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Did Nox and Wrath killed their archenemy alone by lore?


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I am asking this because it was a duel in the end I doubt the council would allow the Wrath or Nox to have a companion in a honorable sith duel that will decide their fate.


If we judge by the cutscenes, I'd say yes.

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If I'm not mistaken

One of them has a slightly different cinematic if you invite the other Force-user (SW to SI's duel or SI to SW's duel), so there is also that to consider if you want LOL.



I think it's up to one's own headcanon how that actually happened.

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If I'm not mistaken

One of them has a slightly different cinematic if you invite the other Force-user (SW to SI's duel or SI to SW's duel), so there is also that to consider if you want LOL.



I think it's up to one's own headcanon how that actually happened.


Okay now you made me very curious can you detail?

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  • 3 weeks later...
If I'm not mistaken

One of them has a slightly different cinematic if you invite the other Force-user (SW to SI's duel or SI to SW's duel), so there is also that to consider if you want LOL.



I think it's up to one's own headcanon how that actually happened.


I am also curious about this. Anything to it? If its real I imagine something like the council members telling the other player to stay out of it because it doesn't concern them or something. Maybe Thanaton says "I'll deal with you next!" to the Inq.

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Obviously lorewise the sith warrior ran around in circles, with Baras chasing after her/him while Malavai Quinn healed her/him all the time and occasionally shot at Baras until the latter was caught off-guard by it once and was defeated.


The Inquisitor lorewise naturally just let Ashara fight it out with Thanaton and whenever she was wounded the Inquisitor would cheat and just heal her until Thanaton was tired out. Then s/he moved in her/himself and finished Thanaton.



Seriously though. I think it's meant that both defeated their respective opponents 1 on 1. It's just that that would hace been almost impossible gameplaywise at launch, so your companion still helps you in gameplay.

Edited by fovzwk
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Maybe in SW it may have been an honorable sith duel, depending on how you want to look at it, but with the SI, Thanatos had just run from their Kaggath on Corelia and with that being against the rules of the Kaggath and dishonorable to begin with, the Dark Council were past the point of caring about the "honor" of their battle. Edited by MooseMooseMoose
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Obviously lorewise the sith warrior ran around in circles, with Baras chasing after her/him while Malavai Quinn healed her/him all the time and occasionally shot at Baras until the latter was caught off-guard by it once and was defeated.


The Inquisitor lorewise naturally just let Ashara fight it out with Thanaton and whenever she was wounded the Inquisitor would cheat and just heal her until Thanaton was tired out. Then s/he moved in her/himself and finished Thanaton.



Seriously though. I think it's meant that both defeated their respective opponents 1 on 1. It's just that that would hace been almost impossible gameplaywise at launch, so your companion still helps you in gameplay.


Thank the Force I first fought Baras as an Immortal Juggernaut. Soooo much more satisfying and lore appropriate to crack his skull around the room.


Thanaton as noted was in hot water for cowardice and weakness - and that was before he had a subordinate Darth and two Warriors jump you in the hallway. I doubt the Council cared if Kallig brought a friend or three.

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