :rak_03:

Edited by madstyler
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I don't want to say a guild name, no need to disclosure it, I want to ask.


If a guild sync queues to solo ranked together by even using Team Speak support, is it fair to play against them with random players? Low population of republic side gives them that opportunity. They rarely have someone is not from their guild because republic players of TOFN don't play solo ranked much as Imperials do, so they earn perfect chance to play premade against random people.


Their advantages :


1- They play with the players from their guild, they generally don't get noobs to their team because of they rised their rating by syncing. When a noob player is online, they can add him to their friendlists and check, leave the pop when he goes inside to arena by logging out. They don't loose any rating with that way.


2- They use TS and it helps them to coordinate.


3- Their some bad dps players play as skank and it makes harder to beat them.


4- Their stealthers wait for acid, even they are 1 vs 3 and sometimes they win the round they don't deserve by using that way.


5- I have some proofs that they wintrade, too.



Is it fair? We play fairly, try to do our bests, winning, winning, winning, but then... They come with a team that have full coordination against us and start loosing, loosing, loosing and wasting time. In TOFN many imperial players complain about that, there is a guild at rep side, most of their imperial chars have bad ratings, but they farm rating at rep side by that way and can become top 3 players by not deserving.



Lastly, we need solutions to fix that problem. You can say your ideas to solve that injustice system and BW may apply it. How can it become fair?


Ghetto and suburb game issues...Thats what swtor ranked is all about....

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When I started PvP about ... 2 ? years ago here, I came across the impressivly toxic German PvP forum. What you call "trash talk" was called by them "forums PvP". To not be at the top of the damage numbers was to them a deep sin, and they tried to "trash-talk" me out of playing PvP, making it clear that a Gunslinger at level 20 who is NOT in the top damage list of the scoreboard has no place in PvP AT ALL.


The PvP forum there is nearly empty now. All talk has gone, safe for a very few survivors. The locusts have travelled elsewhere. They were successful.


As someone who participated in said german "forum pvp" I disagree. The forum isn't dead now because everybody left. It's dead because there's nothing to talk about. All the info about pvp can be gathered on the english forums. If anything those old rivalries made the forums interesting and people had something to talk/gossip about.


You're also comparing apples and oranges. Back then it was about rivalries between guilds in 8v8 ranked. Now it's mostly yelling at individuals in ops chat in solo ranked. Two completely different things. Solo Ranked in Swtor feels more like MOBA chats these days. :(

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The more you gonna harass, troll and deny enjoyment of the game to the people who you claim are not playing fair the more you'll see them avoiding random players and doing their best to be put together with a decent party...


So rethink what you're doing. Before harassment on current scale sync queuing might have been an "issue." Now it became a "problem". Why? Because certain people are harassing the said sync queuers on a regular basis and sending the trolls over to throw games for them and they in turn are doing their best not to play with them.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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The more you gonna harass, troll and deny enjoyment of the game to the people who you claim are not playing fair the more you'll see them avoiding random players and doing their best to be put together with a decent party...


So rethink what you're doing. Before harassment on current scale sync queuing might have been an "issue." Now it became a "problem". Why? Because certain people are harassing the said sync queuers on a regular basis and sending the trolls over to throw games for them and they in turn are doing their best not to play with them.


So, random forum harrassment and trolling doesnt allow them play group ranked arenas or what?

Edited by kopijkee
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The more you gonna harass, troll and deny enjoyment of the game to the people who you claim are not playing fair the more you'll see them avoiding random players and doing their best to be put together with a decent party...


So rethink what you're doing. Before harassment on current scale sync queuing might have been an "issue." Now it became a "problem". Why? Because certain people are harassing the said sync queuers on a regular basis and sending the trolls over to throw games for them and they in turn are doing their best not to play with them.


Not too long ago, you were against said sync queues as well. You might as well be the biggest hypocrit on tofn.

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Not too long ago, you were against said sync queues as well. You might as well be the biggest hypocrit on tofn.


Nah, the biggest hypocrite isn't Alec, I can tell you that. If you go digging in the server forum you might be able to find out who I'm referring.

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