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Any help making my Lightning Sorcerer not die so fast?


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So, I've been playing as a Sorcerer since I started, and currently level 53, at the Isotope-5 Droid on Makeb. The problem is that against groups of enemies, or even single elites/bosses, my health drops like a rock. I'm assuming it's due to my equipment, but I have no idea what kind of equipment I should be using for my Sorcerer. I've been trying to use the Dulfy 3.0 Lightning guide, but even with higher DPS I die in seconds. My companions don't fare well either. I feel like the difficulty spiked way too quickly for a Sorcerer, since by the time I hit Hoth I've had to force my way through encounters where I just constantly die. Any help making my Sorcerer actually useful would be massively appreciated.
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I play a Sage healer and it sounds like your gear, at level 53, is off. Sages are the counterpart to Sorcs (I play 60 level Sage) and the main attributes are Willpower/Endurance. You should be able to afford good gear without going bankrupt at level 53. You should have no green items but only blues or better. Your gear should be spec'd to your main attributes (don't mix match gear with different attributes like Strength, Aim, etc. that do not apply to you.) Same thing goes for your companion. You can Google the main attributes of your companion and then gear that comp per those attributes to maximize dps, tanking, whatever. You should have no open slots and your gear can be augmented. You should also be using Anondyne Stims as they are the best main attribute buffs on the market and they persist through death and last 7 hours. After that, the next thing to work on is your spell rotation so that you can get those procs to light up (instant spell cast).
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Are you using the GSI satellite for bolster? It completely negates the need to update your gear for that planet, every character (including sorc) i've ran through there wore level 37 or lower gear. If you are using it don't forget that it goes away if you do things like PvP matches and have to go click it for the buff again, a few times i've came out of matches and wonder why i just scraped through the next fight before i realised. Edited by Kabaal
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Minus the GSI that was mentioned above, groups of Standard/Weak should go down pretty easy with Lightning Storm and the Chained Lightning proc. If you need a bit more, you can always proc on of your Lightning bolts via Force Speed. Then there are the other two instant attacks, which I forget what they are called at the moment. One thing that I think some Sorcerers forget to do is to use their Force bubble on both themselves and their companion as well.


Also, I'd advise that you use a Tanking companion, since they can soak a lot more damage that you can.

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