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Bring Balance to the Force *TCW Spoilers*


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Canon wise, bringing balance means what exactly?


The Jedi must destroy the Sith and this brings balance to the Force. Living in an "equilibrium" makes no sense because well Sith are evil and Jedi are good (strictly canon wise, no special snowflakes).




I was watching TCW with the whole Son, Daughter, Father thing. What implications does this have for understanding "bringing balance to the Force?" One can easily infer, the Son / Daughter are equilibrium of the force and the Father tries to keep them in balance. Anakin is asked to fulfill this spot, but he obviously chooses not to.


So, does this mean, canon wise, that Anakin is literally trying to bring balance back to the force or does it still follow the eradicate Sith path?

Edited by JourrnoRush
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Canon wise, bringing balance means what exactly?


The Jedi must destroy the Sith and this brings balance to the Force. Living in an "equilibrium" makes no sense because well Sith are evil and Jedi are good (strictly canon wise, no special snowflakes).




I was watching TCW with the whole Son, Daughter, Father thing. What implications does this have for understanding "bringing balance to the Force?" One can easily infer, the Son / Daughter are equilibrium of the force and the Father tries to keep them in balance. Anakin is asked to fulfill this spot, but he obviously chooses not to.


So, does this mean, canon wise, that Anakin is literally trying to bring balance back to the force or does it still follow the eradicate Sith path?


for aniken its simple, the jedi knew there was a prophecy for balance in the force, the thing is the sith, the dark side as a whole was incredibly diminished, the light side was almost everywhere. that was not balance according to the living force, the prophecy came to pass and order 66 started, many many jedi were assassinated or killed and the dark side grew, but when there was little light side left and the dark was everywhere and aniken became vader, there was no balance there either.


what restored the balance was the removal of a lot of light side presence and reintroduction of the dark side, but when vader threw the emperor to his death and then vader died, it restored the balance because the imperials were still around and the overwhelming light side was significantly cut. vader returned to aniken after his death because of his massive lightside gain removing something so evil from the world at the expense of his own life and saving his own son in the process, he regained his honor the emperor stole off him.

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I always thought that bringing balance to the force meant not abiding by the strict codes of either side.


Jedi seem to go with the idea that to stop someone from being a total ***** and just destroying everything and everyone, one should keel it all balled up inside and never let oneself feel.


Sith are what having all that power and not caring for others is all about and why the Jedi have their strict codes. Sith say "I have this power and I will take whatever I want because of it"


Sith are examples of power corrupts absolutely. Everyone else is living because you allow it. Their code for as much as players may think "passion can be anything" isn't true. In the game it even states passion is power. It's not "passion can be love or freedom" Passion in terms of the code is having the power to rule over all.


Sith code is about giving up morals, while Jedi is about having such high morals you think you have to give up a lot to keep from giving into the power.


Think about it. You have all that power and then someone cuts you off on the road. Sith would just overturn the car. Jedi know how tempting that could be.


Saddly, what the Jedi should be teaching isn't total oppression, but just using common sense. :p I think that's what Luke was realizing in the EU. Use it for good or don't use it all, but don't be the ***** :p

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Because George Lucas loved changing his mind and pretending it was all in keeping with a grand, immutable, overarching scheme the whole time. That's literally all that happened. Balancing the Force before The Clone Wars meant defeating the unnatural cancer of the Dark Side for good, but then during the cartoon series George returned to the Eastern mysticism that originally inspired Force lore and have the light and dark be essential opposites in a yin-yang equilibrium struggle.


Basically with one commentary on one episode of a cartoon he turned the right side of the argument into the wrong side in a dead horse topic several years old in the Star Wars community, and it was awesome.

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