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PvP guilds willing to help members improve.


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I've been playing off and on since launch, I commonly come back to the game because I do enjoy the PvP experience quite a bit, I commonly find myself just idling on fleet waiting for the next Que. What I am wondering is if there are any PvP guilds out there recruiting that would also be inclined to help me improve my game. I typically main a mara/sent. But I have multiple 60s of other classes. I find PvP is typically the biggest draw to the game for me and aside from the occasional operation is the only thing I'm sincerely interested in furthering.
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I've been playing off and on since launch, I commonly come back to the game because I do enjoy the PvP experience quite a bit, I commonly find myself just idling on fleet waiting for the next Que. What I am wondering is if there are any PvP guilds out there recruiting that would also be inclined to help me improve my game. I typically main a mara/sent. But I have multiple 60s of other classes. I find PvP is typically the biggest draw to the game for me and aside from the occasional operation is the only thing I'm sincerely interested in furthering.


I don't know our Imp Side, "So Below," super well but if you want a laid back guild with some experienced PVPers who won't take it personally when you move on to a more dedicated PVP guild, they'd probably be a good spot to start. That's assuming this isn't a serverpocalypse and we haven't lost all of the things.

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Ermm, I'll do a condensed version of my usual schpeel then.


The guilds you're looking for are either Knights of the Olde Republic on pubside, Shifted on imp side, The Darkness Reborn on imp side, or Anticlimactic on pubside.

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Check out <Covenant of the Phoenix>, if you're interested in PVP-ing with a group intent on learning and enjoying the game at every chance. Here's our recruitment video:


Feel free to talk to anyone of our members in-game, for direction to an officer for an invite. Our PVP teams are active every night, hanging out in Mumble and just have the best time you can imagine. Feel free to get to know us!

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