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SWTOR Duelling Tournament - Round 1C: Selenial vs Tunewalker


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“Who will be the winners? Who will be the corpses? Audience, place your bets!”


Team Selenial vs Team Tunewalker

Darth Krayt, Darth Wyyrlok III & Darth Talon vs Kyp Durron, Streen, Leia Organa Solo & K'Kruht


Welcome to Round 1C of the Heats. For anyone new to the tournament, please look over the rules first before participating, and those who are familiar, you may which to remind yourselves of how it all works.


The Battleground: TIE Fighter Hangar


Combatants start 25 meters apart in the middle of the hangar.


Battlefield Notes:



  • Krayt cannot use Dark Transfer on other opponents.


Rules of the Debate



  1. Victory by killing, KO’ing or otherwise incapacitating all of the opposing team.
  2. Combatants cannot hide or flee, though tactical retreats or attempts to lure the opponent are permitted.
  3. Combatant morals and personality traits apply, however they are all ready and willing to kill their opponents.
  4. All combatants are equipped with their standard arms and armament.
  5. Combatants do not possess any prior knowledge of their opponents beyond what they already know. But they are aware of the names of their combatants which are announced immediately before the fight.
  6. Any and all external Force nexuses or amplifiers are for the purposes of debate non-existent.
  7. Game mechanics are to be treated as canon, unless they exist purely for gameplay purposes.
  8. No flaming, trolling or aggressive debating, keep it chill people.


So without further ado, let the battle begin!

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Initial 2 seconds thoughts.


I think Kyp can match Krayt.... while Krayt MAY be more powerful just like Kyp MAY BE more powerful, neither will be to the degree that their particular skills and focus wont matter. I think they are both powerful enough that which ever one is "more powerful" is both Subjective and irrelevant, more on this later.



K'kruhk vs Wyylrock this one is a bit more difficult to call for me, but it would have been nice if these 2 had met in combat. K'kruhk was the Grand Master after the Ossus massacre and knows all the people here pretty well. I can argue all kinds of things for K'kruhk, but truthfully given my some what limited knowledge on both these characters I believe K'kruhk can hold out, but I honestly dont know that he can win again Wyylrock on his own.



Leia vs Talon, This one is easily going to be the most controversial claim that I will bring here.... but honestly I dont see Talon bringing anything to the table that Leia has not handled or beaten in the past. As shown here

Yammosks could detect the Force, and Kyp maintained that Leia was as strong in the Force as he was. Han was not at all eased by the explanation.


Source: The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force

if she is on par with Kyp and I CAN argue that Kyp and Krayt are close enough not to matter, then I can feel pretty secure in argueing leia is more powerful then Talon, even if Talon is still close enough that skills will be taken into account Leia regularly beats young powerful and skilled young women all the time, be it Yaqueel
Yaqueel gave a startled cry, her knees buckling as she landed in front of Not-Leia. She activated her lightsaber and flicked her wrist around in a clumsy attack, but Not-Leia had already stepped out of range.


Source: Fate of the Jedi: Abyss


Alema Rar who was capable of this


In his peripheral vision, Bastori Rak saw something silver moving from above. It smacked down into the woman's palm.


The hilt of a lightsaber.


She said, "Embrace the pain, scarhead," and ignited the weapon; a bright silver blade of energy shimmered into existence.


The weapon's distinctive snap-hiss noise jolted Bastori Rak into action. He swung up his amphistaff in a blocking motion.


Her strike, a lateral slice, danced around his parry. It sliced the miniature villip from his shoulder and seared into his neck between the vonduun crab armor on his torso and his helmet. He felt blinding pain, pain too great for him to accept or ignore, and the amphistaff flew from his nerveless fingers as he collapsed.


But he was not dead, and could still see. He saw his second-in-command strike at the woman, saw her graceful parry, heard her laugh. He saw the tops of the Jeedai barrels bulge as their contents stood up within them and smashed through the thin metal sheets sealing them.


Their contents were droids, war droids, weapons at the ready. Their blasters opened up, chewing through his warriors.


Source: The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream


and this


She stared up at him, murder in her eyes, and began climbing again, almost as fast as Jaina-faster than Jag's poor low-gravity thrusters could carry him.


Source: Legacy of the Force: Fury


or Tahiri Veila


A pair of lightsabers sizzled to life behind the woman, and sparks flew as Leia and Tahiri brought their weapons together. By the time the captain spun back around, the two Jedi were locked in a furious battle of flashing blades and flying feet.


"Stop!" the captain ordered. She motioned to her squad, who instantly flipped their blaster rifle power settings to stun and leveled the barrels at the combatants. "You will stop, or we'll open fire."


Leia landed a jaw-cracking elbow under Tahiri's chin, and Tahiri slammed a knee into Leia's ribs. The captain cursed under her breath, then turned to her marines.


"Hold on!" Han said. "That's a really bad..."


"Fire at will, "the captain ordered.


Han dropped, barely reaching the floor before a flurry of stun bolts flashed toward the fight-then reversed directions as the two Jedi batted the attacks back toward their sources. The marines collapsed in moans and spasms, the redheaded captain cracking skulls with Han as she landed atop him.


