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Which villain was handled better? Revan or the Dread Masters?


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Revan should have joined the Jedi Council after being released, and become a major character for the Republic characters, then you get to talk to him a lot more during mission briefings and maybe he reveals a bit more of his past.


Turning Revan into a Dungeon Boss and then into a Raid Boss is the heavy price this game story had to pay for being an MMO and not an RPG, every great character is turned into a freaking glorified piñata.


And what is ironic is that raiders don't give two damns if Revan is a raid boss or not, it could have been a beige sphere for all they care, what they want is new content for them to be released in a reasonable cadence. expect a lot of raiding guilds to leave the game now that Bioware is focusing more on story content.

I disagree with you, partly. I like how they gave Revan flaws, instead of continuing the rather ridiculous legacy of him being OMGForceJesus. His mind was broken by being split between both sides of the Force, as well as enduring three-hundred years of torture by Vitiate, driving him into an obsession for revenge, even at the cost of isolating potential allies.


I think that's interesting character development.

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I think Revan was handled better mostly because I saw more of his story.

From the time my Imperials were first starting on their stories on DK where I first encountered the Revanites <which STILL DOESN'T HAVE A WORKING CODEX ENTRY!!!!> , to then freeing him on the Maelstrom with my pubs, and then defeating him in a flashpoint with my imps,.... then oh gawd he's BACK! when the SOR comes up, you get to know the story pretty well, touring through the universe mostly as a solo... And its completely within the realm of possibility of Vitiate having that sort of effect on him having endured what he did for 300 years. I mean, they weren't exactly having tea and scones. <and I did read the "revan" novel before subscribing to this game>.


The Dread Masters don't have quite the same buildup - I encounter them on Belsavis as an Imperial, I start digging up their seeds with a quest, and then I see evidence of their influence on Section X and again on Oricon. As - I haven't done any OPs, that's all I've gotten to see so far. I'd like to have more of their content accessible and not behind the wall of having to have a 8 person group in order to see a story. I think there is more to know about them, and would love it if a novel were written about them, or if there were more one-person-accessible content put in that revolves around their backstory.

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I'll throw my hat into this one, but answer from a different point of view.


Revan was handled better as a villain for the future. You want someone who can help you bring folks together to handle Vity or Valk? Revan, the counselor mentor Force ghost is now in play. It doesn't matter which of the classes you were, he's now in place to return to talk to you as the Outlander.


...of course, my SI is hungry, but all the others would welcome an experienced mentor (for once) who has checked the galaxy at the same level my toons have done during their questing.

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Should have let us join the Dread Masters at least temporarily, maybe under the guise of infiltrating them, though I thought legit joining them would have been fun.


They were weaker than I imagined, in Snv it's only 1 you're facing but then in oricon it's the same difficulty with all of them.


The whole Revan storyline, eh, why not go all the way and show that it wasn't him but a person controlling him (maybe this new faction, or perhaps one way back in his time in the unknown regions?). To be fair, im not the biggest Revan fan so I kinda feel like he needs someone directing or controlling him.

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I'd have to say the Revan storyline was better in terms of mechanics. A solo player could get the story from start to finish (though I understand that this was recently added). I am a solo player so I have not experienced the full Dread Masters storyline. I've done 2 of the OPs from group finder, but of course you are rushed through and the whole thing is completely disjointed.


In terms of writing quality, I think the way they ended Revan is completely lame because it is so railroaded. I remember doing the Revanite quests in beta and thinking how cool it is that we can be a member of a secret society that wants to reform the Empire. And then on Nar Shaddaa finding a piece of the Infinite Engine. But yet it turns out that those were just more balls dropped.


It is very obvious that the quality of writing in this game has gone distinctly downhill from launch.

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