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Social Anxiety guild?


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Yes, yes, I know what many of you are likely thinking : MMO+social anxiety+guild = ?!?!?!?!


Fact of the matter is, there are those of us who enjoy MMOs for various reasons yet have difficulty queuing for a FP/pvp (or even just typing something in chat without mulling it over and erasing it repeatedly first) and not get extremely antsy about it.


I'm one of those people, and I'm curious if, despite my search attempts showing nothing, whether or not any such gulids exist in SWTOR. I've heard of a few in WoW which I've played on and off for years, but that really doesn't do me (or others) any good. I'd like to see some OP content and do more FPs with like-minded people but, again, SA makes that kinda difficult since those who don't have SA don't really understand what it's like. Hell, typing this up was taxing in and of itself. I'm also aware this post will likely be ignored/flamed, but I'm pushing 30 and, while not "old", I have no patience for BS or drama. SA doesn't prevent me from snarking back. Come at me, bro.


TL;DR : I like doing FPs and PVP and would like to see some OPs, but was wondering if there were any guilds specifically for people with social anxiety in mind, or if anyone might be interested in making one.*


*Not with me as GM because it would likely crash and burn as I have no experience with such things.... also, partially the SA talking. ALSO also, while I'm not LGBT (I lean asexual, if anything), I have no tolerance for those who won't allow them the simple dignity of living as they wish, so if you don't care for that, I'm not interested.

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  • 8 months later...
this would be great though I've never heard of one. it would be God to be with people who know how to feels because it's terrible when you write something on general chat and people take the piss out of you, or in group finder and the people in your group gang up on you lol.
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