He rolled out from beneath her, cursing and rubbing his head. The hangar was ringing with security alarms, and royal guards were pouring from hidden crannies and secret passages, but the two Jedi remained oblivious. Leia connected with a vicious thrust kick that bent Tahiri backward over a landing strut crossbar.


Tahiri grunted and pointed at a loose blaster rifle, bringing it tumbling into Leia from behind, catching her between the shoulder blades and knocking her to the floor.


Leia flipped onto her back and brought her legs up over her head, landing on one foot and pirouetting straight into the attack, her blade level with Tahiri's neck.


"Wait!" Han cried. "Not my strut!"


Leia accelerated her pirouette, trying to land the attack before Tahiri had time to block, and that was when Han began to realize his wife was really serious about this-she wasn't in it just to teach the younger woman a lesson.


"Leia, wo!"


The plea made Leia hesitate just long enough for Tahiri to block, then Leia was on her feet again, keeping Tahiri pinned against the strut, beating down her guard, slipping in knee and elbow strikes with a speed and ferocity that only a Barabel-trained fighter could achieve.


"Leia, stop!" Han yelled. "You want to kill her?"


Leia continued to press the attack, and Han realized that was exactly what she wanted to do. She had found a handy target for all her rage, just as he had when he'd blamed Anakin for Chewbacca's death, and she was determined to make Tahiri pay for what had happened to Luke.... and for what Jacen had become.


Han snatched the blaster pistol from the captain's hand and, hoping to startle his wife back to her senses, sent a bolt zinging past her. It glanced off the Falcon and left a black, smoking furrow in the hull-apparently, the captain had not set her blaster to stun. Leia glanced away just long enough for Tahiri to land a spinning back-kick that sent her staggering away.


Han sprang up to grab her. He was taking his life in his hands, but he knew Leia would never forgive herself if she killed Tahiri over a stupid comment and a couple of bad choices. He wrapped his arms around Leia's shoulders and pulled her back - then felt the air leave his chest and his feet leave the floor as she instinctively slammed an elbow into his ribs and started to throw him.


"Whoa.... Leia!" he groaned. "It's me."


He felt the tension leave her body and his feet return to the floor, then Tahiri started to advance, her haggard eyes filled with malice and anger.


"Don't do it!" Han ordered. He pulled Leia aside and, when she deactivated her lightsaber, stepped between her and Tahiri. "Don't you dare."


Tahiri stopped two paces away, her lightsaber still ignited, glancing from Leia to Han and looking like a sabacc player trying to decide whether to fold or raise."You think this is what Anakin would want?" Han prompted. "His mother and his girlfriend trying to kill each other?"


"I certainly don't," a female voice said, coming up behind Han-and speaking over the drone of her own lightsaber. "And I won't have it in my hangar."


The anger in Tahiri's face quickly changed to embarrassment. She deactivated her blade and bowed, holding herself parallel to the floor. "I apologize, Your Majesty. I didn't believe they would resist."


Source: Legacy of the Force: Inferno


I understand that Talon is not any of these women and has some strengths and weaknesses of her own, but as this shows its not just 1 type of powerful young woman and skilled saber duelists that Leia has schooled, its been several with differing strategies and skills. I truthfully believe that this is the fight that my team would take the solid edge in.





Team work Force Meld: There has been arguments that it needs 3 experienced people to preform it, and I do not see evidence of this.


First a Force meld is a version of battle meditation, which does not require those it affects to be affected by it


A refinement of battle meditation, it was known to the ancient Jedi, though dangerous. While battle meditation could influence both the Force-sensitives and the insensitives of both sides, Force Meld concentrates on coordinating and improving the Force-sensitives of the user's side.


further it has been used by just 2 people before who were well versed in the technique.


Leia and Saba activated their lightsabers and began to weave an impenetrable shield of light, synchronizing their movements through the battle-meld so that one blade was always in position to block without interfering with the other.


Source: Dark Nest III: The Swarm War



Further still it is heavily implied that Streen would know this technique as a Jedi master. Firstly it is not listed on the WEG version of Kyp's listed powers, but we know he has lead one with his fighters, showing that its list of powers is incomplete. Second we know that Luke learned this technique from Caboath, before he started training any of his students. Third, we know he taught all of his initial students at the same time, if he taught Kyp it, there would be no reason he didnt teach streen it. Fourth several younger Jedi knights who were unnamed participated in this technique during the Vong wars to my knowledge, and most of these Knights would have been trained by Streen himself as he spends most of his time training kids at the academy as he prefers kids to adults as he is able to read their thoughts openly with out being disgusted by their thoughts. Fifth, streen has already shown several of the elements of this technique as a Padawan from his exceptional Telepathic skills to being one of the major players for the Dorsk 81 feat channeling his force energies into him allowing 81 to push an entire fleet of Star Destroyers Lightyears out of the system.


I think with all of this it is safe to say that While K'kruhk may not participate in the meld the rest will. And K'kruhk has already fought along side all kinds of different Jedi through out the ages so he doesnt need to, there is nothing that any one is bringing that he hasnt seen in some capacity at one time or another, or any move that any one will make on the team work front that he wont see as telegraphed.




