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Man, going through Makeb a few times and...


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The Empire story is just so much more superior compared to the Republic one and the quest design is far more epic feeling and doesn't feel tedious like on the Pub side. The Empire ending is also much better as well.


I'm gonna dread taking the rest of my Pubs through Makeb....


Especially the Sanctuary, or as I would like to call... Mobs within Close Proximity Land.

Edited by Sardorim
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Well that's something to look forward to when I finally roll an impside character, at least. Makeb is a gorram grind on the Republic.


Just yesterday the ruttin' Weekly glitched on me - had all the objectives complete (4/4 things done on one, 6/6 on the three others), but the mission didn't progress. As mentioned, it is a grindfest, and I was tired, so rather than Reset that part of the Weekly, I just Abandoned it and quit -.-

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Each faction story caters to what each faction stands for, IMO.


Greatest humanitarian disaster in the galaxy's history? There goes the Republic to the rescue.

Untold resources to harvest, on a very short time-window? There goes the Empire to plunder.


Still, I miss the days of shared content between classes, NOT to mention unique stories for each faction.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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The first time I went through Makeb was on my Guardian, and I had to massacre my was through so many mobs that I never wanted to see Makeb again. Then I went through Makeb on my jedi Shadow, and stealth became my new favorite ability.


Oh stealth

how I love thee

let me count the ways

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I hate Makeb. Love the emp story like you but god i hate makeb. Beautiful planet, romances for gay characters. And a not so bad weekly quest. BUT GOD I CAN'T STAND IT. The story is a pain in the a** to drag yourself through. Mobs everywhere and useless companions...
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The first time I went through Makeb was on my Guardian, and I had to massacre my was through so many mobs that I never wanted to see Makeb again. Then I went through Makeb on my jedi Shadow, and stealth became my new favorite ability.


Oh stealth

how I love thee

let me count the ways


The six or whatever seconds of stealth my Sent gets aren't nearly enough : (


No stealth on either of the other characters that will be arriving on Makeb soon : (

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I tend to alternate between taking chars through Makeb or Ilum for the 50-55 stretch.


Got my 55 Seer to 57 on Ilum and WZs, so I just skipped RotHC entirely and started FA with her. I may go back at some point to see the story from a Consular's point of view, but I'm just really burnt out on Makeb nowadays.

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You know, I don't necessarily even dislike Makeb, but the story seems so underwhelming. "Hey go save this planet that you might not really care that much about" or "Hey go get this resource for us bro".


Just doesn't have that OOMPH that the rest of the stories/planets have. Going through it the first time was nice, but every other time just makes me appreciate SOR so much more tbh.

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