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New Class? Please?

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I wouldn't mind a new class (or advanced class).... but if we get a new class I emphatically implore the devs to make it a saber pike centric class. A saber pike wielding class would be awesome! :D


Please! no more jedi! there's supposed to be more normal people than force users and we already have a huge majority playing Jedi/Sith, we need more normies! Let the shadows use the pikes!


Engineers, Technician, Ambassador, SIS, Imp trooper, Bartender whatever, anything but another jedi class (although that too would be a cool addition to the stale selection we have now)

Edited by Monumenta
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I'm not sure it's even possible to add another class, other than variants of already existing classes.


By that I mean, like a sith warrior with a double-bladed lightsaber or whatever may work, we already have shotos but that could be considered dual-wielding.

Edited by kmildh
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Please! no more jedi! there's supposed to be more normal people than force users and we already have a huge majority playing Jedi/Sith, we need more normies! Let the shadows use the pikes!


Engineers, Technician, Ambassador, SIS, Imp trooper, Bartender whatever, anything but another jedi class (although that too would be a cool addition to the stale selection we have now)


Seriously? The force and lightsabers are the reason a huge majority of people play this game. I've been in dozens of pug groups made of only knights and consulars. Most of the time its 3-1 (1 being trooper / smug typically a healer) If the people paying the bills (subs) want lightsabers and lightning then you cough it up. I certainly hope the devs don't spit out more "normies" just to quell a vocal minority. The consumers have spoken, the force prevails.

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Solution: 3 advanced classes per class,


Jedi Knight: 1. Jedi Guardian, 2. Jedi Sentinel, 3. Gray Jedi (not dark side or light side)

Jedi Consular: 1. Sage, 2. Shadow, 3. Jedi Agent (Blaster pistol wielding force user hybrid)

Republic Trooper: 1. Commando, 2. Vanguard 3. Duelist ( trooper with vibro sword and wrist blaster)

Smuggler: 1. Gunslinger 2. Scoundrel 3. Tech Expert (uses droids to deal dot damage, summons temporary droid snipers etc)



Sith Warrior: 1.Juggernaut, 2.Marauder, 3. Imperial Knight (sith version of Gray Jedi)

Sith Inquisitor: 1. Sorcerer, 2. Assassin, 3.Sith Agent (same as Jedi Agent, think Mara Jade)

Bounty Hunter: 1. Mercenary, 2. Powertech, 3. Glory Hunter (blaster pistol and extensive wrist blade user wrist blades could be customizable, ie swords,daggers mini axes etc)

Imperial Agent: 1. Sniper, 2. Operative, 3. Interrogator (same as tech expert, uses droids and probes)


The Gray Jedi and Jedi agent (Imperial Knight and Sith Agent) may need switching places as gray jedi could get the choice of which skills to use, lightning or pebble throw etc and gain other force powers, whereas jedi and sith agents would use blaster to generate rage or focus to use force powers. Just a thought.


I think that this provides a strong base from which bioware could easily add 8 more "classes" to the game without the need for more voice/storylines.


For 3rd AC I was thinking fill out the roles. Some classes have ACs that can tank or heal or dps but none have all 3. Yes, I know every AC has trees for DPS but there are only 2 pure DPS ACs out there, all the others can put out decent DPS but their damage is slightly offset by the fact that they have either more mitigation tools or healing abilities. They could set it up however they wish but some basic ideas are as followes:


For the Warrior/Knight it would need a healer AC. No idea how to work that one. Huge balance issues to work through and tying in healing to focus/rage would not be easy so if I were BW I would save that one for last.


BH/Trooper is pretty easy. Full DPS spec without any heals. Standard trees for burst, sustained and dots. Love your ideas on this one for a melee version.


Consular/Inquisitor. Full DPS spec. Dual wield. Yes I said it, Dual wield. Mix of melee and short ranged force attacks


Smuggler/Agent needs a tank AC. Could still use medium armor but higher defense than other tanks but lower shield/absorb to keep overall mitigation on par with other tank ACs.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Seriously? The force and lightsabers are the reason a huge majority of people play this game. I've been in dozens of pug groups made of only knights and consulars. Most of the time its 3-1 (1 being trooper / smug typically a healer) If the people paying the bills (subs) want lightsabers and lightning then you cough it up. I certainly hope the devs don't spit out more "normies" just to quell a vocal minority. The consumers have spoken, the force prevails.


yes seriously, theres an equal amount of people that only like Star Wars because of Han and Chewie, my server is pretty even jedi to regular people but it shouldn't be, theres far more normal people in the Star Wars universe than force users. You want to talk about consumers having a voice? Lets talk about the millions more the original light on force users trilogy is still pulling in over the jedi heavy prequel trilogy and the fans response to each.

