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PvP Concerns


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First off let me echo the problem of the Bolster System, before the Bioware fanboys get on me about this let me explain.


I understand they do not want cross server WZs right now so to keep que times low they chose this bolster system. So spare me the typical arguments for it.


The lvl 50s resist most CCs, and the ones in decent gear do more damage, I propose a seperate bracket for lvls 35-49 and let 50s have their own bracket. Then lvls 10-34 would get their own... This would keep que times low but keep the battlefield relatively even. I would love to hear any LOGICAL arguments to this, again spare me the typical forum trolling, this post is for serious arguments only.


The next issue i have is the AFK timer, For about the 3rd time now i was kicked from a WZ for taking a second too long in spawn and the shield comes back up locking me in spawn then i get kicked for being in spawn to long lol. Im sure bioware is aware of this but incase they weren't there it is.


Lastly and my BIGGEST gripe, if you are kicked from being AFK you are ported back to the Fleet (sith), this is absolutely ridiculous! Ive been told this is a "Punishment" but that is stupid, give us a 10min wait before we can que again like WoW or something but porting us 20 minutes out of our way is stupid plain and simple. Stuff comes up, door bells ring, phones ring, girlfriends nag, your typing takes to long, accidentally alt tab, you get my point there are COUNTLESS things that cause people to miss that 10 sec shield window to get out of spawn and if you do you are more than likely getting kicked. Please fix this as well.


Rant Over :p


Again guys serious arguments only please.

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I agree with everything except the 10 minute penalty. I've been kicked out of warzones because I was answering a guildie's question and missed the spawn barrier's "opening" during Void Star. It just took missing it once for me to be removed from the game. Ever since I've set auto-run on when I begin to type.
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I wasnt aware you could "resist" CC. My lvl 50 sniper sure doesnt resist any CC


You can't. I believe he means the Resolve bar, in which case, MOST 50s can simply survive long enough for this to fill up, therefore nullifying CC done to them for a period of time. Many other players I see just get burnt down quickly, including the squishy 50s that are an exception to my above statement.

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stop asking for brackets. it is stupid to do that.


Why? I think brackets are needed. Even as a 33, I can burn down players lower than me most of the time without much trouble. I imagine it's even more laughable for players in end-game gear, with all the skills for their class at their disposal.

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stop asking for brackets. it is stupid to do that.


I dont understand lol, why is it stupid, its clearly a problem if you are below lvl 50



And as far as my comments on resisting im not sure what it is but time after time some of my CCs dont work on 50s,



All i know is a lvl 30 is FAR easier to fight than a lvl 50,


A lvl 10 vs a lvl 50 has NO CHANCE and you can save your dumb arguments its just how it is, so to put them in the same PvP WZ is goofy to me.

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Uh, wow.


Honestly, we can probably count out that level 11 player. He ~clearly~ didn't have the skills or actual ability to play the game yet. Besides that, this guy made excellent use of cover, had great gear, and I didn't see much of an attempt to lock him down at all. (I am confused as to how that level 34 assassin got demolished so quickly).


It's true, higher levels give you a massive advantage: through skill points, gear, and additional abilities. Then again, I've repeatedly bested higher level players than myself in the arena. I'd have to investigate this further, but I wouldn't be opposed to the occasional 50's only arena showing up.


That all said, your second and third points are true, and terribly annoying.

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I just dont understand how they thought/think its even,


A lvl 10 has less than half of the abilities that a lvl 50 has lol its no where NEAR even, so you bolstered his health and damage, he only has 3 attacks!

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it's painfully evident that pvp was an after thought in swtor.


The amount of balancing required to make all this work, including the bolster system, is a minefield going forward. Kudos to Bioware if they pull it off. I'm a little more pessimistic myself as expectations from the playerbase are now set.


I'm going to give this a miss after my 30 days is up maybe come back in 6months or so.

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I agree with two separate brackets.

10-49 and one for 50.


Imagine in three months where the masses have reached 50 and got their gear level up, their amazing trinkets collected and cod knows what else. Then imagine leveling an alt or convincing a friend to join. Would there even be a point for him to Pvp at all, when all he'll see is good geared 50's handing his behind to him on a plate.


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the bolster system. But I definitely see a problem with only one bracket in the future.

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I am with the poster a few posts up, i am very seriously considering leaving the game at least for a couple months to see if they will fix this stuff. I only have time in my life for 1 MMO with a full time job and a family, i cant see spending that time on this game if i get annoyed every time i play it.


And i know PvP is just 1 aspect of it but its my favorite aspect and even when i hit 50 it will be no fun to **** on low levels in WZs, holding my breath til they fix it.

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While, I do agree there should be brackets. (I promise, as a 50.. I don't want 10-15s on my team who have zero skills learned)


A 50 only bracket at this stage in the game is ridiculous.. There are 27 50 Republic on my server, total, by our count. We're not always all BGing. It's a really, really bad idea.

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Why? I think brackets are needed. Even as a 33, I can burn down players lower than me most of the time without much trouble. I imagine it's even more laughable for players in end-game gear, with all the skills for their class at their disposal.


AT level 22, I can burn down players quite a bit higher than me.

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