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Add "by your ship" to missions like "Travel to Dromund Kaas"


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I see too many newcomers asking why the quests such as "Travel to <destination>" don't progress. They usually travel through the fleet or strongholds. Adding "by your ship" would solve this confusion.


My problem lately is the unlocked flight paths. On Korriban, the class mission progresses through the Wilds, but it checks for you to travel to the 1st travel point, but the map advises you to travel to the second, so I completely skipped over it. It should be smart enough to know hey, you passed it to go to the next one, so progress.

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If the mission is 'travel to X' you should be able to travel to X however you get there and the mission progresses, your ship, my ship, legacy quick travel, shuttle, whatever.


During levelling a Trooper, I even had a mission reset to require 'Travelling to Coruscant on your ship", because I did a companion mission first, rather than visiting the General, so yes I had to travel to another planet & back...


Also almost all map discovery is done by finding the sweetspot (or the point the DEV painted) rather than by discovering the area...


Some of the QoL small things that someone should revisit!

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