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While I doubt that there will be a new class, ever really, I would not mind seeing a class that, depending on spec, can do either range or melee. Like the Rouge in Dragon Age: Inquisition. I want to shoot lightning and hit people with dual lightsabers, is that too much to ask? :p
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I agree with the OP there needs to be some new classes, as several people have already mentioned the Imperial Trooper and SIS agent probably would be the most cost effective ones. If the community as a whole demanded it, who knows might happen one day, after the next expansion, or the next, or the next, right before they open the new MMO for Star Wars Force Awakening.:D Edited by Fallensouls
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Please! no more jedi! there's supposed to be more normal people than force users and we already have a huge majority playing Jedi/Sith, we need more normies! Let the shadows use the pikes!


Engineers, Technician, Ambassador, SIS, Imp trooper, Bartender whatever, anything but another jedi class (although that too would be a cool addition to the stale selection we have now)


The entire Star Wars universe is centered around Force users. Infact, the entire story is about the rise and fall of the dark side. The only hints we have of this now are in the Clone Wars series, but the rest of the story is coming with the new movies and the Revenant trilogy. The former will reveal where Vitiate comes from, and tell a little bit about the Celestials and the origins of the Force, and the Revenant trilogy (especially the third game, Ascension) will basically give the entire history of the Star Wars universe.

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yes seriously, theres an equal amount of people that only like Star Wars because of Han and Chewie, my server is pretty even jedi to regular people but it shouldn't be, theres far more normal people in the Star Wars universe than force users. You want to talk about consumers having a voice? Lets talk about the millions more the original light on force users trilogy is still pulling in over the jedi heavy prequel trilogy and the fans response to each.


It wasn't the jedi heaviness of the prequals that people had a problem with :p


But yes, there should be more normal people out there and there are. They're called NPCs. Those other players just don't exist in your story. :p

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. I want the force sensitive. Think Luke pre-RotJ. Start out with a blaster and a lightsaber. AC1 is following the Force and training as a Jedi, your saber is now your mainhand and the blaster is specials. Jedi (or Sith) too restrictive? AC2 is turning away - your blaster is now your mainhand and the saber is for specials.
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I would love it if BW put in a droid class. Make it relatively simple - 1 AC, 3 disciplines (tank, dps, and heals). It would be unique and could mirror across factions logically. No need for different animations and skill names. Only creatable @ lvl 60, need legacy level 30 to unlock. It would also force BW to make decent droid token and comm gear which would address those who have always complained about droid gearing.


But I doubt it will happen. Would be nice though.

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The entire Star Wars universe is centered around Force users. Infact, the entire story is about the rise and fall of the dark side. The only hints we have of this now are in the Clone Wars series, but the rest of the story is coming with the new movies and the Revenant trilogy. The former will reveal where Vitiate comes from, and tell a little bit about the Celestials and the origins of the Force, and the Revenant trilogy (especially the third game, Ascension) will basically give the entire history of the Star Wars universe.


I understand everyone in mmos is a mary sue, for sure most that plays jedi knights and sith warriors are, but there still should be more normal people than jedi and I'm pretty sure in swtor if we started counting npcs the force users still outweigh the regs.


One of the main problems with the story element of swtor is it spits all the jedi out at the end feeling like they are the most powerful body type 3 jedi superman while half of them are bads that immediately show up to ops in their mismatched greens thinking they can take on the galaxy and not listening to anyones advice, I mean after all they just killed the emperor right?


I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks the jedi/sith population should be toned down to even Clone Wars levels, as it is now this game has more verisimilitude with Harry Potter or Final Fantasy than it does Star Wars, take out the wookies and lightsabers and swtor is just wizards in space. Adding in a couple more regular guy/girl classes like Lando, Leia, Bail, Wedge, and Padme would balance it out and make it feel more like the real Star Wars.


A good compromise is the Quinlan Voss/Luke Skywalker in Empire class with the gun and the saber, although I personally dread the thought of even more glow sticks on fleet this would help with the verisimilitude issue I spoke of above.


I would love it if BW put in a droid class. Make it relatively simple - 1 AC, 3 disciplines (tank, dps, and heals). It would be unique and could mirror across factions logically. No need for different animations and skill names. Only creatable @ lvl 60, need legacy level 30 to unlock. It would also force BW to make decent droid token and comm gear which would address those who have always complained about droid gearing.


But I doubt it will happen. Would be nice though.


it would be nice.

Edited by Monumenta
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More glow sticks? On fleet I tend to see a pretty even amount. There are four classes, only two of which use the glowsticks and smuggler seems to be a pretty popular class. Trooper not as much, but that may be because of their storyline. So people are one and done with it maybe?
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I would love it if BW put in a droid class. Make it relatively simple - 1 AC, 3 disciplines (tank, dps, and heals). It would be unique and could mirror across factions logically. No need for different animations and skill names. Only creatable @ lvl 60, need legacy level 30 to unlock. It would also force BW to make decent droid token and comm gear which would address those who have always complained about droid gearing.


But I doubt it will happen. Would be nice though.


Been thinking same but instead of a class it would be race, only able to use non-force using classes. It would have one race story instead of the same class stories, Starts at level 40 during the Directive 7 FP being one of the freed droids. After completing starting zone you choose either Republic or Empire. Or actual class, Droid mechanic.

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