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The Progenitor Event - Getting the achievement for 50 ppl. Saturday, 15th August


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We are hosting the event that requires much of your free time and patience - 50 ppl in the stronghold (the Imperial side). We are looking for people that don't have tendency to leave at the least expected moment. Some of you might already know us because we already tried to do it with random people from the fleet but we need people that are willing to stay for 2 hours and don't leave.


We will be grouped in 3 ops groups. The ops leaders are the coordinators. They are the people who will be sending invites, so please refrain from random inviting to your strongholds and by that splitting the group. Everyone will get the achievement eventually. Just follow the invites from the ops leader. Don't go to random places. Don't invite on your own. If you follow all of those steps, we should make it rather quickly in 2h. Have 2h of your spare time and be patient on Saturday, 15th August, 16:00 GMT (4 hours after the daily reset if you don't know your exact timezone) :)


Whisper to any of those characters: Pav'ika Baarur Vhonte V'ras Xyrll (confirm that you are coming on Saturday via whisper or mail (if everyone is offline), or simply be online on that day and send a message to one of these characters when 16:00 GMT gets closer).

Edited by PavSalco
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Yeah, I tried this before. I advertised for a week on both Pup and Imp sides. Risked being banned from the forums and Reddit. Probably put on a bunch of /ignore lists in game. In the end, only got 21 people in. Had no idea that Yavin IV was not a sanctuary. Thus, everyone started killing each other and people couldn't even get in the place. I was sad. Wish you were on Bastion, I would join ya. Good luck though.
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Yeah, I tried this before. I advertised for a week on both Pup and Imp sides. Risked being banned from the forums and Reddit. Probably put on a bunch of /ignore lists in game. In the end, only got 21 people in. Had no idea that Yavin IV was not a sanctuary. Thus, everyone started killing each other and people couldn't even get in the place. I was sad. Wish you were on Bastion, I would join ya. Good luck though.


Actually, we tried to do this before and it was quite easy to get 50 people but those were randoms from the fleet and other places. They began inviting to their own strongholds without any order. There was too much chaos and people gave up on doing this achievement. Hence, this time we are trying to get only those players that are actually willing to listen and wait for their turn.

Edited by PavSalco
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Thanks everyone for participating.


First, I will be joining any similar events on the Progenitor and helping you out. Especially helping those who didn't get 50 ppl in their strongholds tonight. I know Zul'lin is planning to make a similar event soon.


We visited 22-25 strongholds which is a good result considering the last time when we tried to do this, we only got 50 ppl in just one stronghold. This time people knew what to expect and didn't think to get the achievement immediately after visiting one house.


The whole event took us 2.5h for 22+ strongholds after that groups began falling apart. So my initial assumption of 2h for the whole event was a bit far-fetched...


Starters were people who already came to other groups and gave the silver keys + 5 guildmates. So the ops leaders already had the silver keys from other people and they could add and remove keys at a good pace.


The problem started when we had to call next people to send keys to ops leaders. They often sent Bronze Keys despite the fact we expliclitly asked for Silvers. That's one of the reason we were wasting the time. Another reason was that we often reached 48/49 people because the rest either went afk or quitted. A vicious cricle begins if something like that happens. Some people want to get at least 25 ppl asap while others want to find replacements for 50 ppl. In search of new members, the old ones run out of time and leave. It's like you add a new player but two leave because they are already fed up with waiting (understandable)... and it's very hard to reach 50 ppl again once we lose the initial team.


About turns: The turns were from left frames to right frames but one person per group. Groups 2 and 3 had less players, so it usually took two people from Group 1, then one person from Group 2 and one person from Group 3. In Group 1 we went from the left frame to the right frame in a horizontal order.


My mistake was that I didn't specify that the order is HORIZONTAL meaning: one person from the left frame, one person from the middle frame, one person from the right frame. NOT vertically - all from left, then all from middle, and finally all from right.


That is why people were disoriented (understandable).


My personal note is that it's very confusing to get keys to a stronghold with a different nickname than the key giver. I would suggest you to point out in your own announcement that the house should contain the nickname of the character that is in the group. When you get a key after a key, and remove one after another, it's extremely hard to follow which stronghold belongs to who when they have different names than people from your group.


About people leaving after getting the achievement: Hard to impose obligations on people who get achievements. It's not like I can control their minds or something.

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All you can say is, you did your best. From the looks of it, you did pretty damn good too. Congrats on the event. It is extremely difficult to organize 50 random people. You should be happy for what you were able to accomplish. No fault or blame can be directed at you for others not following instructions or leaving before everyone got the achievement. You had the best intentions for everyone so that's all that matters. Good job.
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