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SWTOR Gamescom Cantina Tour Q&A


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Thanks for posting about Dulfy's update. Will go read now.


So excited about the possibility of more cargo/legacy space. I have so many toons that are to capacity and it's driving me crazy. :eek:


Well no, that's not what they said. They just said that the upcoming changes to collections might solve the issue of non-CM armor clogging up the existing storage space.

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Well no, that's not what they said. They just said that the upcoming changes to collections might solve the issue of non-CM armor clogging up the existing storage space.


Yep, which is the majority of my problem (besides resources and weapons, granted). I have a bunch of non-CM armor on all of my characters that I don't want to part with but take up so much storage space. If they find a way to compact it or something, that means it'll open up at least space, which, at least for me, will really help.


Regardless, I will always hold out hope that we'll actually get more cargo tabs. Lol.

Edited by blindxsecrets
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Q: Melee feels worthless in current operations


It was completely unintentional that bosses were getting really melee unfriendly. I went to the QA and said when you test bosses you have a group full of melee and a group full of ranged. If the full melee group can’t beat the boss we will go back to the drawing board. We now have a way to test this so melee classes are not constantly feeling screwed. The Ziost operation boss is very ranged unfriendly for example because we felt sorry for the melee.


Ziost seems pretty anti-melee and pro-ranged to me. But maybe I'm just bad.

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Yep, which is the majority of my problem (besides resources and weapons, granted). I have a bunch of non-CM armor on all of my characters that I don't want to part with but take up so much storage space. If they find a way to compact it or something, that means it'll open up at least space, which, at least for me, will really help.


Regardless, I will always hold out hope that we'll actually get more cargo tabs. Lol.


Gotcha, more usable existing space. :D (I have a feeling we won't have much trouble at all to fill that space, too, so here's to new tabs and more space sometime, somewhere... :csw_crawler:)

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Here is the info from Dulfy.net from the Q&A at the Cantina Tour:




In case anyone wanted to know the information that's been released so far.


For most of the Questions, I have found them to be EDITED for Dulphy , and most are Not Accurate in any way. The way they are answered on her site. I found watching the videos that Dulphy.com's site do Not Shed the Real way thing were answered at all. And want to see the interviewers full Manuscript/ Video of what was said, and how things were Really Answered.


1 Question of course is the Fact that the Devs have gone back and forth on whether there will be any Republic and stand alone Empire Fleets. First person that did an interview of a Dev said that We have 1 Dual Faction Fleet, which was off camera.


Then another person that did an Interview said that we would still have our own Republic and Sith fleets with aother Meaningless, maybe dual Faction area.



Fact: those Devs up there on-stage lied when they said that KOTFE was Originally how the SWTOR was supposed to be created, which is Bull. I was in Beta and know a Lot of ppl that were in it before me even. Fact is though those Devs were More than less talking for themselves saying that KOTFE was how SWTOR was supposed to be.


A Lot, if not most of the Original Devs Planned from the get go about having these different Classes with our Class Storylines always evolving over time in New Xpacs, which Now the devs have gotten' too lazy to do Separate class storylines anymore making This Game Useless for having most Alts.


Other answeres that weres posted on Dulpy's site were not at all said in just 2 words, or Just the Few words she/they Edited them to be.


Other Sites have better Unbiased, and Much more better answeres to the stuff we want answered in Full or More detailed for Better Answeres. that can also leave to more questions to of course.


It would be better if those ppl interviews were Published from just, and only the Interviewer. As long as they don't give the same terribly Edied version the Dulpy's site did.

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For most of the Questions, I have found them to be EDITED for Dulphy , and most are Not Accurate in any way. .


The Q&A were posted in the comment section by people who went there. There is even a video which I transcribed. Please do point out where the answers are wrong so I can correct them.

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So now we know more info regarding this expansion. I understand that there won't be nothing special and there'll be like the past expansions.

First I imagined a post apocalyptic galaxy (old crazy wall), a changement in the galaxy but now I know that there won't be change, We''ll have the old fleet, old planets will be the same, all static.

With this new expansion We'll have two new planets where, like Makeb with the Hutts and like Rishi and Yavin IV with the Revanite, there'll be a new faction again to fight and where only in the istance we could take some decisions.

We'll see three new things on this expansion : better cinematic; we could kill some companions that we can replace with others and different advertisement.

Edited by VanderII
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Fact: those Devs up there on-stage lied when they said that KOTFE was Originally how the SWTOR was supposed to be created, which is Bull. I was in Beta and know a Lot of ppl that were in it before me even. Fact is though those Devs were More than less talking for themselves saying that KOTFE was how SWTOR was supposed to be.


There is a huge difference between the graphical representation nof a game compared to the original idea behind it. Never seen character and stuff concepts for the Star Wars Movies ? You could say "they lied" as well, because you have seen the movies ... BUt did you ever seen the concept models for so much stuff ? Star Wars Identities even showed a very different Jabba concept drsawing which looks more like that chief pirare from some of the Clone Wars movies ... Did they lie ?


First I imagined a post apocalyptic galaxy (old crazy wall),


One of them seid that it won't be like "Cataclysm".

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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New statistics : primary stats will be removed ( strength etc ) and a new stats will take place to represent the main stats for every class, called "mastery". Didn’t asked about the secondary stats unfortunately. Moreover, they are going to adjust all the stats mechanics and stats forms gear.


All class are going to receive new skill and stats. I think he intended more likely ROTHC than SOR ( he smiled at me nodding)


This is new to me. This must be a joke or so, I cannot believe this.


The only thing I could imagine is that they'd do an complete overhaul and introduce completely new stats.


Or that this "removement of the primary stats" is only there in certain areas ( = basis for a bolster or a negative bolster) similar to the PvP stat.

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This is new to me. This must be a joke or so, I cannot believe this.


The only thing I could imagine is that they'd do an complete overhaul and introduce completely new stats.


Or that this "removement of the primary stats" is only there in certain areas ( = basis for a bolster or a negative bolster) similar to the PvP stat.


Not a surprise really, this is what streamlining the leveling process means (in addition to easier leveling). Plus this will be very easy for the new comers to understand.

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Well, it drifts more into "adventure" and away from "RPG", then. With less stats.


RPGs are usually something that has stats. That's at least the traditional way.


How exactly does one get from "new stat to replace primary stats" to "no stats, RIP RPG"?

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All I'm seeing and reading so far is taking a game, which is already pretty easy, and turning it into "super easy".

So no re-working on old content - too much hassle. No re-working on plents in place, too much hassle.

No individual class stories, too much work. All this talk of "decisions will matter" I'm not convinced on. It'll matter but really - how much? Individual, non-class stories, you aren't going to make that much of a difference.

FP's and Op's being scalled, bolster, changing of stats.

I can honestly see this being turned into a very simple, straight forward game which seems to go against the thos this game launched with.


I started off excited but I'll be honest - with each bit of news released or leaked I lose that excitement. I hope I am totally and completely wrong. I hope come October I think this game has changed for the better and I cannot wait to play through all the new content with numerous characters. That I'll still need to learn to play my class and character and that there is this amazing story taking place.

But my gut feeling right now is that this is not going to be the case.

Only time will tell I guess, but I can honestly say as I type this, I just....dunno. I'm not feeling this.

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