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Why the hate for players who do not know how to play?


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It's very frustrating to meet Operative, who doesn't know that he have stealth CC.


Do you know how frustrating it is to see players, who are obviously very good at playing their own classes, to ignore the fact that I can stealth cc on Operative/Scoundrel/Assassin/Shadow?



- Bridge before the miniboss -> I go right, stealth and try to cc the enemy... but I can't because I'm in combat.

- First enemy inside Jedi Temple. I get close enough to enemy to stealth cc but at that moment Sentinel/Marauder leaps to enemy "because it's quicker way".


So, I don't bother doing it unless I'm sure everyone knows what I want to do (if you have stealth class in group you should expect it without "I'm going to stealth cc it").

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Never played DMC, but Halo? Hard? Really? And FF? I played FFII on the SNES, finished it too, it was LONG, but I didn't think it was hard. Finished FF7 on the PS1, that wasn't hard. FF9 and FFX were a walk in the park, X was almost too easy.


DMC and Halo both had essentially nightmare modes that were OMG awful if you like that kind of thing (Halo though not nearly as bad). DMC was also bashed pretty badly about the difficulty, so much so that later editions had a lower tier added to the game. But some of us loved it.


FFVII if you did EVERYTHING could be stupid hard. Warmech in FFI, Emerald and Ruby in FFVII, Omega for FFVIII, Yiazmat in FFXII. While the whole game itself is not overly hard, these challenges are part of what makes those games (9, 10, and 11 were too easy, and there were complaints).

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DMC and Halo both had essentially nightmare modes that were OMG awful if you like that kind of thing (Halo though not nearly as bad). DMC was also bashed pretty badly about the difficulty, so much so that later editions had a lower tier added to the game. But some of us loved it.


FFVII if you did EVERYTHING could be stupid hard. Warmech in FFI, Emerald and Ruby in FFVII, Omega for FFVIII, Yiazmat in FFXII. While the whole game itself is not overly hard, these challenges are part of what makes those games (9, 10, and 11 were too easy, and there were complaints).


I don't think I finished Halo, it has been a long time, but the part I played seemed easy enough.


FF7, I am sure I didnt' do everything, just the main story. I also haven't played a FF past X on the PS2, other than maybe about 5 hours on FF13, and then got bored with it since it seemed like it was on rails.


Good to know I wasn't crazy about 9 and 10, those did in fact seem quite easy, at least for the basic story part of the game. IMHO, 10 (or X) got it right, it was a nice balance of... everything... X-2? Didn't care for it, they changed the combat, which was a shame. More of X would have been nice.

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It takes no time at all for a player to reach fleet with this X12 exp, it is natural that some does not know that.


The reply to any question a newbie asks is a proper friendly answer.


Because I expect you to have learned to use the map by the time you leave the start world. It's not as if it's difficult.:rolleyes:

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some people feel like they have something to prove to the world and they use the game to do it. generally the nastiest so-called "elitist" players are actualy not that good themselves. genuinely good players? would rather educate and help. I mean... who do you think writes all the guides we have. the jerks that insult new players instead of helping them? of course not.


we all started out somewhere. no one is born knowing everything and being good at everything. everyone has to learn at some point. only insecure people forget that and dump on those who are still learning (they also tend to be the ones never listening to any advice). don't pay attention to them - they are not worth it.


+1 to this. You hit it right out of the park when you mentioned that the insecure ones are the ones that dump on those still learning to play.

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When im not ignoring pvp chat altogether, having to watch for left, right, snow, grass, mid, etc, it boggles the mind some people will gripe more than actually playing. We end up losing not because of a bad here or there, but I think because of the elitests focusing on griping and just give up and start dancing or sit down rather than play. And this isn't even in ranked. I'd rather have some noobs and bads, im probably one of them myself lol, than the whiney little children that throw tantrums because for some reason pvp pixel competition for no reward is srsbzns to them.
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Do you know how frustrating it is to see players, who are obviously very good at playing their own classes, to ignore the fact that I can stealth cc on Operative/Scoundrel/Assassin/Shadow?



- Bridge before the miniboss -> I go right, stealth and try to cc the enemy... but I can't because I'm in combat.

- First enemy inside Jedi Temple. I get close enough to enemy to stealth cc but at that moment Sentinel/Marauder leaps to enemy "because it's quicker way".


So, I don't bother doing it unless I'm sure everyone knows what I want to do (if you have stealth class in group you should expect it without "I'm going to stealth cc it").


Nah. You forgot one detail - such moves can be called "not really smart play". But it cannot be called "noobish".

Noob move - is trying to CC boss.



But returning to the subject.

As i said - its not "noobish" to pull one pack...

But when it comes to BoR - it's the completely different situation, you know...

And i saw people who can't do the trick becouse they don't know what to do with stealther.


Do you see difference?

One pull - entire room (actually 3 of them).

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Elitism is common in pretty much any game with a multiplayer aspect. For some reason, being skillful (or being under the false impression that one is skillful) in video games boosts a person's ego more than is deserved.


It's a shame that it happens, and it ticks me off that people do it.


I agree with this....

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