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What do you think the companions will do when they meet you again?


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I think Nadia will be the most disappointed for my Sage becoming Theron's boyfriend.


Kira will hopefully be in a coffin. Vette, too, actually. And Kaliyo. And Jorgan. And Mako. Yeah, hopefully so many will just drop dead. "Oh, look - thermal detonator!" :rak_03:


It'd be interesting if Ashara and Jaesa were together to meet you on Jedi characters, or even Sith characters, too.


I'd also like to see my ship droids recycled into something more useful, like a junk item to be sold.


But, I think most characters would give a generic greeting, and get on with life with you, until they get irritated and leave, or you poison some ashes, so your loving woman attacks you, and you kill her. Maybe one will turn out to be heir to the throne. :rak_02:

Edited by Avrinoth
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I think Nadia will be the most disappointed for my Sage becoming Theron's boyfriend.


Kira will hopefully be in a coffin. Vette, too, actually. And Kaliyo. And Jorgan. And Mako. Yeah, hopefully so many will just drop dead. "Oh, look - thermal detonator!" :rak_03:


It'd be interesting if Ashara and Jaesa were together to meet you on Jedi characters, or even Sith characters, too.


I'd also like to see my ship droids recycled into something more useful, like a junk item to be sold.


But, I think most characters would give a generic greeting, and get on with life with you, until they get irritated and leave, or you poison some ashes, so your loving woman attacks you, and you kill her. Maybe one will turn out to be heir to the throne. :rak_02:

To be honest, I'd prefer killing my ship droid and mounting their heads on my ships wall to remind me how annoying they were.

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To be honest, I'd prefer killing my ship droid and mounting their heads on my ships wall to remind me how annoying they were.


Sounds like a plan. Maybe we could help C2-D4 and Jakarro to swap places? Maybe build C2 a nice suit, and tear off Jakarro's head, and just stick it in place. I mean, he's technically a companion. He talks as much as some, anyway :p


And, I'm probably in the minority (or majority) group that only tolerated Jakarro so we'd have an excuse to lose at Pazaak, and because C2-D4 was a great character

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Sounds like a plan. Maybe we could help C2-D4 and Jakarro to swap places? Maybe build C2 a nice suit, and tear off Jakarro's head, and just stick it in place. I mean, he's technically a companion. He talks as much as some, anyway :p


And, I'm probably in the minority (or majority) group that only tolerated Jakarro so we'd have an excuse to lose at Pazaak, and because C2-D4 was a great character


Never mess with a Wookie, they can pull your arms out of their sockets.

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Kira has a chat with Doc and the player character during the SoR intro. She also comments on stuff throughout Rishi and Yavin 4.


In other words, take responsibility for your actions, dude. You wanted to cheat on her and worse of all, you wanted her to see it first hand. Now comes the hammer! :D




I feel vindicated for staying in character and being faithful to my spouses. But I can understand if some people are mad about being punished for exploring dialogue options.

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I am sure that my little teenage Ruffian is going to get quite the tongue lashing from Corso -- and not the good kind. (Really, though, he should be used to her behavior by now.) I just hope he can forgive her. She turned down his marriage proposal, but still wanted to stay with him, and he was okay with that.


Then Theron walked in... *sigh*


Honestly, though, I could really see her going for Nico if he's available for that sort of thing, and letting Corso down easy because the poor sweet boy really does deserve a woman who will be true to him.


Probably she'll be yelled at by Bowdaar too, mostly to assuage his own guilt at not being able to protect her.


Guss... poor Guss. It breaks my heart whenever I dismiss him and he says, "But where will I go?!" Little lost ex-Jedi squid-man... I hope that he at least stuck by Risha.


Speaking of my BFF Risha, yeah, I really hope that dude loves you, hon. And treats you like the queen you are. Risha will probably give my girl a bunch of good-natured crap for not squeaking out of the bad situation to begin with. "Some outlaw you are."


Akaavi... hm, y'know, I would not mind in the least if she hooked up with Torian (at least from my Smuggler's point of view -- my BH would hunt him down if he pulled a Jacob). We already know he likes older women. ;) I think Akaavi and Bowdaar will be the ones looking for the female Smuggler from their fortified base (Port Nowhere). Risha will just be too busy.

Edited by Cedia
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I imagine it something like this. With my female dark jedi knight.


As my character walks up to a abandoned building with Lana she will say. "Where is Scourge? And my other companions?" Lana smiles quietly as she opens the door revealing a poorly lit room with all her companions there. They all look shocked expect Scourge. His calm face reveals nothing like usual... Immortality seemingly also sucks away expressions. But i was stunned because of what he did next... He walks up to me while pushing Lana out of the way. His tallness is intimidating but i stand my ground. He hugs me. A tight hug that felt odd like he never wanted to let go... He released me after about 10 seconds and walked away to a corner saying. "We will never speak of this... But i'm happy to have you back." A small smile penetrated his gaze. Before i can respond i am overwhelmed by the rest of my companions. Being weak from being kept like a pet in a cage i let them embrace me. They say nothing but i can feel their happiness.... Lana interrupts the welcome party by saying. "We have a lot of work to do... My love." The last two words are spoken so softly that i barely hear them. She turns around and looks outside seeing patrols walking up to the house. She sighs. "I am afraid we must cut short on the re introductions. The welcome party has arrived." In almost a instant my companions draw upon their strength... As do i. In fact i think Scourge lended me his strength... Not that he would ever admit it. They all stand ready as lana force pushes the door away crushing the poor scouts...

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