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Bugs and issues with old flashpoints and operations (in preparation for KotFE)


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With KotFE coming in October, most of the old flashpoints and operations are scaled up to level cap, which means that issues that were previously ignored become relevant again. In this thread, I'm compiling a list of all bugs and issues; it will be expanded over time. If you have something to add, feel free to comment. As always, the decision what is a bug and requires fixing is up to the developers, this list is only supposed to help them get an overview over which issues exist.


Note that even though compilation threads are against the forum guildelines, I asked Tait Watson for permission and he allowed me to create this thread.

I'll allow it!





Boarding Party

Taral V

  • When skipping PD-44 and dying in the fortress, you are spawned outside of the locked door, requiring you to reset the phase. Please move the medcenter inside or don't close the door.

Maelstrom Prison

Directive 7

Battle of Ilum

False Emperor

Kaon Under Siege

  • Trash group moving in normal mode but standing still in hard mode

Lost Island

Korriban Incursion

  • Bonus boss has 278,152 HP on Imperial side (Republic Commander) but 876,009 HP on Republic side (Imperial Commander)

Legacy of the Rakata

  • Arkous and Darok: "Impale" debuff by Darok can land on Jakarro, making it difficult for players to control this mechanic when Jakarro randomly switches targets or players are pulled into Jakarro

Blood Hunt

  • Yustapir Kyramud (one of the challenges) has a Roar ability ({2504519984349184}) which places an "Afraid" effect on all nearby players. This is a buff and can be right-clicked off; please change it into a debuff.

Battle of Rishi

  • Sword Squadron One: Has voice-over on solo mode but stays quiet in hard mode




Eternity Vault

Karagga's Palace

  • Jarg & Sorno: No reduced cooldown on interrupt; two players are no longer enough to interrupt his attack and heal.
  • G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator: Adds are sometimes not spawning. Not sure if this is a mechanic or a bug.
  • "Knockback" effect by "Support Gunner" trash (the turrets before the final boss) is a buff and can be right-clicked off; please change it into a debuff.

Explosive Conflict

Scum & Villainy

  • Operations Chief: No "Oasis Reinforcer Battledroid" spawning when city infiltration enrages
  • Olok the Shadow: Void by "IA-82 Artillery Droid" disappears after first tick, deals very little damage on SM/HM
  • Cartel Warlords: No reduced cooldown on cleanse, a single healer cannot remove "Sunder Armor" debuff in NiM

Dread Fortress

Dread Palace

  • Raptus: Healing challenge overtuned since 3.0

Temple of Sacrifice

  • Final trash group before Underlurker is bugged, it doesn't enter combat

Edited by Jerba
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Blood Hunt: The Jos and Valk Beroya fight. Resets constantly if you are trying it in solo mode with your companion and the GSI droid because of the knockbacks.


Foundary, Hard Mode: HK-47, entire fight. Problems well documented, including:


-- Companion fighting him from across the room if solo/small group.

-- Companion able to harm HK during Activate Core while player can't so much as cast on him

-- Power of the Core activating if core unlocked too quickly.

-- Power of the Core activating regardless of locks being hit before it elevates.

-- Stealth mode, both companion seeing through it and HK glitching if damaged during it


False Emperor: Darth Malgus has erratic player teleport/instant reposition if soloing the fight. "Doubt" warning text does not include companion's name.

Edited by Canareth
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Blood Hunt: The Jos and Valk Beroya fight. Resets constantly if you are trying it in solo mode with your companion and the GSI droid because of the knockbacks.


Foundary, Hard Mode: HK-47, entire fight. Problems well documented, including:


-- Companion fighting him from across the room if solo/small group.

-- Companion able to harm HK during Activate Core while player can't so much as cast on him

-- Power of the Core activating if core unlocked too quickly.

-- Power of the Core activating regardless of locks being hit before it elevates.

-- Stealth mode, both companion seeing through it and HK glitching if damaged during it


False Emperor: Darth Malgus has erratic player teleport/instant reposition if soloing the fight. "Doubt" warning text does not include companion's name.

Thanks for adding those bugs! I'm still busy going through all the flashpoints but I'll add them to the list when I have time.

I can confirm the bugs in False Emperor, and I talked to a guild member about the Foundry bugs and he could confirm those.

However, I haven't seen the Blood Hunt bug happen recently, I believe it may have already been fixed. When I did the fight and the GSI droid was kicked down, the bosses did not reset and the GSI droid reappeared once they were both dead. Will have to do this flashpoint some more to be sure.

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Hmm, I'd always assumed that the small changes between normal and HM like triggered enemies in D7 and Ilum were intentional, like how some fast running stuff on normal Athiss and Mando Raiders will walk slowly in HM.


But how about companion affection on Directive 7? If you take a companion in there you can get many conversation options to seemingly give affection, but this never actually gets added at the end of the quest (or at any other time, for that matter). Goes for both normal and HM. That worth going on the list?


That is.. assuming Directive 7 will still be around. Was a little disappointed to see no mention of it at all in the FP/ops blog.


Interesting thread at any rate, I will keep an eye out for any possible additions.

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Korriban/Tython/Manaan/Rakata/Blood Hunt/Rishi HMs - bonus bosses do not have the correct 100% drop rate for decorations. Pets/mounts also no longer appear to drop in Manaan/Rakata SM but the drop rate was low enough before I cannot 100% confirm.


