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Bolster increases my stats even with full Dark reaver


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I just dinged 60 and bought myself a set of dark reaver so now i have full 2018 expertise. I even had enough to buy some better mods and enhancement, not fully min maxed yet though. I havent had time to go into a warzone yet since its late at night right now and no one is queueing up.

Problem is that my stats with the full dark reaver set was LOWER than it was when i was lvl 59 wearing pve gear WITH bolster. That made me go check the bolster station in the fleet ( bridge deck of gav dragon). To my surprise, my fully dark reaver geared toon's stats increased with bolster (everything except expertise of course). I went form 35k hp in dark reaver to 40k hp in Dark reaver with bolster. my main stats and bonus stats all increase. With the bolster, lv 60 DR gear is now better than pve gear at lv 59.


So it seems like bolster is still lifting up pvp gear to a higher level which i certainly dont mind but i thought bolster doesnt increase the stat of pvp gear.

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The boost to 192 makes sense given that 174 DR gear would be pretty low rating in pve. As for augments, t wo of my pieces are augmented with 178, one power and one strength.


Whats the point of augmenting if bolster is just going to boost it anyway?

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Whats the point of augmenting if bolster is just going to boost it anyway?


It gives to you free blue-grade endurance augments. So no point if you are low on credits or plan to roll a non min-maxed tank. :) The purple augs is always better for you!

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It will always bolster you even in min/max PvP gear. If it didn't, then 204 MH/OH barrels, hilts, and armorings would be BiS to increase damage.


204 barrel/hilt IS better. bolster in the current setup only accounts for up to 198. the 204 costs you 68 exp. but you gain 300 ranged/melee, and 400 tech/force.

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204 barrel/hilt IS better. bolster in the current setup only accounts for up to 198. the 204 costs you 68 exp. but you gain 300 ranged/melee, and 400 tech/force.

So do you just use the 204 barrel/hilt/armoring for MH/OH, or do you use enhancements and mods too?

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just the barrel. the mod and enhancements would lose expertise without giving me the ranged/tech damage increases. i would be trading expertise for just power/crit and that is not worth it. it is only a small increase, but big enough that i did notice it. Edited by sumquy
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