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Dark Council Questions


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1. Who get Sphere of Biotic Science after Darth Acharon death on corellia?


2. Darth Marr own Sphere of Empire Defense, Darth Jadus and later Darth Zhorrid - sphre of Imperial Intelligence

Ministry of Intelligence was dissolved and replaced by Sith Intelligence by Darth Zhorrid

BUT new head of Imperial intelligence was appointed by Darth Marr himself!


Did Spere of Defense get Sit Intelligence? (than what left to Sphere of Imperial Intelligence?) Or maybe Darth Marr get TWO speheres? ( that seems very unlikely) Where Darth Zhorrid? If she was replaced who succeeded her?


3. Who succeeded Darth Arho as leader of Sphere of Military Offence after his death on illum?


4. What resourses available for Sphere of Sith Philisophy besides Siths (that spehere seems weakest of all, in powerbase department) Does they control Corriban facilities or that domain of Sphere of Ancient Knowledge?


5. Sphere of Tehnology get Arcanum - but its clearly must belong to Sphere of Ancient Knowledge - is it declaration of war by Emperor Hand to Darth Nox? or just sign of deep disrespect?

how dare Darth Acina show before Darth Nox eyes after accepting Arcanum? Why Darth Acine still alive?

(btw Who was Master of Darth Acina? Darth Korrid or Darth Hadra? or somebody else?)


Btw my apologies for awful english

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I understood the Darth Marr controls the council so he pretty much can appoint people in other spheres if he likes to.

Darth Nox might just bide his time also by the time of Shadow of Revan he is the second strongest of the council so he pretty much does not care since he is the boss in the end.

Edited by adormitul
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I understood the Darth Marr controls the council so he pretty much can appoint people in other spheres if he likes to.

Darth Nox might just bide his time also by the time of Shadow of Revan he is the second strongest of the council so he pretty much does not care since he is the boss in the end.


If he so powerful and literally can run council while dont bother himself with even superficial politness

and other members can do nothing about it - what point to have Dark Council at all? He than can proclaim himself new Emperor.

I think he is powerful but not THAT powerfull.


Btw my apologies for awful english

Edited by alexflim
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If he so powerful and literally can run council while dont bother himself with even superficial politness

and other members can do nothing about it - what point to have Dark Council at all? He than can proclaim himself new Emperor.

I think he is powerful but not THAT powerfull.


Btw my apologies for awful english


Its like Cromwell with the parliment. He actually ruled but the parliment was there to show that the reason he said he went to war and killed the king was achieved not because he just wanted to have the power of a king without the title. This is how I view Marr a Cromwell of the sith empire.

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Its like Cromwell with the parliment. He actually ruled but the parliment was there to show that the reason he said he went to war and killed the king was achieved not because he just wanted to have the power of a king without the title. This is how I view Marr a Cromwell of the sith empire.


That good theory but there 3 more Cromwells - Darth Vowrawn, Darth Rictus, Darth Nox , and for some extension poly-Cromwell= Emperor Wrath + Emperor Hand.

What point to them allow Darth Marr gain so much power ?

Maybe Darth Vowrawn and Darth Rictus - not in shape to fight Darth Marr directly - but their powerbase and availible resourses is immense.

On other side Darth Nox+Emperor Wrath - can take Darth Marr in head on fight.

So there no way Darth Marr can do something against that four simulationesly - and that only third of council.


( btw did Emperor Hand survive Ziost?)


Btw my apologies for awful english

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That good theory but there 3 more Cromwells - Darth Vowrawn, Darth Rictus, Darth Nox , and for some extension poly-Cromwell= Emperor Wrath + Emperor Hand.

What point to them allow Darth Marr gain so much power ?

Maybe Darth Vowrawn and Darth Rictus - not in shape to fight Darth Marr directly - but their powerbase and availible resourses is immense.

On other side Darth Nox+Emperor Wrath - can take Darth Marr in head on fight.

So there no way Darth Marr can do something against that four simulationesly - and that only third of council.


( btw did Emperor Hand survive Ziost?)


Btw my apologies for awful english

Darth Vowrawn ran away and I am pretty sure his power base was taken my best bet is Marr. who has the sphere of defense, military offensive and miln itary strategy and who rules the army rules the empire add that what Vowrawn had and he pretty much is the boss.