EV Infernal Council aggroing - I don't think this is a bug. It prevents groups from using the same dps to do multiple Council members while sitting tanks/healers out.


Cartel Warlords - I have definitely removed Tuchuk's armor debuff as both a sorc and an operative in NiM within the past month.

Edited by FireFoxed
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Korriban/Tython/Manaan/Rakata/Blood Hunt/Rishi HMs - bonus bosses do not have the correct 100% drop rate for decorations. Pets/mounts also no longer appear to drop in Manaan/Rakata SM but the drop rate was low enough before I cannot 100% confirm.

I can confirm that the decoration drop rate is not 100% on the lvl 60 HM bonus bosses but I'm not sure if it's working as intended; maybe they wanted the decorations to be harder to get. I'd hope it is a bug but since it's been left unchanged so long I don't think it's a bug.

I've already heard reports of the Mewvorr pets no longer dropping but it's difficult to know for sure.


EV Infernal Council aggroing - I don't think this is a bug. It prevents groups from using the same dps to do multiple Council members while sitting tanks/healers out.

I don't think it was an intended change because in 3.0, this was a side effect to the changes to neutral mobs. My guess is that it has to do with those Rishi pirates where you have to drop the flag but it's just a shot in the dark. If they only changed this boss and left all other neutral mobs the same, I could see how it is intended but not now.


Cartel Warlords - I have definitely removed Tuchuk's armor debuff as both a sorc and an operative in NiM within the past month.

Yes, you can still cleanse it but because of the longer cooldown on cleanse, you can no longer cleanse it every time. Originally, the boss mechanic was that one healer had to constantly put a cleanse on the tank to remove the armor debuff; now this is no longer possible. If they want to scale up the operation so that it is as difficult when S&V NiM first came out, then the tanks may not survive this mechanic.

If they want to change the meta, sure, go ahead, I'm just pointing out what has changed since the original progression and it is up to the devs whether they want to restore the original mechanics or tune the bosses differently.

Edited by Jerba
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I'd hope it is a bug but since it's been left unchanged so long I don't think it's a bug.


By that argument everything on your list wouldn't be a bug since some of these (Malgus's Doubt for companions) have been around since launch ;) I'm gonna keep reporting it in every FP bug list until it's fixed or we get a definitive statement.


Yes, you can still cleanse it but because of the longer cooldown on cleanse, you can no longer cleanse it every time. Originally, the boss mechanic was that one healer had to constantly put a cleanse on the tank to remove the armor debuff; now this is no longer possible. If they want to scale up the operation so that it is as difficult when S&V NiM first came out, then the tanks may not survive this mechanic.


I think your bug report should say "not able to remove Sunder Armor on CD when it appears" then instead, otherwise it implies Sunder Armor can't be removed at all in NiM which is not the case. We have 2 healers rotate cleanses which is not a big deal but you're right it's a change in the mechanic since it was originally designed.

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Also all the Red Reaper bugs (invisible enemies at start, out-of-range bug on Lord Kherus, etc.)

Can you please clarify what you mean by that?

I know about the invisible enemies; there are just so many NPCs at the start that on the far away NPCs, you can only see the nameplates and no bodies. However, this also happens in some 16-man operations so I think it's just an engine limitation and they can't fix it.


I rememeber seeing some odd leaping / positioning bugs on Lord Kherus earlier but when I just did him, all his leaps were working correctly. When did you last see this bug? Maybe they've already fixed it.


By that argument everything on your list wouldn't be a bug since some of these (Malgus's Doubt for companions) have been around since launch ;) I'm gonna keep reporting it in every FP bug list until it's fixed or we get a definitive statement.


I think your bug report should say "not able to remove Sunder Armor on CD when it appears" then instead, otherwise it implies Sunder Armor can't be removed at all in NiM which is not the case. We have 2 healers rotate cleanses which is not a big deal but you're right it's a change in the mechanic since it was originally designed.

You're right, we didn't get an official statement on the decorations yet.


You're correct about Sunder Armor, I worded it wrong. Of course healers can still cleanse it, the problem is that the debuff is applied faster than you can cleanse it. I've reworded it now.

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Also all the Red Reaper bugs (invisible enemies at start, out-of-range bug on Lord Kherus, etc.)

I just saw the invisible enemies bug. It is definitely not the same bug as the one in 16-man operations. The enemies are completely invisible, including their nameplates; you can only see their lightsabers and the cursor changes when you hover over them. But it only happened when I entered the flashpoint in a group, not solo. Will have to test it some more.

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DP SM (maybe bug)- Brontes no longer becomes immune when she has the supremacy debug and can be killed. This avoids a mechanic and prevents Idiots standing by the door from being subjected to Darwinism.


TFB (NiM)- If hit by scream going through a portal can fall to death or land on a ledge impossible to get out of.


SnV NiM- Styrak adds no longer hit like trucks if you pull all of them at once. Hareful entity cleanses are not on classic CD.


ToS: UL Green cross damage rng can cause all damage to be given to one person which can cause a 1 shot on HM if not reflected with DCDs. Commanders stay on ground when they are on their platforms


Ravagers: Torque disappearing entirely (rare bug).

M&B- Tanks can still be stuck in place after knockback and debuff fades causing tank to be knocked off if it lacks HO of using single knockback strat for phase 1 pre mortars.

Edited by FerkWork
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