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New Expansion (Scared of making choices)


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All i know is if i loose my favorite companions or dont even get the chance to recruit them, its the end of SWTOR for me...


Same, I'm leveling a "test" toon for this purpose and if I discover that I can't get all old class specific companions + some new (not 1-2 old that BW chose for me plus some new that everyone else gets regardless of class and faction), I'll leave my main toons in "pre 4.0" state by not launching the expansion and leave the game as well.


I'd like to get Theron or Marr but if it means that, let's say, my juggernaugt toon will only get Vette and Jaessa or only Jaessa and (killable) Quinn and then the new standard, shared by all classes, list (Lana, Theron, Marr...), f*ck it. It was mean enough how BW teased us with Kaidan / Ashley at the very beginning of ME2 and then again for a couple of minutes at some point and that was it. And those were fan faves. Really don't want that sh*t again.

Edited by Preston_Violent
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I REALLY hope they see these posts, cause this DLC might kill SWTOR for me...


As a matter of fact, if you combine those who will leave because of no new ops with those who will leave because of BW's d*ck move regarding classic, vanilla companions, this 4.0 might do even more damage than 3.0

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As a matter of fact, if you combine those who will leave because of no new ops with those who will leave because of BW's d*ck move regarding classic, vanilla companions, this 4.0 might do even more damage than 3.0


Yeah, theyre destroying an already EXTREMELY fragile fanbase...

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Well, either way I will just wait and see. I'll play through KotFE with my two main, favotire characters and see how it goes. I will be pissed if they pull a Kaidan/Ashley on us, like somebody else has mentioned, but I get a feeling we won't be getting nobody back during those first 9 chapters - my guess is those will be around our new companions - Lana, Koth, maybe Nico and whoever else joins us.


That would make me extremely sad but keep me hoping for the next chapters :(

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How I see the companion thing, and mind you, I'm making a wild guess here as I have absolutely no proof, is if you're light sided and make light side choices in kotfe, you'll get your companions back that swing towards light side like Vector, Vette, Quinn, LS Jaesa, Corso, Doc, Kira, T7, etc. If you're dark side and you choose dark side choices in kotfe you'll get the companions back that swing towards the dark side like Scourge, Skadge, DS Jaesa, Pierce, Broonmark, etc


As I said, I'm only guessing here and there's no proof, but this is what it feels like it'll be.


For those who are in between, I guess you'll just have to do what you did during your class story, choose something you know that companion with you likes and hope for the best.

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Well, either way I will just wait and see. I'll play through KotFE with my two main, favotire characters and see how it goes. I will be pissed if they pull a Kaidan/Ashley on us, like somebody else has mentioned, but I get a feeling we won't be getting nobody back during those first 9 chapters - my guess is those will be around our new companions - Lana, Koth, maybe Nico and whoever else joins us.


That would make me extremely sad but keep me hoping for the next chapters :(


Replaying a mission for the second time last night, I can't help but feel like we are going to have at least one dead companion. They also mentioned in an interview how they want to make it like their other games where some return others don't.


While not from a dev post, I recall a post saying new romances won't be weddable, which makes me think they'll get us attached to the new ones as well and then pull them away. :/

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We know that they’re characters that people are very much attached to. But make use of them in different ways.”


Well I don't like the sound of this one bit! :mad:


I have no interest in continuing a romance with a companion on the sidelines (ME2 -> ME3 style, which sucked). I would consider it the same as the companion being gone completely from the game.

Edited by RAVM
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if you see [shock], [choke], [kill], [force grab], [violate with force lightning] otpion in the dialog wheel you cna't get wrong with any of those :p

I'm more afraid of options like "Let's have some fun!" and suddenly my inquisitor shoots lightning and kills everyone in the room :rolleyes:

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I tend to roll light side, which means the only companion I might loose that I'd be upset about is Kaliyo. On the other hand, after chapter 2 of the Agent's story, my companion has lost all trust in Kaliyo and Vector, and she was never on firm ground with Lokin because of the whole Rakghoul thing. She never trusted Scorpio, which pretty much leaves... Temple.


After i finish the agent history i can say i don't trust no one on my crew.:(

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