Darth Nox is the second most powerful but that is because he has the support of Marr why would he risk a civil war he is more of a action sith then a leading kind of sith and that means he is not burden by ruling let other fools deal with boring birocratic stuff he will deal with lighting and more lighting.

Wrath has lost his power base with the emperor now a enemy so he is now supported by another one Darth Marr who made him the empires wrath but he can be that because Marr is his sponsor.

Also you forget that he has powerful connections with the Champion and Chipher 9 after all he pretty much give them what they wanted to get their alience. And we all know do not mess with the Champion.

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Darth Vowrawn ran away and I am pretty sure his power base was taken my best bet is Marr.

What Source on Darth Vowrawn fleeing? As i know he still own Sphere of Logistic by 3640 - so no Marr dont take his Powerbase

who has the sphere of defense, military offensive and miln itary strategy and who rules the army rules the empire add that what Vowrawn had and he pretty much is the boss.

That all cool and dandy until some Sith start beheading your admirals and generals as we see in Warrior story

And Sphere of Defense sharing control of Imperial military with 2 other Sphere, dont gain for Marr any popylarity points among that two spheres

Wrath has lost his power base with the emperor now a enemy so he is now supported by another one Darth Marr who made him the empires wrath but he can be that because Marr is his sponsor.

Warth is powerbase by himself so its not like Marr sponsoring him. its more like Marr bribe Wrath.

Also you forget that he has powerful connections with the Champion and Chipher 9 after all he pretty much give them what they wanted to get their alience. And we all know do not mess with the Champion.

Champion can be bought and Darth Vowrawn must have alot of credits.

Cipher 9 was screwed big time by Marr with Lana appointment.


After Arho it was Darth Arkous who took his place, but after his death who knows.

Gee thanks.

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What Source on Darth Vowrawn fleeing? As i know he still own Sphere of Logistic by 3640 - so no Marr dont take his Powerbase


That all cool and dandy until some Sith start beheading your admirals and generals as we see in Warrior story

And Sphere of Defense sharing control of Imperial military with 2 other Sphere, dont gain for Marr any popylarity points among that two spheres


Warth is powerbase by himself so its not like Marr sponsoring him. its more like Marr bribe Wrath.


Champion can be bought and Darth Vowrawn must have alot of credits.

Cipher 9 was screwed big time by Marr with Lana appointment.



Gee thanks.

Okay Shadow of Revan warrior class story and you will find out what happened to Vowrawn so he is not longer a player he ran in the Rishi maze.

Depends on the Cipher 9 you have, what if you have one who values freedom and Marr gives him the resources to have it the way he wants in exchange for some favours.

Wrath is strong but he needs resources to be the wrath what do you think he can take armies by himself?

Champion can only be bought if he is not a mandalorian if he is he will not betray.

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If he so powerful and literally can run council while dont bother himself with even superficial politness

and other members can do nothing about it - what point to have Dark Council at all? He than can proclaim himself new Emperor.

I think he is powerful but not THAT powerfull.

He isn't that powerful -- or if he is, he's pragmatic and sensible enough not to push it.


You can see quite a bit of the political wrangling and manipulation that goes on among Dark Council members in Annihilation (by Drew Karpyshyn). Even Marr backs down in the face of unified opposition -- for the good of the Empire.

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He isn't that powerful -- or if he is, he's pragmatic and sensible enough not to push it.


You can see quite a bit of the political wrangling and manipulation that goes on among Dark Council members in Annihilation (by Drew Karpyshyn). Even Marr backs down in the face of unified opposition -- for the good of the Empire.

Yeah, Marr is probably the single most powerful Sith in the Empire, but that doesn't mean he's more powerful than two or three other Dark Council members united against him.


You see it in the political wrangling he had to do in Annihilation, and in the Oricon intro quest he mentions that he bowed to pressure from Darth Rictus (or was it Darth Ravage?) and agreed to send Lord Hargrev to lead the attack on the Dread Masters. He regularly talks about trying to form a power bloc in the Council with Darth Imperius / Occlus / Nox as well.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Marr is more interested in playing politician and keeping the Empire together than he does about enhancing his power or seeking out more. Good for the Empire, I guess but not the best example of a Sith Lord.


Still, with Vitiate eating planets and the Empire still locked in mortal combat with the Republic, even the most ambition Sith Lord would think twice about making a power play now. A better strategy, ironically would be to do what Vitiate did in the Great Hyperspace War, namely bugger all. Withdraw from the war and the public eye and let everyone else kill each other. Vowrawn didn't strike me as a schemer who would do just that, it sounded like he was just running away. On the other hand, you don't make the Dark Council by being a coward...