Edit: looking at this hangar I litterally started laughing my rear off as well as saying "oh god, the chaos" the amount of TIE's that will be dropped on people between Leia, Kyp, and Streen is kind of ridiculous. Kyp having easily chucked a Freighter before is going to have no problem (Feat linked in prior thread), Leia having done similar to a ship slightly larger then these TIE's (Feat linked in previous thread) and Streen's in door Hurricane (feat linked in prior thread) will make this terrain the most hilarious thing for Krayt and the others to navigate. Its a good thing Krayt and his team are good Force Users because with out that, the pure chaos created by my teams casual use of Force powers in this room would be a nightmare to navigate on its own, let alone survive.

Edited by tunewalker
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/5char <3


if you think this is bad, just remember this is me taking it easy right now. nice and steady, nice and slow... no need to go into mini respect threads, or into to much detail just yet. I knew some of the claims would be controversial, but the truth often is. :p

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if you think this is bad, just remember this is me taking it easy right now. nice and steady, nice and slow... no need to go into mini respect threads, or into to much detail just yet. I knew some of the claims would be controversial, but the truth often is. :p


Give into your impulses Tune! Release your min/max side! Show them your TRUE power! :jawa_evil:

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Selenial is MIA everyone. Panic shall ensue.


BTW Gone Girl is only a little of an hour and a half IIRC so no excuses; its been a couple of days.


2 hours and 20 minutes :jawa_mad:


And sorry, it's really hard to motivate yourself when the opening argument is that Kyp Durron = Darth Krayt.

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2 hours and 20 minutes :jawa_mad:


And sorry, it's really hard to motivate yourself when the opening argument is that Kyp Durron = Darth Krayt.


but he does.... seriously.... like seriously.....


Durron's attunement to the Force is very powerful, and the restraint taught by his master, Luke Skywalker, could barely contain the impetuous young Jedi.


Source: Star Wars Database


He thought about those he had trained: Kyp, so intense and so frighteningly powerful.


Source: Planet of Twilight


Back on the Rebel base on Coruscant, Luke Skywalker tested Kyp's Jedi power potential. What he discovered was the strongest presence he had known since his Masters Obi-Wan and Yoda.


Source: The Essential Guide to Characters


This is as a Padawan, and again if he is this strong then its strong enough that Krayt can not win on power alone. See Anakin vs Obi-wan, see several others. Power is BOTH subjective AND (this is the important part I hope every one is paying attention) IRRELEVANT, meaning what you should be focusing on (and what I will be focusing on) is their TALENTS in the force, so if you want to show Krayt as the "more proficient/ superior force user" then more power to you, I will be countering them, but dont think you are going to come in here and go "my people are better then yours cus that's what I believe" and win, I am not taking that from any one, its what the last match turned into and if you think you can argue that in this one it will turn into the same spectacle. I dont believe in fights between high caliber force users from different eras breaking down into the guy that wields the biggest stick, based on fan speculation as to what is and isnt a measure of that stick, I believe it is a matter of skills, techniques, expertise and mentality. It doesnt matter if Sith lord A has more powerful force lightning then Jedi B, when Jedi B can block it with his saber, it doesnt matter if Sith Lord A can lift larger things then Jedi B if Larger things are not present to be lifted. It is EXCEEDINGLY rare for high caliber force users to be throttled with the force, Revan didnt do it to any one in the game even though there were all kinds of non-force sensitives. Anakin didnt do it to Obi-wan even though he is more powerful then Dooku, yes Dooku did it, but we have a book where Obi-wan beat dooku, so circumstances are circumstances.


Kyp durron was their GO TO GUY to kill Darth Caedus, yes Jaina convinced them to send her instead, but their initial pick was Kyp, are you ready to argue that Krayt > Caedus? Because even if Caedus could have beaten Kyp (and its actually not clear to whether or not he could have) it would not have been do to power alone, and if Luke is confindent that CAEDUS couldnt just rag doll Kyp and beat him with power alone, and the Kyp had a shot at taking down Caedus then yes, precieved power of these individuals IS Irrelevant. Again I apoligize that I made the oh so blasphemous claim that the most powerful member of my team can even hope to POTENTIALLY stalemate the most powerful member of my enemies team. I will make sure that in the future my opponent has a nice easy debate for them to handle and immediately submit to their clear superiority :rolleyes:.

Edited by tunewalker
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if you think this is bad, just remember this is me taking it easy right now. nice and steady, nice and slow... no need to go into mini respect threads, or into to much detail just yet. I knew some of the claims would be controversial, but the truth often is. :p
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEHcuVKniN8&t=0m49s Edited by Beniboybling
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I get why I'm not gonna be able to get to mine for a few days, but what's up, Sel?


I know what this match is going to turn into, and to be quite honest it's hard to motivate oneself to willingly go into something like that.


Especially if you're already incredibly busy...

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I know what this match is going to turn into, and to be quite honest it's hard to motivate oneself to willingly go into something like that.


Especially if you're already incredibly busy...

Tunewalker has promised to be polite tbh, I'm sure we can keep things civil. However no rush if you're busy.
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