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DCD Usage in PvP?

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As the title states, I'd like to hear the PvPr's opinion on the timing of defensive cooldown usage / staggering in that environment: energy shield, warzone adrenal, warzone medpack, kolto overload. Just trying to really maximize my play and use those DCDs in the proper sequence and situation. Thanks and happy hunting.
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As the title states, I'd like to hear the PvPr's opinion on the timing of defensive cooldown usage / staggering in that environment: energy shield, warzone adrenal, warzone medpack, kolto overload. Just trying to really maximize my play and use those DCDs in the proper sequence and situation. Thanks and happy hunting.


If your're AP/Tactics your aoe taunt is also an rng dcd and if your're Shieldtech explosive fuel or battle focus is a dcd. As for your order that's pretty much it.

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If your're AP/Tactics your aoe taunt is also an rng dcd and if your're Shieldtech explosive fuel or battle focus is a dcd. As for your order that's pretty much it.


Thank you. I've tanked for quite awhile in PvP and with a competent healer I can be a little lax in my DCD management. Now that I'm trying my hand at DPS, the order I tossed out there is best (sorry if I'm being dense)? At what point do you pop the shield, etc and would you ever combine the shield and adrenal? Thanks again

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Thank you. I've tanked for quite awhile in PvP and with a competent healer I can be a little lax in my DCD management. Now that I'm trying my hand at DPS, the order I tossed out there is best (sorry if I'm being dense)? At what point do you pop the shield, etc and would you ever combine the shield and adrenal? Thanks again


Can you specify your spec? Different VG specs have different defensives and are handled differently

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My way of using the dcd in ranked is just using the sonic missile together with the thermal detonator and after dropping to around 60-70% ill pop my med-pack and my adrenal, shield and kolto only if i know im focus target, the cc breaker should only be used after your resolve bar is completely full (or white), otherwise you risk yourself being globaled in cc lock.
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I've actually been swapping between both Pyro and AP. I enjoy Pyro immensely, but...


Pyro defensively is just pop reactive shield and kolto overload when focused and pray.


AP is more interesting because of sonic defense, where sonic missile grants 30% F/T and M/R defense. With good RNG sonic defense is amazing. Without good RNG it's near useless.



Since Sonic Missile has a low CD you should pop it first in most cases, then rotate through the longer CDs, by the time those are gone you should have Sonic Missile back up.


However I will point out that using defensives is something learned by experience not something that is easily taught.

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