That'll work for the garden variety war anyway. Vitiate is another matter.

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1. Who get Sphere of Biotic Science after Darth Acharon death on corellia?


2. Darth Marr own Sphere of Empire Defense, Darth Jadus and later Darth Zhorrid - sphre of Imperial Intelligence

Ministry of Intelligence was dissolved and replaced by Sith Intelligence by Darth Zhorrid

BUT new head of Imperial intelligence was appointed by Darth Marr himself!


Did Spere of Defense get Sit Intelligence? (than what left to Sphere of Imperial Intelligence?) Or maybe Darth Marr get TWO speheres? ( that seems very unlikely) Where Darth Zhorrid? If she was replaced who succeeded her?


3. Who succeeded Darth Arho as leader of Sphere of Military Offence after his death on illum?


4. What resourses available for Sphere of Sith Philisophy besides Siths (that spehere seems weakest of all, in powerbase department) Does they control Corriban facilities or that domain of Sphere of Ancient Knowledge?


5. Sphere of Tehnology get Arcanum - but its clearly must belong to Sphere of Ancient Knowledge - is it declaration of war by Emperor Hand to Darth Nox? or just sign of deep disrespect?

how dare Darth Acina show before Darth Nox eyes after accepting Arcanum? Why Darth Acine still alive?

(btw Who was Master of Darth Acina? Darth Korrid or Darth Hadra? or somebody else?)


Btw my apologies for awful english


Darth marr basically runs the empire as others stated, but he wont put himself in the postion as the leader of the empire because he wants to see himself an equal with the other darths, he wants to see an empire that has loyalty and respect for its allies and between sith instead of killing another sith and the empire being weaker for it. to him, he wont exclude the other darths or their opinions.


although he holds the military and so the empires might, i dont ever see him using that against anyone within unless the target is a serious threat to everyone. hes not silly he knows the importance of what he has in front of him and what he could do, but he isnt going to take it unless there is no other choice but to take control or allow another darth to lead.


so to your questions. defense is Marr's domain, offense and strategy is not, but under the circumstances he can take charge of all three until two more suitable darths can fill those vacant slots on the dark council and have enough experience in combat to know what to do in offense and coordinate with strategy extensively and defense where needed, it wouldnt take long as long as there is enough of a majority that could allow it. the problem the empire has is that the empires forces have been whittled down so it could be a problem for all 3 darths if one wants to attack with a large force and darth marr isnt happy with the numbers he has left, it would be left to strategy to work out the appropriate numbers of ships and troops, and how best to organise the forces both in offense and defence. offense is like the army, they go out and seek their enemy to eliminate them, defense is like the police, they serve and protect the empire and its people while upholding laws and regulations, so marr is like a sith police chief and hes no army general and chief.


ancient knowledge is obviously held by nox after thanaton was slain. nox is basically a clerk processing sith and empire secrets and holding them.


biotic science is vacant, basically Archaron was a glorifed experiemental research leader into advanced augmentations.


imperial intelligence was scrapped and replaced by sith intelligence, presumably at some point Lana herself would take the position even if she didnt want it. position is self-explanitory.


expansion and diplomacy is currently held by ravage, hes basicially a glorifed diplomat but he can also order the military arm of offense out if its needed.


law and justice is still held by mortis. his position is one thats basically judge, jury and executioner, so working a lot with defense and intelligence.


rictus runs mysteries, apparently the area 51 of the sith empire that not even intelligence knew anything about, i mean really crazy hush hush stuff. its very possible rictus may have a role in the shape of things to come in kotfe.


production and logistics is still held by vowrawn even though hes on the run. he was basically a glorifed pen-pusher who ran all the internal workings of the empire, so i doubt he would see much use with his fighting skills if he had any left.


aruk holds the sith philosophy sphere, basically the media and propagandist leader, the one who drills the idea into everyone head about the empire and the emperor. a possible question mark over his head as he clearly is a loyalist to the death but if he considers the emperor more important or the empire.


technology is held by acina after karrid was slain. she was chosen by the emperor for the role, so there is a question mark over her if she is a true imperial die hard or a plant for the emperor. in any event acina is a military researcher who builds new superweapons.

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