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Is there a point to go sentinel?

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In PvE, we pretty much got the shaft this time. Historically the class has always been unforgiving of mistakes, but its compounded twice as much now. Certain classes are outparsing us that really should not be, and melee classes continue to be at a disadvantage in current raid content. That said, finding a spot on a progression team shouldn't be difficult if you're decent.


PVP-wise, we are a bout middle of the road. With good healer backup, the class still shreds through pretty much anything. Without a healer, you'll be playing the run-and-hide game most of the match. I prefer Concentration spec personally, but Combat can still work if you've got the skill. Watchman? Well...we don't talk about Watchman.


Overall, Sentinels are still where we've always been. Those that can, do. Those that can't, reroll.

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i was a 2.x combat sentinel and i'm a returning player, i was wondering if there was a point to picking sentinel again? After seeing all this feedback on whats happening with all 3 specs, i just don't know if its worth going sentinel or not.


no ah, no short answers, so, again, to emphasize, short answer: no

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I was a 2.x combat sentinel and I'm a returning player, I was wondering if there was a point to picking sentinel again? after seeing all this feedback on whats happening with all 3 specs, I just don't know if its worth going sentinel or not.


Dont listen to previous poster! Once a sentinel, always a sentinel! We may have a harder time both pve and pvp but a good sentinel will overcome thiee obstacles and always prevail. Dont be an FOTM reroller for being lazy :)

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The sentinel class jedi knight, did not origionally exist as a playable class untill much later in the history. Sentinel class jedi skills where developed based on more recent skills compared to the traditional defender class.


This makes the sentinel class far different from the consular in terms of that connecton to republic history. As a class it holds value both for the skill set, and also for the ability to provide the basic legacy skills to another class.


It is possible to get stuck with just a single legacy lightsaber though, and that limmits the available skills greatly.


Sentinels, where considered no different from a jedi knight class untill duel whielding skills where voted in, as haveing met the requirements for a independent class. That means they had to meet the origional requirement(s) of the origional proof for the jedi class. Some believed there was no requirement to create a class of jedi with two lightsabers.

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Yeah, but you need to know that we are only secondary targets. Primary target is always the commando/mercenary.


As it so happens, right now I"m playing both an arsenal merc (59) and a carnage marauder (58) and it is far, far, far, far, far, far, far,far,far worse on the marauder, simply because I have to be in melee range all the time.


Back in the day when I used to play shadow tank, before the great purge of all shadow tank specs from pvp, one pull and one stun would fill a resolve bar. Last night, on my marauder, i got pulled, predated away, pulled again, then knocked back into the wall (entrance of hypergates mid) and then stunned....four CC's in rapid succession. And with a marauder, you can't do anything about it.

Edited by Vember
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I've just come back to SWTOR after a two year absence. My alt is a sentinel watchman, lvl 41 on Hoth, and wow...it was quite a change. I remember the sent being a glass cannon, but it seems like now I'm made of super fragile glass. Make a mistake on rotations or buffing/debuffing and four trash mobs will kill me. Granted, I'm shaking off two year rust, but I just don't remember the sent being so easily killed last time around.


Experienced sent players feel free to correct me.

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I've just come back to SWTOR after a two year absence. My alt is a sentinel watchman, lvl 41 on Hoth, and wow...it was quite a change. I remember the sent being a glass cannon, but it seems like now I'm made of super fragile glass. Make a mistake on rotations or buffing/debuffing and four trash mobs will kill me. Granted, I'm shaking off two year rust, but I just don't remember the sent being so easily killed last time around.


Experienced sent players feel free to correct me.


That has less to do with the Sentinel, which is actually a bit sturdier than it used to be, and more to do with the dramatic changes they made to the survivability and lethality of mobs in 3.0. To put it simply, mobs do about a third more damage and die about a third faster, than when the game first launched. It's most noticeable with lieutenants.

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I got my mara leveled the rest of the way up a couple months ago (it was like 48 before expansion). I did it to see if they really were all that bad, and they have become my new most played class. I wish I could say favorite, but ops will always be my favorite. Maras are a close second though. I do nothing but pvp. They are harder to do well with than some of my other classes, but at least in regs they are perfectly fine IMO. I have had more fun running my mara in regs lately that I have in a couple years. Now that I am back from vacation I am going to hop in to solo with it. I am sure it is a different story there, but whatever. Most people don't do ranked...so as far as pvp goes if you are only into regs maras are awesome....all three specs. Edited by Saikochoro
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I got my mara leveled the rest of the way up a couple months ago (it was like 48 before expansion). I did it to see if they really were all that bad, and they have become my new most played class. I wish I could say favorite, but ops will always be my favorite. Maras are a close second though. I do nothing but pvp. They are harder to do well with than some of my other classes, but at least in regs they are perfectly fine IMO. I have had more fun running my mara in regs lately that I have in a couple years. Now that I am back from vacation I am going to hop in to solo with it. I am sure it is a different story there, but whatever. Most people don't do ranked...so as far as pvp goes if you are only into regs maras are awesome....all three specs.


Even if sent was nerfed to death with zero dmg and instadeath I would still play the class because it's my favourite and no FOTM can convince me to give up two lightsabers in a Star Wars game :) Sent is harder than most ACs but its also the most fun class (i really love deception but it will never be even close to any of my sents/maras). It's good to hear that someone else learned this as well :o

Edited by jauvtus
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As it so happens, right now I"m playing both an arsenal merc (59) and a carnage marauder (58) and it is far, far, far, far, far, far, far,far,far worse on the marauder, simply because I have to be in melee range all the time.


Back in the day when I used to play shadow tank, before the great purge of all shadow tank specs from pvp, one pull and one stun would fill a resolve bar. Last night, on my marauder, i got pulled, predated away, pulled again, then knocked back into the wall (entrance of hypergates mid) and then stunned....four CC's in rapid succession. And with a marauder, you can't do anything about it.


Unless you are fury spec that is. Drop force crush and they can't do any of that to you for 6 seconds (that's true once every 30 seconds anyways).

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Unless you are fury spec that is. Drop force crush and they can't do any of that to you for 6 seconds (that's true once every 30 seconds anyways).


6s every 30s is a very high uptime in the game for CC immunity (yes, higher than the well hated sins)

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